
I am a Cultivator from Wechat.

Zhang Hao, a common young man, discovers a mysterious Wechat group devoted to cultivation in a contemporary world where cultivation methods are kept secret from the general public. He joins the group because he is intrigued by the potential it holds and learns about a whole new world of power, adventure, and desire. He made the decision to simplify his life while clinging to the power of WeChat because he wanted to achieve all the dreams he had never attempted to touch before. But until he met a master, who made the decision to send immortal beauties by his side to support him in the real world, he never realized that the world of cultivation he had imagined was never as simple as he had thought. A storm that no one had ever seen before in the eternity of endless tales began to stir in the world of the mortals as a result of a story of love, despair, possibilities, and endless hope.

Montenlord · Urban
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5 Chs

Wechat group...

Zhang Hao.

[I was a gifted student in high school in terms of knowledge and study, but shortly after beginning college, I realized that all I had been all this time was a frog inside a well with no prior knowledge of this world.]

[Before I was reincarnated on this earth, I was a college student on the previous earth, but in this world there were colleges and technology similar to earth except for martial arts too. Whereas I, who was just a commoner, could never learn martial arts from a young age, I just worked hard in other fields that I could get a hand on.]


"Fuck, my knuckle hurts... Damn those bastards; they just took it too far this time." Having the best academic record in the class definitely attracted the ire of someone who always wanted to stand out among his peers, and as a result, he was gang-beaten by some rowdies.

Hence, after getting a small treatment in the nearby doctor's ward, Zhang Hao was able to leave as he looked at his broken smartphone and just shook his head.

"I will buy a new one because my mother has been urging me to do so for a while and because I have enough money saved."

Zhang Hao muttered aloud before walking back to his apartment, though this time he took a cab because with his injured body, he had no chance of making it there on foot.

The residence of Zhang Hao was located in the west of the city, in a small town that was only 2 kilometers from the college.

A regular bus also ran regularly to the college from the residence.

It was also one of the factors that led Zhang Hao to choose the shared apartment, where he would be living on the same floor as three other people.

Zhang Hao went inside the building, which had 15 floors and a large base with a gym and other equipment for practicing martial arts.

The fact that one is a martial artist can give them the extra edge they need in this world for any type of job, but Zhang Hao has always wondered why there is not a cultivation system in place.

Because of the Martial Artist Qualification, people in this world are capable of doing things that would be impossible for someone to do with normal earth, like hammering a 70-cm-thick iron plate with their hands.

Zhang Hao came to a stop before he could enter the room and heard the cheerful laughter from the other side, so he just walked toward the washroom and washed his beaten face and dusted off his clothes first.

"I can't get them involved in all of this." He thought before he entered the room to find two of the room buddies hugging each other.

One of them was bald but had a grin on his face and was being hugged by a man who had long hair and a clever expression on his face in addition to having a glass on his nose.

"Please continue; I did not see anything just now."

Zhang Hao grinned before turning back to close the door, but he was pulled back by the bald guy, who gave Zhao Hao a serious look with a glint in his eyes.

"I am not into that kind of thing, Wang Sho, and please continue; I am not the type to judge people for their taste in that kind of thing."

Zhang Hao turned pale as he looked at his buddy when the third guy who was watching the TV show started to laugh at them.

"haha! He got you Wang Sho; that was awesome timing there, bro." Li Fan laughed, looking at Chen Mo and Wang Sho.

"Brother Hao, have you taken a beating or something?" Li Fan fell silent at Wang Sho's words, and even Chen Mo, the glass guy, came to a halt as he took a serious look at Zhang Hao and saw those injuries and his weak presence.

"So they had finally taken the first step, Huh? But brother Hao, always remember not to take them all by yourself; if you need help, we will help you out."

After giving him a brief note, they stopped talking and began to laugh and talk about other topics.

That was the second reason Zhang Hao decided to stay in this apartment as he observed the other people leaving his room after they had assisted him in placing an order for a new phone that would arrive in at most two hours.

This was something Zhang Hao liked about this group.

It was Li Fan, whose family history was still a mystery to him and his other brothers, who made Zhang Hao think it was possible to order something online so quickly.

However, they only knew that he was wealthy, and that was what really mattered to them because it meant they could use his money to buy them food and other luxuries.

The food that Zhang Hao consumed on an occasional basis was primarily on Li Fan's tab, so Li Fan was not overly upset about it and tended to be a really cool-headed man.

"What is so great about money, and you guys can always just put it on my tab? I really do not mind them at all, as long as I can treat you guys to food and drink." Even though it had only been a month, that is what he said when Zhang Hao questioned him about it that day after drinking.

When the doorbell rang, Zhang Hao was sound asleep and walked over to see if it was the smartphone he had ordered.

He discovered a package and brought it into his room.

A little excited, he opened the box and discovered the new model of the ML company that he had been wanting but had held off on purchasing in order to save some money.

He then entered his sim and other necessary information until an unusually large number of messages began to appear on Wechat, which had at last been installed on his device.

Western Pro Disciple: It appears that we have reached the temple, but it sure is dark here, even though it is still evening.

7-flight Windchaser-Cloud: If all four of you reached it, then try to create a small portal from the chat group, and we will also try to join the fun with you guys.

Little Binger (Hua Lei Island Disciple): Yes! I am so tired of waiting here, and the other students around me are working so hard, making me look like a slacker around this school. Please do that, senior brother.

['Because you are little sister,' Everyone thinks...]

Stone Fist Senior Right: Yes! Please send, and little sister Binger, you are one of the lazy kinds, so don't play prank right now and try to train while I will be there after the portal is done, alright?

Little Binger (Hua Lei Island Disciple): I am not lazy and I am not little alright, given that in the mortal world being 20 is already a mark of being an adult, so I am also a legit adult.

Stone Fist Senior Right: 😅😅

7-flight Windchaser-Cloud: 😅😅😅

Western Pro Disciple: 😅😅


'What the hell?'

Zhang Hao was stunned. When he discovered that they were playing a game of sharing in which they all started to play a pvp gaming style and invited everyone from the group to join, he was once again stunned as he read the messages.

He then reasoned that he should join the fun in order to forget about the beating. 'Are they all named like that, so should I also change my name too, for the fun.'

[Ding! User Name changed into: A Sword Follower.]

With that moniker, Zhang Hao laughed and jumped into the game, which was similar to pubg on earth.

He quickly discovered that the other players were quick to react and all, but they lacked gun knowledge and were easily defeated by him each time.

Eventually, he killed 10 of them and advanced to the final, where he lost.

Stone Fist Senior Right: Oh! That was really fun, but I saw a new name today and was surprised that he was really good at that game.

Silver Deep: He was good, for sure, but why did not I see him talking to anyone while I was looking at a message announcing the addition of a new group member about three hours earlier?

Little Binger: Oh, that indicates that he must be a very strong senior, even though these types of master typically keep to themselves and appear to be dragon-like.


'Are they trying to incite me to type something or what?' When another message caught Zhang Hao's eye and he turned away from the group message to laugh, he was given the second rank reward by the person holding the small arena.


He received a personal message on WeChat along with that ringing tone, and when he opened it, he saw a picture of a very attractive man smiling in the DP. A receive button and a smaller drawing of a container type were on it inside.

"Was there a function like this in Wechat?" Zhang Hao was uneasy about this circumstance because he thought that his perspective on this world was about to change once more. Because of this, he hesitated before pressing the receive button.

As a result, a guard unexpectedly appeared on his bed and assaulted him with the smell of herbs before abruptly disappearing with all of his bruises.

"Fuck! Cultivation exist..."
