
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · War
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39 Chs

Reappearing the Enemy

The insect nest is deep underground, and there is no sufficient digging. It is difficult for the ants to dig such a deep place just relying on the body structure of the ants. Therefore, Rowan built another temporary nest above the worm nest, which was used to transfer supplies, and it could also act as a cover-up to create a real and fake nest. This fake nest was the first line of defense for the real nest.

The distance from Ant Nest No. 1 to the insect nest is about 50 meters, which is roughly equivalent to the length of the smuggling passage of Ant Nest No. 2. Such a project is naturally no problem for Luo Wen who already has experience.

It took a while to complete this passage, and the worm nest restarted stealing food from Ant Nest No. 1. With the support of the two ant nests, the food reserves in Rowan's own nests began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, not only covering the hatching room, but even the storage room dug earlier began to accumulate some food.

From then on, Luo Wen's daily job was to go to the two ant nests early in the morning, carry enough food to the passageway for the transportation team's daily workload, and then continue to expand the scope of investigation.

After such a period of time, Luo Wen's body size has also grown huge, and has reached the size of the black-armored "God of War". Although there are no two giant jaws, the combat power is slightly weaker, but it is enough to single-handedly challenge the soldier ants.

At this time, his body was larger than that of the soldier ants, and compared to his round body, the slender figure of the soldier ants seemed a little thin.

Except for the sharper teeth, the soldier ant actually looks like a worker ant magnified ten times. When its size is not dominant, it will naturally not be an opponent of Roche's fighting technique.

Luo Wen set up a trap not far from Ant Nest No. 1, led a large number of younger brothers to lie in ambush there, and used the tactic of encircling the point to fight for reinforcements, and led out a soldier ant. After a little effort, he killed it and harvested its gene fragment.

At this time, there were more than 200 adult black ants in the insect nest, and there were thousands of eggs, larvae, and pupae in total. It is worth mentioning that the second batch of ants with digging legs had already pupated, while the first batch of black beetles were still larvae, but they were bigger in size than many adult black ants. It will be much bigger.

But it's understandable when you think about their template source and their adult body shape.

This time I harvested the soldier ant templates, but Luo Wen didn't plan to hatch some. Their functions are similar to those of black beetles, but their combat effectiveness is quite different. Moreover, soldier ants don't want to produce, and consume a lot of food, so it doesn't make any sense to hatch a few.

When the batch of black beetles grow up, the nest should come out of the ground and occupy a territory.

However, before that, it is still necessary to search for new ant nests. With the rapid increase in the number of insects in the nests, the supply of only two ant nests is already stretched.

A few days later, Rowan found a new ant nest more than 200 meters north of the nest. Immediately, he forged his identity information and sneaked in.

The main road of the ant colony, which was originally fairly spacious, also seemed very narrow in front of his current body shape. If his size continues to grow, it is estimated that he will not be able to do spy work in the future, unless he widens the passage all the way in. It's just that, at that time, he didn't know if his fake identity was still working.

When he was eating and drinking in the ant nest No. 2 incubation room before, he had seen a soldier ant kill a worker ant. That worker ant is definitely not a spy like him, but a serious aborigine with a legal identity. The specific reason why it was attacked by the soldier ant, Luo Wen still hasn't figured it out yet.

However, this let him know that even the ants in the same ant nest would attack each other, too much trust and reliance on forged identity information would make him lose his due vigilance.

From then on, when he entered the ant nest again, he was not as careless as before, but cautious. However, as his size gradually expanded, the threats to him from the various arms in the ant nest gradually decreased, and his mentality seemed to want to take off.

The newly discovered Ant Nest No. 3 is also black ants, and its scale is similar to that of Ant Nest No. 2. There are no abnormal units found in it.

As usual, I gave a few sips of thick phlegm to the yellow worms who were eating and drinking in it, and then went home to order all the soldiers and horses, and the digging team started working.

The route to Ant Nest No. 3 passes through the middle of Ant Nest No. 1 and No. 2. In the past on the surface, they might encounter these two scouts, which would pose uncertain risks to the transportation work.

Therefore, this time, Rowan planned to dig above the worm nest, and then dug a passage of more than 200 meters underground to directly connect the transfer station above the worm nest with Ant Nest No. 3.

With Rowan's current size, as long as they dig in according to his size, it will be a comfortable passage for the ants to increase in height and width. He only needs to open the way in front, and hundreds of ants in the rear will continuously dig him to the soil transportation hole behind him.

Therefore, although this passage of more than 200 meters is the largest project that Rowan has started so far, its completion speed may be much faster than the 50-meter passage of Ant Nest No. 2.

A few days later, a new species of ants with digging legs joined the team. The difference between the excavating foot and ordinary jointed limbs in transporting soil is like the difference between sweeping beans with a broom and picking them up with hands, the efficiency is clear at a glance.

Everything is going well and this new passage will be completed ahead of schedule with the help of the digging ants. But at this moment, an accident happened.

Luo Wen, who had worked for a day, returned first, and the excavation team still had to clean up the soil in the passage, and they were still busy. A half-meter-high soil mound had already been built on the ground above the worm nest, which the excavation team carried out from the tunnel bit by bit.

Luo Wen climbed to the ground, intending to drink some tree sap first, and bring some to Hei Da by the way. The black beetle larvae that use Hei Da as a template have started to form pupae one after another in the past few days. I don't know if they also eat vegetarian food after breaking out of pupae. But no matter what, he no longer destroyed the roots of the plants, and began to consciously protect the vegetation around the insect nest.

Climbing on a plant, trying to find a thinner branch to bite down on. Suddenly, several moving khaki spots flashed by the corners of his eyes.

He immediately became alert. With the growth of the insect nest, although it has not officially landed on the surface, there are basically no other living things around, let alone the rare khaki.

Rowan moved in that direction until the figures came into his clear vision.

Huo, this is really a narrow road to Yuanjia. These khaki figures turned out to be those desert ants who almost made him get lunch early.