
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · War
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39 Chs

pick up leaks

The ants entangled each other's bodies, like a net covering a black beetle.

And it is getting more and more difficult for the black beetle to get rid of the ants, and the trend of the war has gone from zero to unknown. If there is a bet, I believe this is another terrible tragedy.

After the black beetle was bitten off with two claws and half of its tentacles, it finally chose to escape.

It may be lost if it continues to fight, but if it tries to escape, the slender size of the ants will not stop it.

Like a heavy tank attacking an infantry position, the black beetle roared away with ants covered in its body. From time to time on the way, ants were thrown off the car due to excessive speed.

Because Rowan himself was watching the battle from far away, the black beetle ran out of its sight range with some ants in the blink of an eye.

Luo Wen was not in a daze, why did he watch it for so long? In addition to watching the excitement, there is also a hint of mentality to try to catch the leak.

At this time, the two warring parties on the battlefield had already left, leaving many big leaks in place. It's not Luo Wen's style not to pick up the leaks. He got up and rushed towards the battlefield at a high speed.

A distance of more than ten meters was a matter of a few steps for his predecessor, but for him who is now only the size of a fingernail, it is no less than a long-distance race.

Fortunately, just now, he has been holding the mentality of picking up leaks on the battlefield. While watching the battle, he planned his route to the battlefield early on, and at the same time scanned for danger along the way.

No abnormalities were found on the surface, but I have encountered foolish earthworms before. Its hidden hunting method is really hard to find if you don't get close.

Therefore, when Luo Wen ran at a high speed, he also paid great attention to his feet, so as not to cause extreme joy to cause sorrow.

Fortunately, I didn't encounter any troubles and reached the battlefield safely all the way. His mouthparts were weak, and he couldn't eat meat quickly, so he could only pick up a piece of ant's lower body, pouted his buttocks, and dug into the ground.

A small hole was dug deep underground to put the food in place, and Rowan turned back twice, dragging back a head and a body. When he reached the surface again, there were already sporadic ants on the battlefield. He didn't continue to take risks, and turned back to the depths of the ground.

With the parts of the ants, it continued to move a certain distance deeper underground, and then dug out a room and opened several escape routes. Then I found some roots to supplement the food.

After returning again, it's finally time to start dinner, hoping to get something useful.

It took a long time to lick the ant meat clean, leaving a pile of exoskeleton carapaces aside, Rowan began to rest expectantly.

Time passed, and after waking up, Luo Wen didn't care about the hunger in his stomach, the energy reserve called the police, and hurriedly checked his body.

The tentacles, eyes, joint limbs, and carapace were checked one by one, but nothing changed.

Luo Wen was a little disappointed. At the beginning, seeing that the black ant didn't show any talent after beating for a long time, he shouldn't expect too much.

He curled his lips depressedly, hey, the feeling in his mouth is not right?

Unfortunately, the mouth position is one of the few blind spots for his big eyes. I can only touch it carefully a few times with the joint limbs, and feel it carefully with the fluff on it.

Hey, if there is a mirror, why bother.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he was really stupid. The change in the mouth must be because of the black ant, it should be something similar to its mouth.

The empty shell of the ant's head was rolling to the side, and Rowan leaned over to take a look.

Comparing the feeling from his own fluff with the sample in front of him, Luo Wen had a spectrum in his mind.

"My mouth has finally been replaced."

He sighed, he had complained about the previous lick-sucking mouthparts for a long time. The initial equipment can't get something awesome? As soon as he was "born", he was given a mouth to eat soft food.

Now his new replacement should be the chewing mouthparts of the ants in front of him. The original mushroom head disappeared, and it was composed of multiple new lobes, lobes, palps and some nails. They are responsible for pulling the food around their mouths into their mouths, just like human beings have a circle of small hands around their mouths, isn't it very picturesque?

Although the chewing mouthparts are the most basic mouthparts of insects, the licking mouthparts evolved from it. Strictly speaking, his transition from licking to chewing should not be regarded as an evolution, but rather a degeneration.

But sometimes, the most basic is also the most adaptable, and the one that suits you is the best.

It was a sunny day, and the familiar shrubs stretched out their little green leaves.

As the underground river got closer to the surface, the vegetation here became denser, and the yellow sand and stones could no longer be seen on the ground, but covered with some rotting leaves.

Rowan crawled underground for a long time, away from the battlefield above yesterday, and then pushed through a layer of fallen leaves and got out.

Unknown bugs hide in the bushes and make various insect sounds. Compared with the lifeless desert, this place is obviously much more lively.

At the same time, it also means that the danger has increased a lot.

Rowan had just crawled for a while when he heard some unusual noises from a bush not far away.

I hurriedly turned my head to look, and found a relative of yesterday's "God of War" was gnawing on the leaves, and those sounds were made by it.

This black beetle was a bit bigger than yesterday's one, and it had complete hands and feet. That's why Luo Wen could tell at a glance that he was not the same as yesterday's black beetle.

However, he didn't expect such a mighty and domineering boss to challenge N to be a vegetarian. Luo Wen was shocked. It's like a big man wearing solid armor and holding a unparalleled sword. After rushing back and forth several times in the enemy's formation, when he returned covered in blood, he screamed and cheered, the crowd who greeted the triumphant hero grinned, and then said, "Actually, I am a COSPLAY."

Luo Wen felt a lot of resentment. He felt that he was a carnivorous bug, and he was crushed by a vegetarian in terms of body size and equipment. This feeling was very bad.

But before he complained a few words, he saw a piece of tree bark not far from the big vegetarian who seemed to move.

Luo Wen immediately concentrated, looked carefully, and found that there was a pair of slender tentacles vibrating randomly at the front end of the piece of bark, and that piece of bark was actually a bug.

Luo Wen, who hadn't recovered from the shock just now, was shocked again. Are all the bugs playing so fancy now? What kind of black technology is this?

His knowledge of entomology is really lacking. He has only heard of chameleons before, but he has never heard of chameleons. Although the bug's camouflage still has some minor flaws, it's really hard to spot if it doesn't move.

Whenever the leaves are blown by the wind, the branches swing and rustle. Under the cover of the sound, as if it was also being blown by the wind, the insect moved a little distance towards the black beetle that was leisurely gnawing on the leaves.

A few minutes later, the camouflage bug had already reached one step behind the black beetle.

The black beetle didn't notice it yet, but Rowan, who was watching the fun, raised his heart. What is the fake beetle going to do?