
I Accidentally got an Evolution System

Kennon lay in bed, bored with his surroundings on earth. In an attempt to alleviate his boredom, he attempts to search for a game to download. Before his online quest can even begin, he's abducted by an omnipotent system and given a starting choice of three different evolutionary paths. -Recovery focused -Strength focused -Mental focused How far can he evolve using his system in a dangerous and foreign world?

MeisPatch · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

A Foreign World

Just as Kennon finished his thought, the screen disappeared and the surroundings returned to complete darkness. 'What's next?' Kennon thought to himself.


"Beginning body reconstruction." Echoed a voice from the void that surrounded his consciousness. Soon after, a faint light appeared in the distance. As it grew closer, a loud ringing sound began. Since he still had no body Kennon was unable to block out the noise and could only endure. The light grew closer and closer to his consciousness and the sound grew increasingly loud and blaring. Suddenly, Kennon could see again. He was surrounded by trees that reached into the clouds and his head barely peaked above the top of the strange plants covering the ground.

He looked down to his body to see a grotesque and yet strangely fascinating sight. He saw hands made solely out of bone. This appearance wasn't maintained long though because the bone began to bubble. Muscles shot out of the bubbling bone and began to wrap around it. As the muscle appeared, he began to feel pain unlike anything he'd ever felt in his short life on earth. His skeletal jaw fell open but no sound came out. Slowly, vocal chords and essential organs came into existence. That's when a shriek finally escaped his newly formed lips. Kennon made a sound he'd never made in his life due to the pain of his nerves being exposed to the surroundings and the feeling of flesh being stretched over muscle. Birds and other animals fled the harsh noise as the boy collapsed into the shrubs surrounding him and rolled around in agony while the process finished.

After what felt like an eternity of suffering, the pain disappeared and an emotionless voice echoed inside his head. "Body reconstruction complete, recovery genes and system have been fully integrated."

With anger and disgust, Kennon cursed the being that put him through the torture he just experienced. "Fuck this system god or whatever the fuck this thing is! I wanted to die after a long and boring life. Take me back, you piece of shit!" After his loud tirade at the sky, he wiped away the tears and snot that had been streaming down his face because of the torture and felt a little better.

He gradually relaxed his naked body into the soil beneath him and stared through the plant and tree cover at the bright blue sky before raising his hand in front of himself. The shape was similar to his previous hand with the only difference being that his skin looked a lot smoother and unblemished. After examining his hand, he turned to the rest of his body and found that all the scars and marks he had previously had similarly vanished. Since he couldn't see his face at the moment, he can only assume that it's in a similar situation as the rest of his body.

After his examination, Kennon turned his attention elsewhere. 'There must be some type of stat interface or quest page.' he thought to himself. "Status." He said aloud but nothing happened… Not discouraged yet, he closed his eyes and tried to access it by focusing. A smile formed on his lips as a bright blue page appeared in his consciousness.

Host: Kennon De' Lona

Current evolved gene traits:

-Body recovery level 1 (0%)

*Injuries heal more quickly*


-Run 3 miles without a break (Rewards 5 gene points)

-Break a bone (Rewards 30 gene points)

-Bleed 2 cups of blood (Rewards 30 gene points)

-Go a week without food (Rewards 50 gene points)

-Reach civilization (Rewards 100 gene points)

~Quests are refreshed every week~

Evolution shop:

-Hunger recovery ( 100 points )

-Mana recovery ( 80 points )

-Strength recovery ( 60 points )

-Stamina recovery ( 60 points )

-Mental recovery ( 60 points )

New evolution path ( 1000 points )

"What the fuck are those quests?" Kennon cursed aloud incredulously. "Aside from running, it's all self mutilation!" he complained. Unfortunately he wasn't able to grieve over such absurd quests for long because the bushes to his side began to rustle. A snorting sounded out along with the rustling and he sat up warily as if just realizing that he had been lazing around in a foreign environment without paying attention to his surroundings. The reality of his situation finally set in as the tusks of a wild boar brushed aside the plants in its way before coming to a halt in front of him. Both man and boar seemed shocked to see one another.

Kennon remained frozen, hoping the boar would ignore him and resume travelling in a different direction, but to his horror the already intimidating tusks on the boar began to grow. They slowly extended and curved forward, becoming deadly lances on the front of the muscle packed pig. Kennon gulped and climbed to his feet with one hand in front, as if to reassure the boar that he wasn't a threat. "Good piggy. I'll get out of your way… No need to be rash." he said. shuffling backwards. The large boar snorted, causing visible steam to shoot from its nostrils and shake the plants below it.

Unable to maintain his calm anymore Kennon once again cursed aloud and scrambled backwards in fright. The boar instantly kicked off the ground like an arrow shot from a ballista and despite Kennon's head start, the distance between the two quickly narrowed. Kennon threw himself towards the nearest tree. In his midair dive to the side he suddenly felt a sharp pain blossom from his leg before his world spun sideways. The upper half of his body had made it out of the way, but his right leg hadn't quite made it. Gritting his teeth, he scrambled back up and hobbled towards the tree, ignoring the blood and pain being emitted from his wound. Just as he reached the base of the tree, another snort echoed behind him as the boar had turned around to charge again. "Fuck…" Kennon whimpered.