
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 433: Thunder God LEIYU's Thunderous Talent

"I'm NIMA," William couldn't help but mutter under his breath as he narrowly avoided another one of Thunder God's lightning strikes.

The deadly talent in question was the "Destruction of Thunder," not the most powerful, but a crucial ability for an epic Lei Professional like William.

In simple terms, this talent allowed 20% of William's thunder attack power to be converted into real damage, a consistent and reliable source of damage. It meant that William could deal significant real damage without relying solely on his weapons and equipment.

William's thunder attribute attack power ranged from 8000 to 13000 . In practical terms, this meant that every attack would deal a minimum of 1600 real damage, a formidable force when combined with his rapid attack speed. Only a few heavily armored opponents could withstand such a sustained assault.

"It's a shame I didn't acquire Thunder God's true Thunder-imbued body. That would have been devastating," Prince Caesar commented. Thunder God's true Thunder-imbued body added a whopping 70% of thunder attribute real damage to every move, a lethal force that could quickly overwhelm most foes. "But I guess I'll just have to settle for stealing his unique skills like the lightning spear and thunder avatar in our future fights. That should earn me some valuable Experience Points."

"True, as long as he doesn't try to kill me outright," William added with a wry smile. Their battles were akin to demolition contests, causing more chaos than any architectural demolition.

Luckily, Caesar's wedding was being held in the palace, sparing them the wrath of the public for their wanton destruction.

Just as Prince Caesar was preparing to greet Caesar and retire to his quarters for some much-needed rest, he found himself caught between two women. His face turned as dark as thunderclouds, overwhelmed and displaying a hint of confusion and despair in his eyes.

No, Caesar hadn't been caught and ravaged by his fiancée. Such actions wouldn't dare occur in broad daylight. What had transpired was that Goya had promised to finance the palace's reconstruction. In response, the delighted Caesar had impulsively kissed a wealthy Female Cannon Masters.

But the twist was that Caesar's fiancée, Alfira, had witnessed the entire scene and appeared before him in an instant.

Caesar, now a master, had been so terrified that he almost kicked Goya away in front of his Epic Level fiancée. If he weren't the second prince of the War-Ending Empire, he might have been thoroughly beaten.

But there was little he could do. Alfira, despite not being an epic herself, was a fire thunder close combat Taoist, and her physique, when enhanced by her family's unique skills, was at least three times larger than normal. Not to mention her fists and legs!

Caesar was in a bind. What's more, Alfira was the great-granddaughter of the unrivaled War Sage. As long as she didn't harm Caesar's future heirs, even if she did give him a beating, the War-Ending Empire Emperor wouldn't object. In fact, he'd probably encourage it: "Young people will fight and make up; it's all part of growing up. Caesar is sturdy; he'll benefit from a few more beatings."

William couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. After all, Caesar seemed to have a chronic cough, so even if he slept with him, it wouldn't technically count as consummation until they were married.

"You all stay here and watch the show, huh? Did you secretly bet on this happening when Caesar pledged his support? What if he loses everything when he competes for the throne?" Kaiser teased as he pulled Caesar away from the scene, sandwiched between two women.

William watched Caesar leave and shook his head, smiling. "I wonder how long he can keep balancing on two boats."

"That's a valid Point. William Blackleafing made an astute observation," Akarlo chimed in with a sigh. He then glanced at William and added with a smirk, "But judging from the look on Prince William's face, it seems like he doesn't mind stepping on multiple boats."

William cleared his throat, "No need to overthink it. I'm not a grown-up yet, and I'm still single."

With that, he left with the Blood Moon Dark Witch, not looking back to avoid any further teasing from his friends. He was afraid that if they continued, the Blood Moon Dark Witch might report everything to Moses, who had become a Grand Enchanter, and then he would really be in trouble.

After a brief contemplation, William dismissed the unsettling thoughts from his mind and turned his attention to the information list before him. The gathering was attended by a vast majority of Professionals, with the exception of those few who harbored a natural aversion to him. Fortunately, most of the attendees had graciously extended their goodwill towards him, often surpassing 100 Points.

During the two-day party, William found himself accumulating over 300 goodwill Points from various interactions. It seemed there was no shortage of admirers in the room, and he relished in the attention. Handsome as he was, both men and women seemed to be drawn to his presence.

Even Thunder God , despite a hint of annoyance, didn't seem to reduce his admiration for William. It suggested that a well-practiced act of flattery could significantly improve one's standing among these individuals.

However, amidst the sea of favorable impressions, there was one individual who not only lacked goodwill towards him but managed to diminish it further upon their appearance. William raised an eyebrow as he read the name on the list.

"Rodaldo, Thirteenth place in the Eastern Magic and Martial Arts Conference, a dark and soul melee wizard," he muttered to himself. Rodaldo was a bald man with a receding hairline who had taken refuge with Caesar in a personal capacity. 

By all accounts, freelancers like Rodaldo, lacking any significant backing, usually pledged their loyalty to Caesar for life. After all, becoming a master wizard required devouring countless tomes of magic knowledge, a luxury only a wealthy patron like Caesar could provide.

William couldn't help but wonder why Rodaldo had suddenly decided to reduce his favor by 300 Points. He recalled the times they had spent drinking and chatting together, and Rodaldo had seemed perfectly amiable during those encounters. 

Rodaldo hadn't shown any signs of boredom or reluctance, often engaging in conversations and inquiries with enthusiasm. William pondered the situation and decided not to expose Rodaldo immediately. After all, he lacked evidence to make a definitive accusation, and his goodwill with Caesar was still at a modest 600 Points, far from the level of complete trust.

If Rodaldo's actions had indeed caused significant harm to Caesar due to information leaks, William reasoned it might be more advantageous to either get him to admit to it himself or gather concrete evidence for future leverage.

Three days passed quickly, and Caesar Jack continued to host extravagant banquets without any interference in William's interactions with Goya. Alfie, recognizing the benefits of aligning with the Eastern Federal Chamber of Commerce, shared Caesar's affections with Goya. The festivities served as a means to entertain guests attending their wedding.

William spent the three days enjoying the company of the Blood Moon Dark Witch and mingling with numerous Professionals, extending his reach among them. His efforts seemed fruitful, as the average monthly income in Dawn City saw a significant increase, adding millions of Gold Coins to its coffers. It was a successful endeavor that left him feeling accomplished.

Throughout these festivities, William noticed Rodaldo's persistence in attending the banquets, despite his lack of popularity among the other guests. This bald, unremarkable man seemed undeterred by the lack of attention and continued to engage with others, albeit with little success. 

William was both impressed and bemused by Rodaldo's shamelessness. However, he realized that Rodaldo's efforts to ingratiate himself with the other guests could be a strategy to deflect suspicion away from him as a spy. Most people wouldn't suspect a man who was so eager to befriend others, which enhanced Rodaldo's security.

As William contemplated his situation, he couldn't shake the feeling that his time in the War-Ending Empire was drawing to a close. 

Meanwhile, in the grand Imperial Palace of War-Ending Empire, a sprawling 100000–square-meter back garden provided a picturesque backdrop for the wedding ceremony. The lush garden featured rare herbivores and tamed carnivores, surrounded by vibrant trees, flowers, and plants.

Amidst this natural beauty, the wedding ceremony commenced, officiated by the deputy commander of the Eastern Region Light Temple, a priest of Legendary status. Caesar, clad in a black noble attire, exchanged rings with Alfira, who wore a stunning white princess gown. 

Their union was sealed with a kiss, and the applause of thousands of guests officially marked their marriage. Even Goya, the Female Cannon Masters, joined in the enthusiastic applause, shedding happy tears at the heartwarming sight.

The wedding followed traditional War-Ending Empire customs, and as a result, there were no surprises or novel elements to capture anyone's attention. Guests were primarily focused on indulging in the extravagant feast laid out before them.

Just as William was about to dig into the delectable spread, he noticed the Blood Moon Dark Witch offering him a magic lemon. However, her typically quiet demeanor was replaced by an unusual chattiness.

Suspicion crept in, and William decided to investigate. "If you have something to say, what did you find?" he inquired with a mysterious tone.

The witch responded, "The master broke through and returned to Dawn City."

"Really?" William's interest was piqued.

"Yes, this is the news from the master. Shall we go back now?"

William considered it but decided, "We haven't eaten yet. Let's go after dinner."

"Okay, do you want to pack some food?"

"Of course, but let's not draw too much attention. I am, after all, the prince of the Black Leaf Elf. I must maintain my dignity."

The Blood Moon Dark Witch nodded in agreement. William added, "And make sure to gather some delicious treats for the master when we return."


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