
I accidentally married a "CEO"

Through the matchmaking efforts of B-52 and Long Island Ice Tea, a man and a woman found themselves bound together in matrimony. Their paths crossed unexpectedly at a bustling club, and they made a mutual decision that would alter their lives forever. Thus, they entered into a fateful agreement: a fabricated marriage. And so, the tale of their love story unfolds when she realizes that she "Accidentally Married A CEO." [EDITING IN PROGRESS] [COMPLETED]

AJZHEN · Urban
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312 Chs

The New CEO

After Ann sent the text message, she smiled at her deed. 'Let see if you don't come the minute you see my text.' She smiled as she began preparing the food that Lea had cooked earlier to eat. She had just started eating when Lea came in all fresh and wide awake.

"Alright! I'm all ears, and we have all day and nothing else to do. Se what's your story with the queen-mother, your Highness? Secondly, what does she wants that she had to come all the way here and not summon you?" She asked while stuffing her mouth full of food from Ann's plate.

"I'll tell you everything, alright! Please, be patient. As I have promised you before, once the time is right, anything and everything you will know. Now is the time, and after I tell you. There's something I need your help with." Ann finished with a sigh.

Lea looked at Ann straight face while thinking, 'What's with this duo, both were asking me to do something?' Furthermore, if she wanted to hear the story, she better agree. "Sure! Whatever you want, I'm with you. Just don't ask me to kill someone, for that's beyond my capability. She joked while looking at Ann seriously and paying attention.

Ann began telling her the story, and she did not leave out anything. After Ann told Lea everything there was to know, she felt a lot better. It's like a heavy burden was lifted and she could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It's a blessing in her life that she had met Lea when they were still in High School. Without Lea by her side all these years, who knows what would have happened to her. They had been through thick and thin. Lea was there at the lowest point of her life, never left her in a bind. 

Therefore, Ann wishes were, if she's ever reborn... She wanted to come back as Lea's mother in her next life. She tried to give her tenfold of what she had given her in this life. That's all she's asking.

"Wow, Oh, wow! It's the first time in my whole life that I heard a shocking story like yours. I never even guessed your relationship with each other. All this time I keep making fun of you, calling her The Queen-mother, when the truth is she's actually your mother. Wow!" Lea repeatedly saying wow, and was still in shocked.

"So, let me get this straight, Sophia Wen is the mother that abandoned you at birth, Albert Tan is the unknown biological father, Claudia is your half-sister who is engaged to be married to your hubby since birth. On top of that, you were asked to step in as Acting CEO, not as the rightful heiress but as a bastard daughter of the famous Diva, oh! and Grandma Wen's family took all her assets?

"What else did I miss?" She got up, started pacing back and forth, then stopped and faced Ann. "S-So, to make a long story short. You're the true heiress and wife, and whatever else. However, you can never tell the whole world. Am I right?" Lea asked anxiously; anger was visible on her face. She's now going bonker on behalf of her friend.

"What kind of Bullshit is that? 'ANN.' What are you doing, girl? Have you lost your brain? What happened to that smart girl I admired so much that I even forget I haven't had a man in my life in a very long time." Lea sat back down again, now seriously looking Ann straight in the face.

" Please! Tell me you have a plan, and you're not letting all these people use you and step all over you, right? Another thing, you are not going to give up Big Boss Jeff to that girl. No way! If you do, I will put poison in your food and kill you personally!" She was now at a boiling point and ready to wage war to these people.

 'Who the hell do they think they are? In their dream! I will personally go in their dreams and give them all a nightmare instead!' Lea mumbled to herself grinning.

"That's why I told you all of it so you can come up with a plan. We are in a bind right now, and revenge and torturing people is your forte; How about it?" Ann was looking at Lea with pleading eyes same as what Jeff did earlier.

'These two are a match made in heaven. Even when they're pleading for a favor, they're in sync with each other.' Lea shook her head.

"I have an idea; it seems that you're not getting out of this stepping in as acting CEO. However, you still have an image to uphold. You don't want to ruin your image to the public. Your commercial has not been released yet and still pending continuation. "Lea told her while seeming to be thinking deeply.

"We will need to make sure that you show up in this meeting as an entirely different person. If Sophia plans to announce that you are her bastard daughter, you need a separate identity. We will hide the Celebrity Ann, bring out the Professional Ann that graduated from Harvard with a degree in Business and a Corporate Law. How's that?"

Ann: '...Hmm...' 


Meanwhile at Mega World headquarter, Jeff just walked into his office when he realized that he left his phone in the car. He remembered seeing a buzz light show that there's a text message. 'I should have checked, and it could be important. Nah! if it's important, they will find a way to get in touch with me one way or the other.' He continued his way where the F team was working.

Jeff went straight to the F Team office to check on the progress. He needed to make sure that everything for tomorrow's meeting was in order. Everyone in the whole room was busy, including his Assistant.

"What's the progress?" Jeff asked everyone in the place but mainly looking at Ronald.

"Looking good Boss! So far, we have secured 9% additional stock under Ms. Wen's name. The total now of stock she has is 36%. Do you think it will be enough?" Ronald was not entirely convinced.

" We have the additional 10% combined with what she has now; she can be the CEO and kick whoever it is that they plan to take over as acting CEO. "By the way, I left my cell phone in the car can you get it? I seem to have a message, and it could be significant." Jeff then walked towards the head of the F Team to discuss further the plan he had in mind.

"Oh! Yah! I almost forgot, I just spoke to Missus Manager Lea, and she told me to tell you that everything is under control. The arrangement's all set for tomorrow." Ronald informed Jeff as he was heading out to get the cell phone in the car.