
I accidentally married a "CEO"

Through the matchmaking efforts of B-52 and Long Island Ice Tea, a man and a woman found themselves bound together in matrimony. Their paths crossed unexpectedly at a bustling club, and they made a mutual decision that would alter their lives forever. Thus, they entered into a fateful agreement: a fabricated marriage. And so, the tale of their love story unfolds... [EDITING IN PROGRESS] [COMPLETED] EXCERPT: It was a wild night in the West. After it was over, Ann was sore and tired, while Jeff was ecstatic and satisfied. Ann was sore all over her body when she woke up the following day. As she woke up, she eagerly rolled to her side, looking forward to seeing her husband beside her. However, much to her surprise, there was no sign of Jeff by her side. She frantically searched the apartment, but there was no sign of Jeff anywhere. Desperately, she tried to reassure herself, thinking, "Perhaps he just stepped out for a moment and will return soon." Ann was utterly unaware that Jeff had left her for good. As she awaited his return, her growing worry soon became anxious. *** Standing in front of the mirror, she noticed a small, bright pink sticky note clinging to the reflective surface, waiting to be discovered. ["Take care of yourself, be a good wife, and don't even think about it!"] "WTF! He took my virginity first to ensure that we consummated our marriage, then ran off. What did he mean by 'don't think about it'?" Ann was beyond furious. As Ann meticulously tidied up her bed, she noticed a small white envelope tucked under the pillow that Jeff had used the previous night. Intrigued, she picked it up and gingerly opened it, revealing a substantial sum of cash neatly folded inside. "Well, at least I did not just give away my virginity for free; I even got paid handsomely," Ann repeated those words to herself, desperately hoping to lift her spirits. Despite facing adversity, she remains a highly intelligent and determined young woman. She refuses to let this setback hinder her progress. Instead, she sees it as a valuable lesson contributing to her personal growth and resilience. *** Please follow me on Tiktok, IG, and FB [@ajzhen] If you want to donate, https://ko-fi.com/ajzhen

AJZHEN · Urban
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312 Chs

Trickery And Lies

Claudia was not stupid, she knew that throwing a tantrum now will only cause her more problems. It was best for her to keep quiet, she needed to ensure that the public did not know this. Cladia could not afford to lose her status as the Princess of the Tan household. She needed to come up with a scheme.

"Director may speak with you in private? Is there a place where no one can hear our discussion? It's imperative, and I don't want anyone knowing about this, especially my step-mother, you understand?"

She told the Director of the hospital with a look that could kill without batting an eye.

Claudia made a deal with the Director and paid him a lot of money to shut his mouth and the technician as well. A lot of money and a better future in the Medical industry.

The Tan family name was very prestigious, and they came from a line of the old Monarch. On top of having old money, there was also Sophia, who was a very famous celebrity in the country.

The Tan family ranked #10 among the most influential and wealthy families in the nation, whereas the Go family ranked #1 in everything. Claudia knew this, and she was not about to give it up.


Claudia was an actress. She told the Director to scram, and that she would be the one to explain the details to Sophia.

However, the problem with the blood for her Father was still on the table. Even though she now knew that Albert was not her biological father, he was still the Father who had given her the best of everything in the world.

Claudia came into the room crying, her eyes were full of tears and sorrow.

"Mother, I'm s-sorry! But my blood type did not match with Dad. What should we do, Mother? Dad only has me, and he has no other children as far as I know off." She was looking at Sophia's reaction to her acting, making sure that she believed her words.

"Ah!!!! What do I do now? I need to think... I need to do something, time is ticking, and I can't let him die." Sophia mumbled to herself.

'I have waited for some 20 odd years to reconcile with him. I cannot and will not let him die!' Sophia thought to herself.

Suddenly she thought of something which showed on her face, and Claudia did not miss it. She looked at Sophia with suspicious eyes.

"Mother!!! Please say something. I know you have a solution, right? Dad will not die. I will die too if anything happens to my Father, please mother find a way to help him, please!!!!" Claudia was hysterical now. Who could tell if it was for real or just her acting.

However, anyone could see how devastated she was, whether she was acting or not, it worked. It clearly showed that she loved Albert Tan.

"Wait!!! Edna, give me my phone! And you and you" Sophia said, pointing at both Edna and Claudia, "Step out for a minute, I need to make a private call." Sophia ordered them.

They did not argue with her request and just stepped out of the room.

As soon as the two left, Sophia dialed a number. It started to ring and a few seconds passed there was still no answer. A moment passed by, then the voicemail kicked in.

Sophia was unsure of what to do and was undecided if she should leave a message or try again. She's about to have a heart attack, and her blood pressure was shooting up into the sky.

'What am I going to do if I cannot get a hold of this person? The only person that can save my husband?' She thought.

Sophia decided to try again. If there was still no answer, she would personally go to beg this person. If she needed to get on her knees, she would.

With shaking hands, she dialed the number again. She couldn't stand still and kept on pacing back and forth as she listen to the phone ring. Suddenly... someone answered...

"Hello!" A man's voice was on the other line…

~Scroll to the next chapter~

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