
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


"master Damien, thank God you are alive" 

Selena turned in the direction of the voice, she saw a man dressed in a suit, the man had a surprised look on his face when he saw her. Selena knew that her cover was blown now, there was nothing she could do.

"I saw the accident on the news earlier, by the time I got there you were no where to bw found " The old man continued to talk as he approached the duo, he first looked at the girl with questions in his eyes but then he quickly looked away.

"What news?" Damien asked,he could tell that Alfred couldn't recognize Selena, that was more than enough proof. 

"Oh it's all over the news channels" Alfred spoke as he returned to the living room, he picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

Damien walked towards the TV leaving Selena behind, he tried to read the headlines. Selena had told him that they were in the car together before the crash, but that was not what the Camera got. 

"At first I called Dean but he said he was in a business meeting, he said he would try to get contact with the nearby hospitals to know which one you were in" Alfred continued to explain as he looked at Master Damien's shirt. From the blood stains on it, he could tell that whatever happened must have been really tragic.

"Alfred I lost five years memory, so I can't recall anything from the last five years" Damien spoke with his eyes fixed on the TV screen, he searched but he still couldn't find the girl anywhere near the scene. 

"That's terrible sir, but I'm sure your memories would come back soon, maybe in a few weeks" Alfred added, this was not the first time.

"Do you recognize her?" Damien asked with his eyes still on the TV screen, he didn't want to make it obvious that they discussing about Selena.

"I certainly do not sir, I don't think I've ever seen her here, I'm not even sure you've brought her here before. If I may ask sir, who's she?" Alfred asked, he couldn't hold his curiosity much longer, he had been wondering for a while now. 

"She claims to be my wife, she also said that she was in the car with me when the accident happened."Damien added without sparing a glance at her, he had his arms crossed as he continued to watch the TV.

"But you are not married Master Damien, or was it a secret marriage. I really doubt that she's saying the truth, perhaps she's just trying to take advantage of your memory loss" Alfred spoke.

"I know she's lying, she's bad at it, but still I want to know her reason for all this. I could send her off right now but first I need to know her reason for all this." Damien spoke as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Perhaps maybe she's some kind of spy, I don't really know sir but I remember watching movies like this,where they send people into your life to get information from you" Alfred spoke not realizing that he was now sounding like a child. 

"So what do you suggest we do?" Damien asked.

"Well I say we just play along with her, pretend like she really was your wife, maybe then we'll have enough time to figure out what she wants" Alfred suggested. 

Damien thought about it for a while, the suggestion was good but Selena was no fool to fall for it. Selena knew she was lying to them and she knew that Alfred didn't know her to be his wife. If they both start pretending that truly she was Damien's wife then Selena might just figure out everything.

"That won't work" Damien added . "I'm even surprised that she's still here, I thought she would have run off now she has the opportunity" Damien asked as he looked behind but he couldn't find the girl "that was fast" Damien said as he searched the living room but he couldn't find her. 

"Are you going to look for her?" Alfred asked when he saw Damien head for the door.

"She took my Jacket" Damien said through gritted teeth. 

"You have other Jackets master Damien" Alfred spoke as he took a sit on the couch, he couldn't stand anymore, his eyes were threatening to close. 

"Go get some rest, I'll be back" Damien added as he opened the door, he glanced at the keys on the shelf, it was not possible for her to go far.


Selena sighed as she found a place to squat, she was quick to make a run for it when the two men were distracted. 

"Damn" Selena cursed when she realized how stupid she was, if she had known then she would have grabbed one of the keys. 

"Buzz buzzzz"

"Diana I'm in the middle of something right now" Selena whispered as she looked around to check if anyone was around. The lighting was dim and so it was hard to know if anyone was around.

"they cut off all your assets" Diana rushed the words out like she too couldn't believe it. 

"What?" Selena asked as her tone turned sharp, she was already fuming with anger.

"All your assets, allowances, they cleared everything, even your mum's medical bills. Your account, everything was wiped out, I tried to help but I don't know what happened to the system, I don't even have access to it" Diana spoke. One could hear the sound of keys tapping in the background.

"They cut of my mums medical bills?" Selena asked just to be sure, she wanted to know if she had heard Diana correctly. Of course she had expected the agency to do something like this. 

"Yes Selena, everything is gone" Diana spoke weakly like she too was being affected by it all. 

"It's okay I'll take care of it" Selena spoke weakly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I don't know how you are going to do it Selena but you should know that your mum would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. If you want to do something then you have to do it now, I wish I could help but the agency is being strict now. They know there's a mole inside the agency and so they are being extra careful. I'll try to call you tomorrow but all I can say now is that you need to lay low, don't forget they are still looking for you" Diana added with a sad tone. 

"I know, thanks anyway" Selena said before ending the call, she didn't want to hear anything else. She hugged her knees and leaned on one of the cars, tears still rolling down her cheek.