
I accidentally married a "CEO"

Through the matchmaking efforts of B-52 and Long Island Ice Tea, a man and a woman found themselves bound together in matrimony. Their paths crossed unexpectedly at a bustling club, and they made a mutual decision that would alter their lives forever. Thus, they entered into a fateful agreement: a fabricated marriage. And so, the tale of their love story unfolds when she realizes that she "Accidentally Married A CEO." [EDITING IN PROGRESS] [COMPLETED]

AJZHEN · Urban
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312 Chs

A Massive Explosion_1

The Hospital's director was under pressure. He was unsure how to respond to CEO Tan's inquiries.

What if he gave the wrong response and got murdered or lost his job as a result? He must consider the most appropriate response.

Just as he was ready to respond, someone knocked on his door.

"May I come in?" A man in a black leather jacket, expecting to be led inside, stood at the entrance.

"Come on in! How can I assist you? Albert Tan gave a rough reply.

"Mister! I am Officer Gomez from the Crime Division and hope to speak with you. That is, if you're in good enough condition to answer a few queries.

"I appreciate you being concerned about my health, Officer Gomez. I'm afraid I don't have much to say if you have come to ask questions regarding my accident." Albert had a genuine desire to support Officer Gomez.