
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Obtaining a level 2 structure

The level 2 structure had faded from the greyed out section and developed a colour of its own just like the free level 1 structure and the priced level 1 structure. All he needed to do was activate it.

With that in mind, he selected the level 2 structure.

In the blink of an eye, the once wooden shelter began to disintegrate and restructure itself into a building with a level's more quality.

Although the building turned out to be wooden as well, it had evolved into more of a bungalow whose length and depth expanded a little deeper into the space than the 1st level structure had.

[The Devil's Archive has successfully evolved into a level 2 structure]

<You 2 have obtained a level structure>

<You 2 have obtained level facilities>

<You 2 have obtained level furniture>

<You 2 have obtained level books>

It was then that two more level 2 structures appeared beside the image of the one which he had just unlocked. The only thing was that these structures were both priced, with the first one at cost of 1200 gold coins and the second one at a cost of 1500 gold coins.

Though they weren't greyed out, there was a padlock icon on each of them.

"It does look a lot better," Emmet said with so much satisfaction as the bright lights that came from the porch and inns of the building tinted its close surroundings so beautifully.

He quickly toured all the way to the back of the bungalow to see that the outlet which had been attached to the level 1 structure was no longer there.

He itched to ask Liesl but later decided to contain his excitement and see things for himself. Despite being able to hear his thoughts, she remained quiet after hearing of his resolve.

He moved up the brief stairway that led to the pouch and halted once he was in front of the door. The porch itself had a new look with two layed back sofa-like benches.

With so much excitement bubbling in him like a three year old child that had finally gotten the toy he wanted for days, he reached for the knob and gently pushed the door open.

Even the wood used to make the level 2 structure seemed to be of better quality than that of the level one structure.

The chairs and tables arrangement remained the same. However, the only thing different about them was the quality of wood. The inns had become even more spacious, which made him believe that it was now enough to host more than 50 people.

The book shelves increased a little in height and broadened in size. His desk was no longer in sight and when his eyes stretched across the room, he caught sight of a counter.

It wasn't too small nor was it too wide. It was just the perfect one for him to stretch from side to side and do other stuff.

Getting to where the counter was stationed, he saw a chair situated behind it. The black leather from which the chair was manufactured was of a fine quality, and that managed to draw his attention towards it.

He slowly settled in its seat, allowing his weight to be exerted on the chair and relaxed its back against it.

It gently swayed from side to side, from the small swings made by his body.

A sigh of relief escaped him.

"So this was how it felt," He let out more sighs. As White head, he had gone into a few offices owned by higher ups and many of them used to sit on executive chairs as this while swirling around and exercising their powerful auras of authority.

He soon got up from the chair to survey the other sides of the counter behind him which made it seem as though he had been placed into a ring.

On the flat-out surface of the part behind him, was a dispenser halfway filled with light brown liquid.

"This feels even better," He lightly tapped the side of the dispenser with satisfaction.

"The utensils are just in the cupboards beneath," Liesl directed him back to the front side of the counter and when he looked beneath he saw multiple shelves.

Most of them were empty while the ones which stood in the middle of the other cupboards were filled with teacups meant for serving the Ethereal tea.

He then stepped out of the counter to survey more of the Archive's new look. The book shelves now had bold tags at their top which suggested what category the shacks of books fell into.

Books of the same category fell into the same row.

After making his way through the several shelves, he was met with a door.

"A door?" He tilted his head to the side.

Liesl remained quite and simply allowed him to see things for himself. Perhaps she didn't want to spoil the new look's surprise?

When he finally opened the door and walked in, his sight was greeted with a small yet seemingly comfortable room.

The room was small but cozy. The wooden floorboards were well polished, adding an artistic sort of touch to it.

The walls were a gentle, muted blue, adding a sense of calm to the space. A comfortable couch sat in the corner near the window.

A simple desk sat in the opposite corner, decorated with a small vase of flowers and a small lamp, casting a warm glow. A mini book shelf stood against the wall and a medium sized wardrobe which stored his clothes.

It felt too good to be true. Practically, his life had just taken a sweet turn in one night. At another side of the room, there was another door. The door led to a bathroom and he was finally able to understand why the outlet from the 1st level structure had disappeared.

"That's all there is, I believe," He let out another sigh of satisfaction. "If a level 2 structure could look this amazing, what would higher level structures look like?"

"I am glad you like this look, sire," Liesl nodded.

Just then, notifications came up on his screen.

<New books have been obtained>

<Guides to the six elements>

<Elemental fusion>

<Level 2 flame ability books>

<Level 3 flame ability books>

<Level 2 water ice ability books>

<Level 1 wind ability books>

<Level 2 wind ability books>

<Level 1 Earth ability books>

<Literary texts>

[Special literary text obtained!]

[Three more books by Rain have been obtained]


With a hood over her head and hands hidden away in the pockets of her pants, she walked through the crowd at night.

Her head hurt and the gentle breeze that caressed her skin was beginning to leave a freezing impact on her.

"It shouldn't be this early. Why do you feel this way so soon?" Arin's voice rang in her head.

"I don't... know...w-what's wrong?" Ashley struggled to speak and as she did, whitish breath escaped her mouth.

She swayed her head from left to right in a slow motion then winced from pain. She took out her left hand from her pocket and placed it over the side of her neck where the pain was the most.

"Let's head to the bridge..." She managed to say amidst her cold breathing while still keeping her hand on the side of her neck.

"Yes sire," Arin answered.

In the blink of an eye, whitish smog enveloped her and transported her to the area's bridge as she had requested.

White smog seeped out from her hair and settled on top of the railing before her, to form a white bunny.

"It's getting worse," Ashley tried hard to keep her breathing steady but it made the pain even more excruciating. She tightened her palm over the side of her neck and groaned.

The rabbit proceeded to produce bright blue goo that flew over to her neck and disappeared into it.

"It still hurts," She cried out and helplessly took her hand off her neck to reveal the tattoo of a spider whose original black tint was turning blood red.

"Just like the Chairwoman said things would happen but it's such a coincidence that we finally meet you only after a few days of your escape," A masculine voice came from behind her.

She slowly turned around, gasping for breath and the blood red veins stretching from her pupils revealed how much of an inner battle she was experiencing.

There were three men and the one in front was someone whom she knew very well. He didn't hold any high position in the underground but he was one of Akira's dogs. He always tried to please the chairwoman even when she didn't need his service. He was Dante.

Ashley could already tell that he had come looking for her without Akira's knowledge or permission.

Furiously, she sent blades of energy in their direction but they were quickly deflected by a swift yet effortless movement of his arm. It only showed how much the pain she felt had weakened her.

She tsked in frustration and held up her both middle fingers at the men before swiftly allowing her body to fall freely from the top of the bridge to the large body of water underneath. The moment she fell off, her hair turned silver from her shape-shifter returning to it.

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