
Chapter 1

Alone In September


The night is alive.

Many roam the loud city, some heading home from work or to a bar. Venders and their food carts clouded most sidewalks, the bright lights pouring out from buildings and cars.

It's warm tonight but raining as people push against each other waiting in a line or some walking across the street as the light shows green. Some scurrying home hanging on tightly to their umbrellas, you could smell the car exhaust and fried foods as it drizzled softly.

Exiting a small building, there comes out a young woman. An annoyed one to be exact. Her hair is black and coily, and as the downpour from the sky starts to get heavier. Their skin is a beautiful brown like the finest mahogany. She has dark circles under her eyes one being grey and the other being light brown, this darkness was most likely because of her late shift at her restaurant job, or the fact she has a severe case of insomnia maybe even the fact she forgot to eat before her shift.

Her heterochromatic eyes are kind and filled with tiredness and hang low as she makes her way onto the busy street sidewalk waiting for the bus. Yet as bothered as she was with the rain as she was she enjoyed the feeling of it hitting her spent figure.


After the slow and fairly bumpy bus ride home, she made her way through a large apartment complex.

The placement of these home units was situated right beside each other, with bedrooms ranging from 1 to 4. All looked the same except for the fact that the lot of them were decorated by the owners in various different ways. Showing the different personalities of the people inside.

After about 4 minutes of hurried walking, the young woman made it to her place of residence.

Entering her home with a large calm sigh as she kicks off her shoes and locks her door. There was an outlandish quiet around the home, it smelled clean like laundry or vanilla. The space had quite a loneliness to it, something they had yet to mind. A small electrical humming..the only sound that could be heard throughout the entire house.  

The flooring was a dark brown vinyl type, and the walls were all painted a pale white. Not something the new apartment owner wanted but they couldn't change it much to their dismay.  

"Alexa play voice messages ." A casual feminine voice rang out. 

"Playing voice messages ….# 1 From: Mother." A  female robotic voice announced. "Wait. Don't play that one," they said fastly in an antsy way. Then the message played "Iris, where are you, I haven't seen you at the house lately. It's been two weeks. Why haven't you called me?" A fretful almost angered woman's voice echoed through the speaker.   Iris actually got the place a month ago keeping it a secret from everyone of course…at least almost everyone, it didn't really matter as long as her parent didn't know where she was, there was a strong feeling of safety that came with that. 

"Alexa next message," Iris grunted as she briskly walked across the floor to her small all-black couch. To be honest it was one of her only pieces of furniture out of the other two which was her bed along with the tv. "#2 From: Rent Lady." She took a deep breath as a way to calm herself and continued to listen to the message. In her mind, she felt her day was gonna be incredibly long tomorrow. To be completely honest she was nowhere near wrong.

She listened intently to the recorded message. As a droning voice talked on about how if she was going to be late on her bill or on time this month. The rent lady wasn't heartless and of course, knew of her situation as it was explained before she rented the place. Yet if Iris did not come up with the rent at least a week after it was due she would have to leave.

Taking in her options she decided to just work more and harder. There was now the way she was going back to live with her mother, so this would just have to do it. 'Be optimistic.' she told herself in her mind.

'Be optimistic and everything will work out.' And she was of course. She believed in her ability to work through things.

what she doesn't take into account is there is only so long you can stay positive before your reality comes crashing into you. For now, what will have to do for her is work hard and stay consistent as she figures out how to get here to her new beginning life in order.



a sense of exhaustion with the same problems you've always had, the same sadness, anger, insecurity, and anxieties you know have been impacting your life; ruining relationships happiness, and your view of yourself.