
I accidentally married a "CEO"

Through the matchmaking efforts of B-52 and Long Island Ice Tea, a man and a woman found themselves bound together in matrimony. Their paths crossed unexpectedly at a bustling club, and they made a mutual decision that would alter their lives forever. Thus, they entered into a fateful agreement: a fabricated marriage. And so, the tale of their love story unfolds... [EDITING IN PROGRESS] [COMPLETED] EXCERPT: It was a wild night in the West. After it was over, Ann was sore and tired, while Jeff was ecstatic and satisfied. Ann was sore all over her body when she woke up the following day. As she woke up, she eagerly rolled to her side, looking forward to seeing her husband beside her. However, much to her surprise, there was no sign of Jeff by her side. She frantically searched the apartment, but there was no sign of Jeff anywhere. Desperately, she tried to reassure herself, thinking, "Perhaps he just stepped out for a moment and will return soon." Ann was utterly unaware that Jeff had left her for good. As she awaited his return, her growing worry soon became anxious. *** Standing in front of the mirror, she noticed a small, bright pink sticky note clinging to the reflective surface, waiting to be discovered. ["Take care of yourself, be a good wife, and don't even think about it!"] "WTF! He took my virginity first to ensure that we consummated our marriage, then ran off. What did he mean by 'don't think about it'?" Ann was beyond furious. As Ann meticulously tidied up her bed, she noticed a small white envelope tucked under the pillow that Jeff had used the previous night. Intrigued, she picked it up and gingerly opened it, revealing a substantial sum of cash neatly folded inside. "Well, at least I did not just give away my virginity for free; I even got paid handsomely," Ann repeated those words to herself, desperately hoping to lift her spirits. Despite facing adversity, she remains a highly intelligent and determined young woman. She refuses to let this setback hinder her progress. Instead, she sees it as a valuable lesson contributing to her personal growth and resilience. *** Please follow me on Tiktok, IG, and FB [@ajzhen] If you want to donate, https://ko-fi.com/ajzhen

AJZHEN · Urban
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312 Chs

You Are Dead!

They agreed that Eva and Bentong would stay in the hospital for the night since police officers would guard them. 

Ethan had to take care of some matters at home.  As much as he wanted to stay, he had no choice but to bid his goodbye to the three and left like the devil was chasing him. 

He needed to ensure that Olivia's out of the way; he will make sure she's on the plane first thing in the morning. 


Ann had woken up and realized that Jeff was not in the room. She pushed the buzzer to the nurse station for someone to come.

"You called mam?" The nurse asks as soon as she comes in.

"I'm wondering if you know where CEO Go went?"

"I apologize, but I did not realize that he had stepped out. The last time I checked on you, he was sleeping next to you." The nurse replies with a smile on her face.