
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · War
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39 Chs


Ife Ash, the Insect of Infinite Evolution!

When the energy is sufficient, they can continuously adapt to various harsh environments through rapid evolution to protect themselves.

But if the bug itself is depressed all day long, looking for life and death, does this mentality threaten the survival of the bug? Is Rowan's current optimistic attitude related to his ability to evolve?

Luo Wen didn't know, and he didn't want to think about it. Anyway, in a short period of time, he had naturally accepted his current identity.

And, efforts have been made to survive better.

For example, now, after eating and drinking, Rowan did not return the same way, but chose to build a lair deeper underground.

With the help of the new rake limbs, he can dig a hole in the lower layer of soil, where the soil is more compact and better supported, reducing the risk of landslides.

After half a day, he dug out a room the size of a ping-pong ball. Compared to his body, which is not as big as a fingernail, this room can be said to be very spacious. A layer of dry sand was laid in the room to prevent the damp ground from having a bad effect on his joints, although it was not known whether the bugs would cause arthritis.

After the room was furnished, he dug a number of passages connecting the room, including ones for normal access and several for escape. There are still connections between the passages, and the entrance and exit are blocked by mud. If there are creatures that intrude rashly, it will be difficult to find where the passage openings are.

In addition, he also specially dug a place for excretion, far away from his room, connected by a long passage, and some soft sand was left in the passage to prevent possible odors from pouring back.

Although since his "birth", he has not excreted.

Lying in the comfortable room, Rowan began to think about insect life.

Judging from the current situation, he does have some miraculous evolutionary abilities, but he still doesn't know what the mechanism of this evolution is and to what extent it can be achieved.

After all, the time is too short, and he has only obtained a relatively obvious evolution. It is not known whether there are other recessive evolutions.

It seems that more time and more data are needed to analyze more things.

But he doesn't know how much time he has. With his meager knowledge of entomology, he only knows that bugs generally don't live long.

Although he is a species whose name sounds particularly awesome, he did not come with an instruction manual when he left the factory, so he is not sure how long he can live.

Then he thought that this place is no longer his hometown, and he is not a species from his hometown. It is still unknown whether the knowledge there is applicable here.

After thinking for a long time, he returned to the original point. Without enough information, no matter how much he thought about it, it was just fantasy.

However, he remembered that the last time he went to the surface, although he didn't have a thermometer to measure it accurately, it must have been below zero. He stayed outside for a long time and drank a lot of cold drinks. Except that he was a little uncomfortable at the time, he was still alive and kicking after he came back to sleep, and there was nothing wrong with him.

If the worms in my hometown were frozen like this, they would be paralyzed anyway. From this point of view, his situation really cannot be measured by the knowledge over there, not to mention that he is still a half-hearted person, and what he remembers is all specious knowledge.

After a while, after thinking about the question, Luo Wen had a hard time relying on lust.

In his previous life, he was also a star who would die without a mobile phone. He usually read extracurricular books and watched some short videos, and the time would pass quickly. Now that there is a lack of these entertainment activities, he realizes that the time is hard, and he must find something to do as soon as possible.

Just do what you want, think for a moment, Luo Wen decided to go to eat first, after all, he had done a lot of work just now, and also moved to a new house, so he had to eat something good to celebrate.

With the reluctant cooperation of the tool bug, Luo Wen quickly satiated and fell into boredom again.

He didn't want to rest for the time being, so he planned to dig along this rhizome to have a look. After all, he didn't see the shadow of the plant when he ran to the surface the last two times, although it had something to do with his nearsightedness.

But this strange planet, what the plants in the desert look like, still managed to arouse his curiosity.

Digging along the rhizomes, many brothers and sisters of white insects were found along the way. It seems that they are still a big family. Luo Wen wasn't envious, no matter how many there were, they weren't a group of fools and tool bugs.

The route showed a slow upward trend, and Luo Wen didn't know how long he had been digging. The end of this rhizome turned out to be a thicker rhizome. The previous one was just a beard.

As Rowan continued to move forward, the surrounding roots gradually increased, and a large number of huge roots separated from here, and then extended to unknown boundaries.

The surrounding temperature gradually increased, and some very small roots gradually appeared, the shape of which was completely different from the previous large roots.

Continuing to go up, the surrounding area is getting brighter and brighter, it seems that it is daytime above. Rowan, who has experienced day and night once, can already distinguish the color of the sky outside within a certain distance underground.

He slowed down his digging speed, his fur was erected, and he was vigilantly sensing his surroundings. Underground, his digging speed is now very dominant, but it's different on the surface, as long as there is an opponent the size of a fingernail, he probably won't be able to beat it.

On the side of Luo Wen's new home, the distance from the surface of the earth has already reached the sandstone layer. But perhaps because of the many roots here, it is still a soil layer, and there is no sand petrification phenomenon.

Similarly, Rowan also discovered new dangers in the soil layer of this height. Through some vibrations, he could feel that there were many hollow pipes around him, just like the passages arranged in his new home, but it was more complicated. There are vibrations and sounds of unknown creatures moving inside.

He carefully avoided these pipes, and slowly dug upwards. Finally, after passing through a shallow layer of sand and stone, he came to the surface.

It was indeed daytime outside, and beside him was a cluster of huge weeds, surrounded by its brothers and sisters, most of the leaves were withered and yellow. It seems that those tiny roots belong to these weeds.

And there was a towering giant tree in the distance. Rowan roughly calculated that it would take hundreds of himself to encircle the trunk.

When I came out, I found some new discoveries. First of all, he discovered that he was not a nocturnal insect, and he could see a distance of five or six meters during the day. It seems that what I kept talking about not to be short-sighted also played a role, and my eyesight has improved a lot.

But this is far from enough, just like that giant tree, he can only see a small part clearly. The upward branches are all blurred, how tall it is, what kind of leaves it grows, whether it blooms or not, and whether it bears fruit or not can't be seen at all. It seems that vision has to continue to evolve.

Secondly, he also found that he was not as hot as last time when he came out this time. I don't know if it's because of his increased heat resistance, or because of the shade here. The specifics still need to be compared and observed in more detail. Luo Wen made a note in his heart and found a place without tree shade to make a new comparison.

Finally, he discovered the owners of the underground pipes, and several ants-like creatures appeared between the weeds. They are generally earthy yellow in color, with round heads, long tentacles, six slender limbs, and the two disproportionately large, fishhook-shaped teeth, which are quite eye-catching.

They surrounded Rowan, with an unfriendly attitude, Rowan guessed from the small hole on his buttocks that they were not welcoming him.