
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Getting stared at was something certainly inevitable for him but at least, it felt better here than at the mini mart he had previously gone to.

There were at most ten sections where shopping bags of various patterns and designs were sold and these multiple sections had different people in charge of each one.

It didn't really matter much to him so he decided to head for the first section in the row.

"Good evening and welcome to Roxx supermarket," The lady in charge of the section greeted him. She seemed just as curious as everyone but must have told herself that she had come to work and not pry into people's businesses.

"Good evening," Emmet returned her greetings. "Well, I'm here to book some bags. About a hundred and fifty bags is what I need to be delivered."

The woman appeared confused at first and Emmet was quick to take note of the reason behind her reaction.

"I don't have a Palet yet," He casually said.

"Oh," She nodded and proceeded to jot down his order on a notepad.

 ' Who wouldn't have a Palet in these times?!' She thought to herself.

Since he didn't have a Palet to make bookings, this was the only way to note it down.

Once she was done taking down his order, she lifted her gaze to meet his face.

"Well sir, we sell bags in bundles most of the time and other times, sell required amounts. A bundle consists of 50 bags which costs 200 gold coins, automatically making three bundles a hundred and fifty bags at the cost of 600 gold coins," She briefly explained. "When would you like them to be delivered and on what day would the payment be made? Please know that any date is fine except after the date which the goods will be supplied."

"Payment will be made on the same day as delivery," Emmet answered.

"Very well," The lady nodded and moved to write additional information on her notepad. "What date?"

"The 15th. Two days before I will be needing them," He made sure to say for fear of late delivery.

 "Well noted," She answered. "Your name and address?"

"Emmet Quinn. Number 18 Myriad lane," He answered.

She nodded and wrote down more of his information. Once the whole process had come to an end, they exchanged greetings of farewell and Emmet made his way out of the supermarket.

"Now that I think more about it, I do need to get a Palet," He began once he was back to walking out under the night sky.

"I suggest same, sire and highly recommend you getting one. In this time and age, it is only normal that you should," Liesl answered, making small meows on his shoulder.

"So at what price would one cost?" He continued with his questions.

"Palets come in different styles and designs, with or without the premium feature. Although they all come in uniform colours which is a general blue colour for Palets without the premium feature and a general green colour for the ones with the premium feature, each Palet differs in style. This makes so that the price of Palets are determined mostly by style and design. However, a Palet can be gotten for at least 1000 gold coins," Liesl explained.

"That's a lot but with time, I bet I will be able to afford the things I need," Emmet sighed. "We haven't booked for snacks yet. Where can we get something simple, nice and cheap?"

"There's a wide variety of options but I think that although snacks may be a great idea for an event, you should take the number of guests whom will be attending into consideration first and that is something we are yet to conclude on. For the shopping bags, I didn't deem it as something that necessarily needed to be followed on the basis of numbers. It would be good if you could also involve its usage in later days away from the event," Liesl continued, amidst her persistent small meows.

"But the attendance slot says 50 guests per event day," Emmet said, his tone depicting confusion.

"Like you said sire, it is merely a slot that is expected to be filled by people. The slot may be available to 200 persons and at the end of the day, only 150 people will fill 150 slots while the remaining 50 will be left empty and would no longer matter once the reason for the slots may have ended," Liesl took her time to break it down for him.

Emmet slowly nodded in realization. He still had a long way to go in both his business and also in his journey of life on Earth.

Just then, a couple of notifications flooded his vision with each one popping up swiftly after one another.

[Karl has successfully registered for day 2 of the promotional event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]

[Mario has successfully registered for day 1 of the promotional event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]

[Narla has successfully registered for day 1 of the promotional event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]

[Miranda has successfully registered for day 1 of the promotional event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]

[Layla has successfully registered for day 3 of the promotional event, The Devil's Archive: Opening the gates of knowledge]


[Promotional event attendance slots available: 10/150]

[Day 1 attendance slots available: 7/50]

"Registrations are coming in. That's a good thing," Liesl remarked.

"At this point, it seems as though I am getting recognized," Emmet chuckled at his words.

As he continued his fairly long walk back to the Archive, he started to notice oval-shaped devices moving through the air in a manner so as to grab people's attention to what was being displayed on their screens.

"What are those?" Emmet asked from curiosity as one of the numerous devices zoomed past him after flashing its screen at him for a brief moment.

"From the information I have managed to gather, they are referred as ad bots."

 Liesl paused to use a paw to shoo away the device that had stopped in front of her face for a moment.

"These ad bots carry out duties as their name suggests. Advertisements are displayed on these devices from both small businesses to big businesses. Advertisements are another way of promotion and can be just as effective in promoting a business or trade as promotional events," She continued.

"Oh I understand now," Emmet finally paid close attention to one of the screens displaying what appeared to be a restaurant advertisement, and when he looked to two others he caught sight of a boutique advert on one and an advert on a group of seemingly well-known entertainers.

"Pretty ingenious, I must say," He added, truly impressed at how the quality and playing out of the ads were top notch.

"It is," Liesl agreed.

"I would also like to have them advertise the Archive. How do I do that?" Emmet had already stopped walking to stare at the moving devices, earning him stares from people who walked past for two different reasons.

"Applications can be made to the Emeria's advertisements board which also come with a price. However, it would be best if you finish up with the promotional event first. Rushing things can lead to a whole lot more work than planned," Liesl said.

Soon, they had returned to the Archive but instead of entering inside, Emmet stood a few inches away from the porch.

"I think it's high time we got a more attractive look," He said and proceeded to open his screen for the structure purchase.

Special thanks to @ScarletVeil and @Hillary2 for the powerstones.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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