
I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Kaye Jin was an illustrator who was accidentally transported into the other world and trapped inside the Princess' body. When she realized that the original Princess was a bad person, she decided to change her image and became close to everyone to have a peaceful life in the empire while thinking of a way to return to her original world. Later, an assassin named Ryu comes and tells her that someone from the empire wants to kill her. Will she be able to survive in this empire and return to her world?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Pregnancy Dilemma

After hanging out together, Tin accompanied Kaye to the hospital, concern etched across her face. As they strolled down the hospital hallway, Kaye reassured Tin, "I'm really fine, Tin. It's just the food."

"But you threw up earlier," Tin pointed out, her worry lingering. Though Tin didn't want to entertain the unsettling thought, she believed a visit to the doctor would be wise for her peace of mind.

Kaye, scanning the surroundings, couldn't spot Kurtis; perhaps he was on his rounds. If he found out about her condition, he would undoubtedly insist she work from home again.

"Tin, why did you bring me to the OB?" Kaye furrowed her brows in confusion.

"I just want to confirm something," Tin replied cryptically.

"What? What do you mean?" Kaye asked, her anxiety growing.

Without further explanation, Tin gently guided Kaye into the examination room. The doctor greeted them and conducted a test. The tension in the room thickened as they waited for the results. When the doctor finally spoke, she wore a reassuring smile. "You're three weeks pregnant."

Tin and Kaye shared a moment of stunned silence.

"W-What?" Kaye turned pale. Pregnant? Three weeks?

Her mind raced, it had been nearly two weeks since Kaye's return. The revelation that she was three weeks pregnant sent shockwaves through her. She covered her mouth, attempting to stifle the tears welling up within her. This couldn't be true—the weight of the truth pressed on her, and the memories flooded back—nights on the island when she was forced into a harrowing intimacy with Timothy, the haunting memories she had tried to bury.

The dreadful realization hit her: the father was Timothy.

Kaye left the hospital in silence, Tin offering a comforting hand on her back. "Kaye," Tin began, her voice filled with compassion.

Kaye couldn't hold back her tears, leaning into Tin's embrace. "T-Tin... What should I do?"

"Kaye, you have to tell this to your boyfriend," Tin advised, but Kaye recoiled at the thought.

No! If she tells her husbands, they will hate her. They will never forgive her and might even leave her. The child inside her is from Timothy, and they will likely never accept the child. However, she can't bring herself to consider aborting it; it's her baby, innocent and deserving of a chance at life.

Tin waited until Kaye found a taxi before leaving her. At home, Kaye retreated to her room, consumed by sorrow.


The reality hit her in waves. She slapped herself, hoping it was a dream, but the truth remained.

How would she face her husbands with news that she carried another man's child, especially Timothy's? The dilemma weighed heavily on her, leaving her lost in a sea of uncertainty.




Isaac managed to slip away from the mansion, shadowing one of the Fuentebella members to their headquarters. With Mikhail preoccupied in J City, Isaac and his grandpa found themselves staying in this city as well. Seated inside his car, Isaac observed the bustling activity around the headquarters, waiting impatiently for Mikhail to emerge.

"Tsk. How long will Mikhail stay inside?" he muttered, the hours ticking away into the evening. His anticipation grew.

Finally, Mikhail stepped out from the building, prompting Isaac to tail his car discreetly. Isaac had a hunch that Mikhail would be heading to see Kaye, and he was proven right when Mikhail's car pulled into a gated entrance. The security camera loomed, making it impossible for Isaac to enter without being detected.

"Damn it!" Isaac cursed, frustration evident as he struck the steering wheel. The desire to see Kaye fueled his impatience, but he knew he needed a plan.

"I'll wait until morning. I'm sure Kaye will come out or head to work. I need to be patient," he resolved, determination in his voice.

As he contemplated his next move, his phone rang—his grandpa calling. Isaac hesitated but eventually answered.


(Where are you? You left without bodyguards.)

"I'm sorry, grandpa. I visited a friend and will stay here for a while."

(Did you inform your brother? He'll be furious if he finds out you left without a bodyguard. You know how strict he is when it comes to you.)

"Grandpa, can I make a request? Please don't tell my brother about this. I know he's only concerned, but I'm fine now. Please, don't tell him."

(Alright, be home early tomorrow before he finds out.)

"Thank you, grandpa."

The call ended, leaving Isaac with a serious expression.


Mikhail's strictness wasn't truly an expression of care. The hired bodyguards and the overbearing rules were not about protecting him; they were a shield preventing him from encountering Kaye. That selfish emperor.

It was Izekiel's stroke of luck that their grandpa showered Isaac with favoritism. Perhaps the months spent in a coma had forged a unique bond, leaving their grandfather deeply caring for him.

He grabbed the food from the back seat, determined to wait outside until he caught sight of Kaye.




Kaye had retreated into the confines of her room, overwhelmed by tears and the weight of her problems. Raon knocked on the door, concern evident in his voice.

"Hon, are you alright? You haven't left your room. Are you feeling unwell?" He attempted to open the door, but it was locked.

Wiping her tears, Kaye feigned composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just dealing with period cramps."

"Can you open the door?" Raon inquired.

Kaye glanced at herself in the mirror, hastily fixing her disheveled hair and applying foundation to her face. She opened the door, forcing a smile for Raon.

Noticing her swollen eyes, Raon couldn't help but express concern. "Did you cry?" he asked.

"N-No, it's just the period cramps. Don't worry about me. Are you leaving for work now?" she replied.

"Yes, if you crave something, just call me. I'm heading out." Raon kissed her before departing.

She smiled and nodded. "Take care."

Once Raon left, Kaye closed the door and retreated to a corner of her room, giving in to another wave of tears. The weight of her guilt was suffocating. As she stared at herself in the mirror, the reflection seemed to echo the stark reality.

Her husbands had done everything for her, saving her countless times and providing her with everything she desired. They had been faithful to her, while she, in return, only brought troubles and problems to their family. The depth of her guilt overwhelmed her. She felt unworthy of their love.

She resolved that it had to end, contemplating the painful decision she felt compelled to make.




Kaye decided to step outside the house and pay a visit to her husbands and friends at their workplaces. Her first stop was Cedie's school, where she brought lunch for him.

"Mom!" Cedie's face lit up with joy, and he rushed to hug her. "What brings you here, Mom? Our class isn't over," he asked.

"I made your favorite food earlier. Since it happened to be my day off today, I came here to visit your school and deliver this to you," she replied with a warm smile.

"Mom, you're so sweet!" Cedie exclaimed, happily accepting the lunchbox.

Kaye planted a kiss on his cheek. "Baby, take care of yourself, okay? Always remember that Mom loves you so much."

Cedie beamed. "And I love Mom too!"

Returning the smile, Kaye hugged him tightly. "Go back to your room now. Tristan will pick you up this afternoon."

"Okay. See you at home, Mom!" Cedie waved as he headed back to his classroom, leaving Kaye with a heartwarming moment.

Wiping away tears, Kaye walked out of the school, heading to her next destination—Tristan's university. She texted him, informing him that she was waiting at the gate. Tristan, upon receiving the message, hurriedly left his office to meet her.

"Sweetie?" Tristan called out when he saw her, and Kaye smiled as she embraced him.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have work today?" he inquired while Kaye hugged him.

"I took a day off today. By the way, I made lunch earlier and brought some for you," she said, handing the lunchbox to him.

Tristan smiled warmly. "Thank you, sweetie. I will eat everything you made."

"I'll expect that," she teased.

Tristan affectionately pinched her cheeks, his happiness evident that Kaye paid a visit and brought lunch for him.

"I'm leaving now, sweetheart. I'll deliver lunch to the others. Please pick up Cedie later at school." she said.

"Okay, see you later." Tristan kissed her, waving as she got into the taxi.

Her next stop was Raon's company. The grandeur of the building amazed her as she waited in the lobby, observing the bustling surroundings.

"Hon!" Raon approached her. "What are you doing here? You should have texted me so I could inform the staff to let you into my office," he suggested.

Kaye chuckled. "It's fine, hon. I just came here to give this to you." She handed him the lunchbox.

"Did you cook this, hon?" Raon asked, a smile spreading across his face as he examined the lunchbox.

"Yes, I hope you'll like it," she replied.

"Of course, I will. It was made by my wife." Raon hugged her, and Kaye reciprocated with a smile.

"I'm leaving now. Make sure to finish your food," she said.

"I will. See you at home." Raon kissed her forehead.

She waved at him and left the building, doing her best to suppress the urge to cry. Kaye had been holding back her emotions; she couldn't let them see how deeply sad and depressed she truly felt. Soon, she arrived at Haru's shoot location, waiting by his van as she watched him during his photoshoot from a distance.

During a quick break, Haru checked his phone and read a message. His eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up, scanning the surroundings. A wide smile adorned his face when he spotted Kaye by the van, prompting him to run towards her.

"Boo, you surprised me. How did you find this place?" Haru exclaimed.

"Hehe, you posted online, and I checked the location. By the way, I came here to give this to you. I made it especially for you," she said, handing him the lunchbox.

"Wow! A lunch made by my wife!" Haru exclaimed.

Kaye playfully covered his mouth. "Sshhh... You're on set. If they hear you, it might become an issue."

"But it's the truth that I have a wife," Haru pouted.

"Pft. Right. Anyway, let's take a photo together on your phone," she suggested.

Haru eagerly took a photo with her. "Haru! Break time is over!" his manager called.

"Go ahead, they're calling you," she said.

"Thanks for the food, Boo. I'll finish them all later," he expressed gratitude, hugging her tightly. "See you at home." Then he rushed back to the set.

Forcing a smile, Kaye left the location, concealing the turmoil of her emotions behind the façade.

She arrived at J General Hospital, searching for Kurtis. The nurse informed her that he was on his rounds, so she patiently waited at his office. When Kurtis received her message, he swiftly returned to his office to meet her.

"Love..." Kurtis greeted her with a kiss on her cheek. "What's with your sudden visit? Do you feel sick? Do you need a check-up?" he inquired.

"No, I just came here to see you and give this." She placed the lunchbox on the table.

Kurtis opened it. "It smells delicious. Did you make this, Love?"

"Yup, made with full of love," she chuckled.

Kurtis chuckled as well and pinched her cheek. "Thank you, Love. Seeing the food you made made me hungry." He picked up a spoon and began to eat.

"How is it?" she asked, her eyes focused on him as he savored the food she had prepared.

Kurtis gave her a thumbs up while chewing, and Kaye couldn't help but smile.

After a short, pleasant conversation with Kurtis, she bid him goodbye and proceeded to her next destination.

Kaye found herself captivated by the beauty of the dresses, each exquisite but accompanied by a hefty price tag. Despite their expense, the quality was undeniable, making them worth the cost. She strolled through the store, admiring other displays.


Her thoughts were interrupted by Shin's familiar voice. She had come to the mall to see him.

"Shin, did I bother you today?" she asked.

As they exited the store, making their way to his office, Shin reassured her, "No, you can visit me whenever you want. My time will always be available for you."

"I'm sorry if I came here so suddenly. I made lunch earlier, so I decided to bring all of you lunch. I hope you will like this," she explained, producing the lunchbox from the paper bag.

Shin's eyes lit up at the sight. "F-For me?"

"Yes," Kaye smiled.

He embraced her. "I'm glad you didn't forget about me! Thanks for the food."

Kaye chuckled, "You are part of my family now; how could I forget you?" They settled on the sofa, engaging in conversation.

"Your mall is so big. I never imagined that you would end up in this world and own all of this. Me and my friends loved to hang out here when we were bored or had free time," she shared.

"Haha, even I was glad to become a businessman in this modern world. You know, I love money," Shin admitted.

"Pft. Haha, you never changed. Your love for money is unbeatable," she teased.

"But it's not only about the money. I also invested in properties and other businesses. I want to secure my future here," he explained.

"I know. That's why you're the best when it comes to business and savings," she complimented.

Shin held her hand. "I'm doing this for you, Kaye. I also want to secure your future. I'm saving money for you."

"Eh? But you don't have to do that for me. Please focus on yourself," she insisted.

Shin smiled, tousling her hair. "But I love doing this. You are my motivation, Kaye."

Kaye stared at him, contemplating the years of Shin's unwavering support despite her repeated rejections. The memories of his tireless efforts flooded her mind. Leon had been her pillar of support, helping her navigate through various challenges – from uncovering the identity of the assailant who sought to end her life, to the intense battles during the rebellion. He tirelessly searched for her when she was imprisoned by Gilmesh in the palace, facing danger, being captured and the imminent threat of beheading alongside her during the intense battle with Gilmesh. His commitment extended even to this unfamiliar world, where he continued to follow and stand beside her.

"Shin..." she uttered.

He looked at her in surprise as Kaye kissed him on the lips. "Thank you for everything," she whispered.

Shin smiled, responding to the kiss passionately, as if time itself was running out for them.

Kaye left the mall with tears welling up in her eyes. That kiss was her way of expressing gratitude to Shin for all his kindness. She called a taxi and headed to Troy's studio, finding him engrossed in his painting.

"K-Kaye?" he was surprised to see her. "You don't have work today?"

"Yeah, I took a day off," she replied. Ann wasn't around, as her part-time shift started at 2 pm.

"What are you painting?" she asked, peering at the canvas.

Troy blushed and quickly covered his canvas. "T-This is nothing!" he stammered, his face turning a deep shade of red.

Kaye furrowed her brows and pushed him gently. She smiled when she saw her image in the painting. "You're painting me again," she remarked.

Troy scratched his neck, visibly embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry... But I can't help myself but to paint you."

"Haha, that's fine with me. I can be your model whenever you want," she said, tousling his hair.

Troy's eyes sparkled. "R-Really?"

"Yup," she nodded. "Ah, by the way, I brought you lunch today." She took out the lunchbox and placed it on the table.

"Thank you," Troy said, smiling widely. It was the first time Kaye had cooked and brought lunch for him. In the past, he had always been the one preparing meals for her.

"Make sure to finish them all, or I'll be upset," she warned.

"I will! This food is a treasure from my empress!" Troy declared.

Kaye chuckled. "Haha, that's my Cedrik," she said, embracing him tightly.

Troy was surprised, sensing that something was different about Kaye today. "Uhm, Kaye... Is there something wrong?" he asked.

Kaye quickly wiped her tears and smiled. "Nothing. I'm just happy that you guys followed me here and remained my family. Thank you so much for coming into my life."

Troy smiled. "I should be the one to thank you for everything you've done for me. My life completely changed because of you, Your Majesty. If it weren't for you, maybe I'd still be a slave."

"Aww..." she embraced him again. "That face of yours isn't meant for being a slave. You're too pretty for that, Ced!"

Cedrik was a pretty man, and thankfully, no one dared to harass or bully him again in the Serolf Empire.

"I'm leaving now, Troy. Please take care of yourself," she said.

"I will. See you later, Kaye," he replied.

As she walked to the door, she paused, looking at him again. Troy met her gaze with a confused expression.

"Forgot something?" he asked.

Kaye smiled, ran to him, and kissed him on the lips. Troy's eyes widened, and his face immediately blushed.

"Thank you for everything, Ced," she said, then left.

Troy was left alone, holding his lips. Kaye had kissed him?!