
I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World

Waking up suddenly in a new world Fang Yang finds himself lost a confused. After finding out about the truth of the world and cultivation, Fang Yang is excited to pursue the path of immortality. But after seeing the reality of his talent, Fang Yang knows that to obtain power, to obtain freedom, he must throw his morals and views to the side. He will scramble and fight for any chance he gets. He will step on the favoured sons of heaven. He will trap and target the so-called 'protagonists' of the world Even if it means abandoning something precious, even if it means becoming a demon, Fang Yang will see the road of power to the end!

NineSleepyDragons · Fantasy
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135 Chs

44. Qi Ascending pill

When Fang Yang detected this killing intent, he showed no signs on the surface, but inside his heart was shaking as countless questions poured in.

'What's the problem and why does this Elder want to kill me?'

But before Fang Yang could ponder on these questions, the voice of Elder Wan sounded again

"So Where did you find this gold-eating rat nest"

As Fang Yang heard this, his heart thumped furiously.

He wanted to tell the truth about this entire thing because all of it seemed too sketchy to him.

But the deepest part of his instincts and life preserving instincts were holding him back.

Just as he was about to speak, the words were caught like a lump in his throat.

Eventually, Fang Yang decided to change his answer.

"I found the nest in the Eastern Sector." Said Fang Yang.

Although describing his thoughts took some time, all this happened in an instant. Fang Yang replied nearly the second that Elder Wan asked the question.

But Elder Wan wasn't done questioning yet.

His eyes narrowed, piercing through Fang Yang like a pair of needles as invisible pressure descended onto Fang Yang's shoulders, making it hard for him to breathe.

"Are you sure you found this nest in the Eastern region? " asked Elder Wan once again

"I Fang Yang, can swear to my ancestors that I am telling the truth. I found the gold-eating rat nest in the Eastern Sector."

Fang Yang lied against his ancestors without a heartbeat of delay.

As for guilt for his actions? Fang Yang was never one to delete such things. Besides, he wasn't even the original Fang Yang. Even if his ancestors crawled from the grave to scold him, it would only fall on deaf ears.

But as the Elder Wan heard Fang Yang swear such a vicious oath his look quickly relaxed as even a rare apologetic look appeared on his faces

"Sorry for being so thorough with the questioning." Apologised Elder Wan.

"It's just that the sect has introduced large incentives and rewards for Elders that could eradicate the gold eating rat nests so this is important and I can't afford to have any mistakes."

Elder Wan thought for a while before reaching into his space bag and bringing out a white, jade bottle.

"Here take this." Said Elder Wan as he sent the bottle floating before Fang Yang

Fang Yang didn't stand ceremony and took the bottle, opening it up to see what was inside.

As Fang Yang opened the bottle, he was blasted with a powerful, alluring medicinal scent.

As Fang Yang saw what was inside his eyes nearly popped out.

A Qi ascending pill! It was an actual Qi ascending pill!

Seeing Fang Yang's surprise, Elder Wan smiled.

"You can take this as a reward for bringing my information, but it's also an apology for earlier."

"Thank you for your grace." Said Fang Yang with a bow.

Although Elder Wan was suspicious, at this moment, He was genuinely thankful.

A Qi ascending pill can directly raise the level of a cultivator in the Qi refinement realm as long as they weren't at one of the bottlenecks.

If Fang Yang took this pill, he could directly step into the 3rd level of Qi refinement, saving himself years of work.

After Fang Yang thanked Elder Wan, the elder quickly sent him off, seemingly uninterested in anything else.

But before Fang Yang left, Elder Wan gave him one sentence

"Remember, once you leave, you can't spread information about the rat's nest to other Foundation Establishment Elders or else there will be consequences."

As Fang Yang heard this, he didn't hesitate to nod in agreement

"Of course Elder. I wouldn't dare do such a thing."

Seeing Fang Yang's truthful appearance, Elder Wan just nodded in satisfaction before waving Fang Yang.

Now dismissed, Fang Yang didn't dare stay in that eerie place for a second longer than he needed to.

But, although Elder Wan seemed dismissive of Fang Yang's departure, once Fang Yang left, his smile was instantly replaced with a gloomy expression.

For him, the appearance of Fang Yang discovering a rat's nest was just coincidental, just too suspicious.

If it was another time, Elder Wan would have definitely acted on his suspicions, but not now.

"It's not worth it to kill him. It will all end tomorrow, anyway." Muttered Elder Wan to himself.

"There's no point in raising suspicion over someone so trivial. What issues could he cause, anyway?"

After saying this tuned back up o the door as he headed deeper into his residence to cultivate in solitude.


Leaving the residence of the Elder, Fang Yang headed to his own residence, barely able to contain his excitement.

The trip to Elder Wan's residence was riskier than he could have imagined, creating much more suspicions than answers.

He had quite literally almost died for some reason, but even so, Fang Yang didn't regret it in the slightest.

He had gotten a Qi ascending out of it and saved himself, if not years, then at least several months of hard work.

Entering his room, Fang Yang didn't hold back anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Yang took a second to adjust his mentality and bring his mind and body into their peak state.

Sitting down in a meditative position, Fang Yang opened up the Jade bottle and was quickly entranced by the alluring medicinal smell of the qi ascending pill.

Pouring out into his hands, Fang Yang took one last look at the treasure before pouring it into his mouth.

He swallowed the pill in one go and as it landed in his stomach, Fang Yang quickly felt the pill's effects.

For him, it was like there was a fireball inside of his stomach and this blazing sensation soon spread out through every part of his body.

Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Fang Yang quickly began to circulate the Ghost River Cultivation Art.

Fang Yang didn't even feel the prickling of ice cold needles that was synonymous with his cultivation art, instead, the medicinal power brought on by the Qi ascending pill overwhelmed it.