

I Am Danger


A figure sat at a table, his son across from him as they sat and talked. "The puppet, the pouper, the pirate,  the poet, a pawn and king, which one are you?" A firm and echoing voice questioned  "Neither and all." The son answered,  "That Wouldn't be possible." "Why not?" There are rules, rules that cannot be broken.  The cloaked figure spoke calmly.

"Isn't that what they are for, rules are to be rebelled against. How do you expect me to listen to such rules?" 

"I expect you to listen just as the many other people who do, just as it should be."

"Let me ask you a question then it's just been gnawing at me for a while." They voiced in a largely annoyed tone soon turning into anger as he soon continued to speak "Ask your question." 

"Do you honestly see me as a person? Does it ever occur that I am not human…that, that you were the one who made me this way. Why should I follow the rules, for I am not a person? I am me therefore I am not like other people meaning I don't have to abide by your rul-" your anger serves no purpose. 

….Just as your sorrowful tears, you want the truth….you were my mistake not my only of course. 

But I will never regret making you. For you are my son as much as I am your father, nor your rage or animosity towards me can change that. I have given you the greatest gift, you or anyone can ever ask for and all you do is show scorn towards me. The man asked, hurt and frustrated, ignoring the emotions toward his son and cutting him off.

"Gift you say this life you gave me is a gift? Let me ask you this…did I ever ask for the life you gave me. This oh-so-amazing gift!" He yelled, emphasizing his fury, now standing as his father was still sitting.

"What is the matter with you my son? Why can't you just be grateful, you're healthy and undying, doesn't this please you?!" He boomed his voice shaking the table  "Have you really forgotten the expense of my health, you joke of a god, the many lives that have and will be lost for your many mistakes."

"You were the one who asked for my help! Dying in the rain like a  disgusting dog left to rot! I saved you!" "I didn't ask for you! To be rescued is what I  asked! 

"You've damned me and many others for that you are no father of mine. I'm leaving you, ….do not seek or await my return" 

"Sebastian, you ungrateful child you WILL regret walking away from me." They spoke emphasizing their words of anger 

'With that, I left not another word spoken between us.'

"For I am of death, I am immortal, I am  true danger, and I am….. a vampire."