
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 432 - The Battle of Immortals

Caesar Jack found himself in a precarious situation due to his financial struggles, but the details of his fiancée's reaction remained unspoken.

A violent thunderstorm had engulfed the sky, turning it into a sea of roaring thunder and endless lightning that threatened to consume the earth below. Recognizing the impending disaster, several powerful mages quickly sprang into action, creating a vast battlefield suspended in space thousands of meters above the ground. Their intention was clear: they would not allow the destructive forces below to return to the surface, endangering Caesar's palace, innocent passersby, and other buildings.

In the midst of this chaos, William and Thunder God found themselves separated for the moment. The previous exchange had left both of them wounded, but William's unique ability had allowed him to survive with just 20% of his Health Point remaining. His "immortal" talent had been activated, increasing his blood regeneration speed by 500% for the next 30 seconds.

 Thunder God had initially believed that William was on the brink of death and had planned to capitalize on his vulnerability. However, to his surprise, he witnessed William's injuries healing at an astonishing rate.

"Are you a Half-Elf or a half-devil?" Thunder God mused, baffled by the unexpected turn of events. Despite his confusion, he couldn't afford to let his guard down in the face of such a formidable opponent.

William, sensing an opportunity, drew his bow and arrows, preparing for a ranged attack. In response, Thunder God smiled slyly at the prince and issued a challenge. "You attack, and I'll respond in kind."

With a flick of his hand, a bolt of lightning streaked from the heavens and struck Thunder God . In an instant, a two-meter-long lightning spear materialized in his grasp, radiating blinding brilliance. All the thunder and lightning from the storm converged into the spear, making it a formidable weapon.

Akarlo, a master of space and time, couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as he witnessed this. The same unease gripped other Legendary Professionals, who couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary was taking place.

As for William, the danger he sensed was more profound than anyone else. He hastily summoned a protective shield of holy light, surrounding himself with layers of defense. However, before he could react, Thunder God hurled the lightning spear with lightning speed, piercing through William's chest, ribs, and heart.

William's Health Point plummeted, and he was left with less than 10000 Health Point. He knelt in the sky, blood dripping from his mouth, as he watched the lightning spear embedded in his chest slowly fade away. It was a weapon that transcended space and time, striking with deadly precision.

 Thunder God observed William with a cold gaze, contemplating his next move. It seemed as though William had been dealt a fatal blow, but then something unexpected happened. A surge of life energy emanated from William's body, and he began to rise once more, like an immortal phoenix.

Blood still staining his lips, William stood tall, his resurrection armor reinvigorating him with newfound vitality. He glanced at the countdown on his information panel; he had 13 minutes left to endure, and if he could hold on for another 30 minutes, he would unlock a talent.

"You're remarkably resilient," Thunder God remarked, studying his opponent with curiosity. William's tricks had proven ineffective against him, as his rapid Health Point regeneration easily countered any minor tactics. Each time William unleashed a major attack, his blood regeneration rate increased even further.

William was like a tenacious titan, refusing to yield even when it seemed impossible. Just as others thought he had exhausted his unique abilities and was defenseless against Thunder God's attacks, he unveiled a new power.

"Saint Ray Unparalleled!"

With those words, William's attributes surged, boosting his attack power, defense, and movement speed by 80%, with a 60% increase in attack and defense. This was only the beginning of what Sage Ray could achieve, and yet it was already a formidable enhancement.

William's aura grew more potent, and he charged toward Thunder God with a thunderous boom. Before Thunder God could react, a powerful punch struck his face, causing it to deform as it absorbed the force of the blow. Thunder God's head was driven backward like a pile driver, teeth scattered, and blood flowed.

"Let go!" Thunder God shouted, his resistance futile against William's relentless assault. He was amazed by the array of transformations and abilities William possessed, and he wondered why the Magic Goddess had recognized him.

However, just as Thunder God was about to retaliate, hundreds of thunder avatars erupted from his body and surged toward William. These avatars were formidable, each possessing the strength of an ordinary epic thunder Professional. What's more, they had an endurance that far surpassed William's expectations.

William had barely enjoyed his moment of advantage when he found himself transformed into a punching bag for these relentless thunder avatars. Thunder God had turned the tables, and now William was on the receiving end of a merciless beating.

The onlookers watched in amazement as William, seemingly invincible just moments ago, was pummeled mercilessly. He endured the relentless assault, allowing the avatars to batter him while his Health Point remained at approximately 50%. His defense had reached astonishing levels, standing at 23000 Points, and he could even regenerate 4% of his Health Point if the enemy's attack did not exceed that threshold.

 Thunder God , undeterred by William's formidable defense, joined the assault himself. But William showed no signs of giving in; instead, he reveled in the opportunity to heal while his enemies tired themselves out. To the astonishment of all who watched, William seemed impervious to their attacks.

The spectators around the battlefield were dumbfounded. Caesar Jack, too, was at a loss for words. Never before had he witnessed someone withstand the combined onslaught of hundreds of epic Professionals.

Akarlo couldn't help but mutter to himself, "The Dawn City Lord isn't just a Ranger; his resilience is beyond belief. What's the Point of being a shield warrior in comparison?" One Legendary shield warrior who had been part of the audience silently left the scene, his ego crushed by the realization that he was outclassed by William.

Finally, the moment of miracles arrived. Thunder God , still in the form of Thunder God , decided he had seen enough. He called off the attack, and the thunder avatars withdrew. Ten minutes had passed since the onslaught began, and despite the relentless beating, William's Health Point remained at approximately 50%.

While Thunder God had initially hoped to break William's defenses, he was now left frustrated. William's endurance was unlike anything he had ever encountered. His defense had soared to 23000 Points, and even Thunder God's lightning-based attacks couldn't penetrate it.

William, aware that his Sage Ray Unparalleled state was about to expire, preemptively stretched out his left hand and declared, "I surrender."

 Thunder God , panting heavily and surrounded by his exhausted avatars, looked at William with disbelief. "You're surrendering? After all that?"

"A draw is a draw," William replied calmly. "Our duel has proven that neither of us can defeat the other. That's enough for now."

Before Thunder God could respond, William separated himself from the thunder avatars and turned to Caesar. "The contest is over. Fighting like this is no longer entertaining. We can settle the victory another time."


 an audacious grin, William scratched his head, then swiftly descended to Caesar's side. He stretched and exclaimed, "It feels great to loosen up after an invincible battle, doesn't it, War-Ending Empire Emperor?"

Caesar opened his mouth, but words escaped him. He had never encountered anyone quite like William.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of William, and Thunder God confronted him once more. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"A draw is a draw," William reiterated, seemingly unfazed. "Can a genuine life-and-death duel last ten minutes, let alone thirty?"

"Then fight me one more time," Thunder God demanded. "This time, I'll use three moves!"

"It's not interesting to me, and I'm famished. I'm heading to dinner."

"You come back here!"

"I'm not interested. Find someone else to spar with."

"You shameless scoundrel! I'll inform your old friend of your true character. You're finished."

William turned away and grinned. "Go ahead. I won't stop you. If you have the guts, visit the City of Dawn."

 Thunder God was on the verge of exploding with frustration, but William had lost interest in the battle. With his cards exhausted and no certainty of victory, he had no reason to continue. Thunder God was left to stew in his vexation, while William simply shrugged off the confrontation and walked away.

As the onlookers watched, they couldn't help but marvel at the extraordinary battle they had witnessed. Two immovable forces had clashed, and neither had emerged victorious. In the end, William's unmatched resilience had left everyone astonished and bewildered.

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