
I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

25-year-old Albion lived an unimpressive parasitic life of a NEET and otaku, leeching off his loving parent's allowances to enjoy watching animes, reading manga and novels at home. When faced with the cruel reality of contracting cancer through smoking, he selfishly ran away from home and sacrificed his life on a strange day of drastic changes. 'Since I'm going to die anyway, let me save another life in exchange.' Those were his thoughts before shoving a person out of harm's way and getting struck by a truck. 'If I could get a second chance, I want to live a fulfilling life and not waste it like this.' However, Albion's new life resolution was quickly challenged by a stroke of divine providence. "What? I'm not dead yet? Holy cow, I transmigrated into the body of a notorious hidden boss who controls half the world's wealth in an alternate universe after he failed his heavenly tribulation? I never have to worry about money? I can live forever? Lucky me!" Albion thought he had shot to the peak of life, but he could not be more wrong. The immortal body was too strong for a mortal soul like him to control. He can only move for 5 minutes a day! He became immobile and paralyzed for the rest of the time! The Four Horsemen of the Dark Emperor thought he was crippled and turned on him! They couldn't kill him physically due to his invincible body so they dropped him to the bottom of the ocean to drown! His body was immortal. He could not die. Thus, he lived the following life in the dark depths of the ocean before being swallowed into the stomach of a giant sea serpent! Before he could enjoy his new life, he had sunk to the lowest point of his life, literally! However, the world rapidly changed after the notorious True Immortal disappeared for two years! The Apocalypse arrived, and so too, the System! Ding! [You have slain a Lv.1 ancient sea serpent. 100 EXP has been gained.] [You have leveled up.] [You have become a Lv.2 Hunter.] [Title acquired: Hunter.] Albion: ??? "Did the sea serpent get food poisoning and died from eating me or something?" Albion wondered in the pit of the sea serpent's stomach. [System calibration complete. Goldfinger has been activated.] "Never mind, my time has come! With the system in hand, I will take back everything and rule the w--wait, what? This body's cultivation needs to be sealed in order for me to move freely without impairments?" "Sigh, forget it, ruling the world is too hard. I'm a wanted man anyway. Let's just hide somewhere, watch my animes, and reading my manga and novels..." Albion was nerfed harder than the Big Bang at the beginning of time. However, what's his, will still be his. "Until my soul becomes strong enough to fully wield this power, I'll just treat it as a 5-minute Super Saiyan mode I can enjoy once a day..." He was not the Dark Emperor, but the Dark Emperor was now him. The Four Horsemen that turned on him, their day of retribution will come! Little did Albion know, the world had more things in store for him than his quest for vengeance. The dimensional rifts that appeared everywhere and the interdimensional creatures that spilled forth from there are actually...! Find out on the next episode of drag--Ahem, to be continued. =====Author's Note===== [Currently on break] Feel free to check out my other book, Prime Originator (also my first work). The genre is completely different, so you may or may not like it and vice versa for readers coming from there :) You can join me on discord at the link here; https://discord.gg/9SUWMPZ =====DISCLAIMER===== I do not own the cover. The original belongs to its respective owner.

Pointbreak · Urban
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370 Chs

Pest Control

Ganymede Ocean, central region. Ptolemy-class aircraft carrier.

In the underwater docking bay of the 1500ft-long metal titan, a new team was assembled to explore the ocean floor.

"Remember, your main objective is to explore the seabed and find the dimensional rift if it exists. But if you run into the giant sea creatures, kill them. We need their data, is that understood?" A person in command spoke sternly.

The person's name was Esther Campbell. He was the Ptolemy-class aircraft carrier commander, which was also the position with the highest authority on board the ship.

"Yes, commander!"

The team answered in unison.

Esther Campbell nodded and said, "Then, you may set off immediately!"

The team entered the submarine one after another, and all got into position. When the docking bay was cleared, and water flooded the chamber after the bottom hatch opened, the submarine was given the green to leave.

Shortly after, the propeller spun, and the submarine descended into the dark depths of the ocean waters, disappearing from sight thereafter.

The team was comprised of Hunters, and not a single member within the team was below Lv.5, but neither was any of them above Lv.10 either.

However, their personal strength was not important in an underwater battle. What is important are the weapons their submarine was equipped with; 24 rounds of torpedos.

This was more than enough to kill a few giant sea creatures, or so they believe.

February 7th, 2023.

Silvercove Port, 8PM roughly.

"Well then, Young Master Albion. I will be sure to send you the contact information as soon as I get a new phone and reach home. My residential address is already saved inside the phone, so please look at it before finding your way over. I will inform the guards, so they do not make things difficult for you at the entrance."

Klein Seymour said.

"You have a wealthy background, live in a luxurious home, and even have your own security guards to protect it, but you use an odd model like this Brick series instead of a smartphone. I don't know what to say to you." Albion said amusedly.

The brick phone can only be used to call and text people, and perhaps, also as a weapon, but that was about it.

If he were given a smartphone instead, he would be able to access the web and GPS the address to Mr. Klein's home. He can also read his novels on it and watch hen—Ahem, forget that last one.

Nevertheless, he was definitely getting a smartphone when he returns the brick back to Mr. Klein later.

"You might not know this, but I used to use smartphones. However, I keep dropping them and breaking the screens, which drove my wife furious as she would be the one buying me new smartphones each time. After breaking a smartphone for the 27th time in two years, my wife got me that Brick series and forbid me from using smartphones since."

Klein Seymour explained ruefully.

"You went through 27 phones in 2 years? That is some next-level stuff. Anyway, with your wealthy background, it shouldn't be a problem no matter how many phones you cycle through, no?" Albion asked.

"Normally, you would think that. However, my wife is a stringent person who does not like expensive things. She will always look for the best price before buying anything, which is why she buys my phones and isn't happy when I break them. But this is also what I love about her."

"She's quite the keeper, isn't she? It is quite rare to find a woman who does not like expensive things in this day and age. You are quite fortunate to find and marry such a woman." Albion said honestly.

"Indeed, I am. Thanks to that, we have quite a loving family with our two daughters." Klein Seymour mentioned with a warm expression, thinking about his family waiting for him back home.

"Alright, let us end our talk there. You can take your crew and leave first, Mr. Klein. I will leave the ship a different way without being seen." Albion said.

"Very well. Let us meet again soon, Young Master Albion." Klein Seymour did not object. All the talking made him want to hurry home sooner to see his family.

"I hope we will meet again, sir." Gerald and the rest of the crew respectfully said to Albion. They did not mention it, but they all view him as their teacher for the Earth-Shattering Fist he taught them.

Albion acknowledged their farewells with a nod and saw them off.

Sometime later, after everyone was gone, Albion remained on the ship with a cold glint in his eyes. He was not in a hurry to leave.

[Goldfinger sense killing intent from the host. Does the host intend to kill people? This does not seem to conform to the host's value of being merciful when possible.]

Goldfinger opined.

"That is where you are mistaken, Goldfinger. It is not that I will be merciful when possible, but I will not kill willfully. I do not like this system that puts an EXP value on everything living. It is the same as encouraging everyone to kill and treat it like some game." Albion corrected.

[The host is mistaken. The system does not encourage people to kill but to get stronger to survive the Apocalypse. When the subsequently stronger waves arrive, the weak will only be helplessly killed off. The current world does not permit the weak to survive.]

Goldfinger said.

"That is just hypocrisy. No matter how you try to coat it, encouraging people to get stronger is still encouraging people to kill." Albion said.


Goldfinger was silent for a moment before it asked,

[Who does the host intend to kill tonight?]

"The people from the Bloodmoon Gang will no doubt be alarmed once they find out that the people they are supposed to meet on the ship are missing. Rather than letting them go and give the Seymour family trouble later, I might as well kill them all here and delay them slightly from finding the truth." Albion said.

He had already made an enemy out of the Bloodmoon Gang. They do not know it yet, but they will eventually find out when they clash in the future.

Since they were enemies, they had to be eliminated.

He had been given a second chance to live a fulfilling life. He will not let anyone who threatens to take that away from him live.


[New quest has been updated.]


[Main Quest]: Bloodmoon Gang's Elimination.

Overview: The Bloodmoon Gang is one of the top 4 notoriously known gangs in the underworld of Draco county, engaging in sort of criminal activities such as smuggling, murder, abduction, illegal drug dealing, rape, robbery, and human trafficking, etc. For the safety of the host and the wellbeing of the ordinary citizen, eliminate the Bloodmoon Gang.

Reward: 20 units of Divine Energy.


[Sub Quest]: Pest Control

Overview: A group of thugs from the Bloodmoon Gang will secretly board the Seymour Fishing Co. Factory Trawler No.2 tonight. These people have committed their fair share of wickedness and pose some threat to the host while the host is in Silvercove. Eliminate them, and the streets will become cleaner.

Reward: 1 unit of Divine Energy.
