
I am a Cultivator from Wechat.

Zhang Hao, a common young man, discovers a mysterious Wechat group devoted to cultivation in a contemporary world where cultivation methods are kept secret from the general public. He joins the group because he is intrigued by the potential it holds and learns about a whole new world of power, adventure, and desire. He made the decision to simplify his life while clinging to the power of WeChat because he wanted to achieve all the dreams he had never attempted to touch before. But until he met a master, who made the decision to send immortal beauties by his side to support him in the real world, he never realized that the world of cultivation he had imagined was never as simple as he had thought. A storm that no one had ever seen before in the eternity of endless tales began to stir in the world of the mortals as a result of a story of love, despair, possibilities, and endless hope.

Montenlord · Urban
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5 Chs

Tianyi Xue.

Shock! Happy! Anxiousness!

Zhang Hao was experiencing a range of emotions as he admired the large guard that was filled with herbal wine, the smell of which was able to heal all of his injuries easily.

While there was that group as well, it was through them that he was able to obtain this guard of wine, and Zhang Hao is very happy about the fact that there can be immortals within that group.

He initially considered asking the senior if mortals could consume the wine, but he immediately changed his mind after considering that they might exclude him from the group if they learned that he was mortal. As a result, he decided to remain silent for the time being.

'So, should I drink this wine or not, given that it can be really potent and could kill me as a mortal? Given that there was that little Binger girl, who was only 20 years old, in the group as well, it might be safe given that it is just a wine and not an immortal herb or pill.'

With that in mind, Zhang Hao decided to take the risk even though it was already dark. He grabbed a cup of wine from the bucket-sized guard and downed it in one gulp.

Zhang Hao soon experienced a rush of heat in his abdomen and piercing pain throughout his body, which caused him to sweat in fear.

When the pain eventually subsided, it was replaced by a warm, drunken sensation that traveled throughout his body and caused his mind to be clear but silent at the same time.

He moved to get another cup and drank from it, and as he did so, he felt nothing but warmth, and his mind was being drawn inside until he fell asleep on the bed like a baby with a contented smile on his face.

[That night I had a great dream with nothing to worry about, and my mind felt clearer than ever, plus my body felt light with something within my chest beating faster than the heart and keeping my body warm and humid at the same time. It was a feeling that I had never felt before, where tears started to run out of my eyes and my mind became more and more still like never before.]

Chirp! Ding!

Zhang Hao felt something off and woke up early on his own. For the first time in his life, he felt this energized, and he smiled as he looked at the guard.

He knew that the wine was to blame for his ability to feel this way.

He thought of others as he took out three different bottles to store the wine, but realizing his chest had suffered, he chose to keep it away from them.

After all, the pain in his chest was a blatant sign that this wine was not intended for mortals, and while he only wished for such an extraordinary body, it is possible that it was his body that could withstand it.

"I'll ask about it later from someone and see if it is possible for three of them to drink, although I should take three bottles for myself." The guard was far too large to take out in front of anyone, and there was no way that he would do so anywhere.

Hence, this was the best option, plus he was thinking of how to keep this guard safe, given that this room was up to no good.


Zhang Hao looked at the smartphone ring! And opened Wechat again to find a personal message on his account.

[Three-World Xing Han: Oh! Junior seemed to be alright after drinking the wine for the first time without any prior practice in martial arts or cultivation. It appears that master was correct about your cultivation talent, although junior you know you can directly store anything within the chatgroup's storage application, you just need to take a picture of it.]

Although the message was lengthy, the majority of Zhang Hao's issues were addressed in it, and the name that appeared on the screen also seemed familiar to him.

[Three-World Xing Han: Ah, I was the one who made you join this group.]

Then Zhang Hao remembered how he had a message from this guy before he was beaten by that group of hooligans yesterday, but Zhang Hao had completely ignored this guy's message.

"Wait! How is he replying when I am not even speaking those words out? Is he able to read my mind or something?"

However, Zhang Hao heard another notification all of a sudden and turned to look at it.

[Three-World Xing Han: Yeah! Something similar to it.]

[A Sword Follower: Then will you quit doing so, senior? I really want to have some privacy.]

[Three-World Xing Han: Okay, now that you have accepted it and are chatting with me, I do not need to use divination to read your mind. Although it was a nice practice for me, using it on a mortal boy like you, and about little Binger drinking wine, you know she is in the golden core realm, which is equal to any master in your world.]

[Three-World Xing Han: Also, change that Dao name; it is very cringy, and you should exercise this morning, because the heat within your chest will produce a result that could be quite surprising for a mortal like you.]

Accepting the proposal, Zhang Hao stored the guard and the bottle in his smartphone and left the apartment for a morning run, despite the fact that it was only 4:30 a.m. and there were not many people jogging at that time.

Zhang Hao was surprised to see how old guys in this time period had a nice smile and an amiable nature, as they talked to him while he was jogging and resting from time to time.

"Good morning to you too, miss."

After jogging for two hours, he realized that he had been running, and sometimes he had been dashing wildly too, but he never got tired of it.

'Should I dash all the way next morning, given in this manner I am not getting tired at all, that means I have more stamina due to warm feeling on my chest.'

He muttered to himself as he showered and took new clothes from his wardrobe to wear, only to find himself a little different, but it was difficult to notice.

He therefore made the decision to eat out for lunch because he lacked the motivation to cook in the morning and was considering going to the library because, despite his positive results, he still needed to study more.

Western Pro Disciple: It has been completed, and we will soon be able to open a portal. Everyone should be prepared for this, and given that many seniors will be present, anyone is welcome to join.

7-flight Windchaser Cloud: Oh! That is something good.

Three-World Xing Han: If mortal is also good enough, see if there is spirit fluctuation. This senior had someone to recommend for this adventure.

Little Binger (Hua Lei Island Disciple): Eh! Did Senior Three-World find a student or something? Then don't worry; I will take care of him on the island and have a lot of defensive talismans with me, so do not worry.

Western Pro Disciple: Senior that will be hard, for non-cultivator but there will be more chances in the future, given our group has found many ruins to explore.

Three-World Xing Han: It is alright Daoist Western. Also, thank you little Bing! But it seems that I will have to focus on his cultivation.

Zhang Hao was already back at the university when this incident occurred, and he was making his way in silence to the college library to avoid drawing the ire of that cretin.

After all, he had just been screwed by him yesterday, and he did not want to be picked up by that moron again.

As a result, he had no choice but to remain silent.

"Oh! Zhang Hao! You are back; take these documents and come with me; I have something I can use your help with." Teacher Xue abruptly made an appearance in the hallway and called Zhang Hao.

"Teacher Xue!" As they moved toward the teacher's office, Zhang Hao sighed as he walked and took the bundle from Xue Tianyi's hand. He then entered her private office, closed the door, and laid all the documents on the desk before turning to face her.

"Sorry for asking you out of nowhere, but you are the only student in that class I could count on when it comes to accuracy and helping nature."

Teacher Tianyi began to have faith in Zhang Hao's character and nature as a result of the numerous favors she had extended to him and the fact that he always tended to assist her.

"Teacher Xue did not need to say that much; I am really okay with these kinds of work and have developed a sense when working with others on these small tasks."

Zhang Hao clipped the bundle and divided them into different groups, and thanks to his productivity, he was able to finish all the odd jobs in the neighborhood.

While Zhang Hao felt a little weird about this, given that, until this moment, he had never been able to work this proficiently at all, his mind also felt really clear about it.

'Is this also related to that wine? It seems that drinking that wine has made several changes inside me, like my stamina, clear headiness, and sharp instinct.'

Zhang Hao's changes were unquestionably caused by that wine, but he was unaware that the strange warm sensation he was experiencing was actually Qi, which, as a result of his body's special characteristics, was revolving around it and causing everything to perform to its absolute best.

"You worked really fast, kid." Teacher Xue grinned as she fluffed his hair and watched the assignment come together so quickly.

She finished her own portion and glanced over at Zhang Hao, who was reading his own book while seated to the side. Although it was her, she gave him permission to view them as he pleased because he had assisted her.

"Work is done, kid. Let's go; this teacher will buy you some lunch together."

Given that his family was struggling financially and that he had a tendency to be extremely cautious about various things, particularly expensive books that he could never afford, Zhang Hao kept the book on the side with great care as he was also almost finished.

"Really, you take care of each thing, and it is a very important aspect of being a worker and the great mindset of a successful man."

She used to hear her father say these things to her when she was younger, but it was not until she finished college and started working here that she understood what he meant.

"I am just really poor, and things like these are very luxurious to me, so I have developed a tendency to treasure them." Zhang grinned awkwardly because he was not used to receiving praise like this and tended to make excuses at those times.

"And I am saying that those qualities of yours are really important if you want to be successful in life, okay! So, just accept them as it is."

Xue Tianyi was already used to having Zhang Hao speak like that, so she had already developed her tendencies to put her words clearly to him, as this was the only method the little shy guy would tend to accept them.

On the other hand, she has started to dislike people who exaggerate their virtues in front of others. After all, boasting about themselves in public is strange, and having others speak for them for some flattery makes her look down on them.

"Yes!" Zhang Hao followed her as they walked toward the gate when Xue Tianyi asked Zhang Hao to wait for her to bring her car out and ask him to wait on the other side.
