
I Accidentally Became The Evil Princess Of This Empire

Kaye Jin was an illustrator who was accidentally transported into the other world and trapped inside the Princess' body. When she realized that the original Princess was a bad person, she decided to change her image and became close to everyone to have a peaceful life in the empire while thinking of a way to return to her original world. Later, an assassin named Ryu comes and tells her that someone from the empire wants to kill her. Will she be able to survive in this empire and return to her world?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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If I Confess, will anything change?

Kaye and Benjamin faced their husbands, and explained to them what they truly felt for each other. Despite the initial hurt, Kaye's husbands accepted Benjamin, except for Mikhail, who retreated to his room, and refused to engage in conversation with them.

Summoning her courage, Kaye approached Mikhail's closed door, knocked and slowly opened it, finding him seated on his bed, smoking and scrolling through his phone.

"H-Hubby," she stammered from the doorway.

Mikhail met her gaze with a stern expression, she could tell he was angry. Kaye watched as he sighed and placed the cigarette in the ashtray.

"Come in, wifey," Mikhail said.

As Kaye cautiously stepped forward, Mikhail motioned for her to sit. The atmosphere was charged with awkward tension, but Mikhail surprised her by enveloping her in an embrace.

"How are your other husbands?" he inquired, stroking her hair.

"W-We talked," Kaye replied nervously, closing her eyes.

"And?" he pressed on.

"T-They accepted Benj," she admitted, bracing for his reaction.

Instead of anger, Mikhail kissed her forehead, tightening his hold on her.

"A-Aren't you mad at me?" she asked, her anxiety evident.

"Yeah... At first," he conceded. "But I can't stay mad at you for long. I really can't."

"I'm sorry. I let you and the others down," she apologized.

Mikhail's kiss on her neck interrupted her, his whispered words sending shivers down her spine.

"There's another way to apologize, wifey," he suggested.

Kaye blushed deeply, familiar with his implications. Mikhail invited her to settle onto his lap.

"If you serve me well, the apology will be accepted," he teased with a smirk.

Heat flushed Kaye's face, embarrassed by Mikhail's suggestive words. She gazed at his lips and tenderly kissed him. Their passionate kisses intensified. Kaye's kisses traced a path from Mikhail's neck to the expanse of his chest, and as their bodies intertwined once again, the room echoed with their shared moans, a poignant reconciliation of desire.




"Yeheeyyy!!!" Cedie exclaimed as he stepped out of the car, his eyes sparkling as he gazed at the immense mansion that Mikhail had bought for them.

"Are we really going to live in this place???" he asked with wide-eyed excitement.

Kaye smiled warmly. "Yes, baby. We will live here from now on."

"Yipeee!!!" Cedie jumped for joy.

"Let's get inside! I'm excited to see it!" Haru exclaimed.

"Alright." Mikhail unlocked the main door, and everyone entered, their eyes widening as they took in the grandeur of the mansion.

"Swimming pool!" Cedie exclaimed.

"Wow! A bar counter! And a pool table!" Haru eagerly snapped photos.

"Nice, we can play and have drinks at the same time," Rein remarked, sitting on the counter.

"And there's a movie room over there," Tristan pointed out, smiling.

"And it's filled with adult movies. Who the heck put those things in that room?" Ivan asked.

"Oh, I thought you guys would like it," Shin responded.

"Have you guys seen the playground? It's so big and cool!" Cedie shouted from the sliding door.

"He's really happy," Kurtis commented.

"Haha, let him be. He's a child," Kaye said.

"This mansion is so huge. How are we going to clean this?" Haru wondered.

"We can make a schedule for household chores," Kurtis suggested.

"There's an art room here too!" Troy exclaimed, walking downstairs enthusiastically.

Kaye chuckled. "I'm glad everyone likes our new house," she said.

Benjamin and Warren approached, walking towards the group. They inspected various rooms together.

"Hey guys, where have you been?" Rein asked them.

"We checked the gym room," Benjamin replied.

"There's also a gym here?" Haru was surprised.

Warren nodded. "We can do boxing together."

"N-No thanks..." Haru looked in another direction. Warren was serious about training, and he feared he might break a bone because of him.

"There are lots of vacant rooms here. You can now choose which room you want to use," Mikhail informed them.

The men eagerly ran to choose their rooms.

"Careful, guys!" Kaye cautioned.

"They're acting like children," Kurtis observed.

"Why don't we have a pool party tonight?" Raon suggested.

"Alright! The fridge is fully stocked. I'll begin preparing our food now," Troy said.

"Let me assist with the cooking; I'll unpack my belongings first," Kaye offered, and they nodded in agreement.

Kaye smiled as she walked to her room. A new home, a new life. They were now one big, happy family. Only Maximilian and Izekiel were missing. She hoped they would find them soon. Worry gnawed at her as several months had passed, and there was still no sign of them.

Unbeknownst to her, Izekiel resided within the confines of the Fuentebella mansion, a revelation carefully concealed by Mikhail, veiled in secrecy from her awareness.



Kaye arranged the plates in the kitchen when Rein entered, causing them both to startle each other.

"S-Sorry... I startled you," Rein apologized, averting his gaze.

"It's alright," she responded, turning her attention away as memories of the incident at the resort, just before her kidnapping, rushed back. A flush spread across her face, mirroring Rein's embarrassment as he recalled the awkward moment.

"A-About what happened at the resort... T-That... I'm sorry if you overheard," she stammered, feeling a heightened sense of embarrassment.

"H-Haha... Y-Yeah, it's normal for couples to do that... B-But it's odd you two did it in broad daylight and in the bathroom near the kitchen," Rein remarked, scratching his head.

Kaye's face burned with embarrassment. "Waahh. Please forget about it!" she pleaded.

"Alright... I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. Don't worry; I won't tell anyone what I heard," Rein assured her.

"T-Thank you," Kaye said, grateful for his understanding.

Rein's gaze inadvertently fell upon her attire—a sleek sando paired with enticing shorts. He couldn't help but gulp, his attention captivated by the unexpected allure.

"I... I'll leave you now," he mumbled, quickly retreating to his room.

Glancing down at his own shorts, he muttered, "Damn! Why is this happening?"




One week later, at Troy's Art Studio.

The workshop participants diligently packed their materials, preparing to depart as the session came to a close. With the second day now concluded, they expressed satisfaction with their creations, signaling the success of the workshop.

"Thank you for today!" the students departed, each carrying their completed paintings.

"Take care on your way home. Bye!" Troy and Kaye waved farewell to the departing students, their expressions filled with warmth.

They watched as the students departed.

"Phew! Finally, it's over," Troy sighed, visibly exhausted from a day of teaching.

Troy's studio offered workshops for art enthusiasts. When there were no workshops, he dedicated his time to creating artworks and participating in exhibits.

Troy and Kaye shifted their focus to tidying up the studio, gathering the scattered materials and clearing away the remnants of the creative session.

"Mr. Troy, Miss Kaye, I'm leaving now as well. It's my mom's birthday," said Ann, a part-timer in the studio who assisted Troy when Kaye wasn't around.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," Troy replied.

"I'm sorry; I won't be able to help with cleaning today," Ann apologized.

"It's alright; leave it to us. Now go and don't keep your mom waiting," Kaye reassured.

"Thank you so much!" Ann expressed her gratitude before bidding them farewell.

"Bye, take care!" Kaye waved as Ann left.

"I'll buy food outside. What do you want to eat?" Troy asked.

"I'm craving crispy pork sisig and potato fries," Kaye replied.

"Alright, I'll go and buy them," he said.

"And a fruit cooler, lychee flavor!" Kaye added.

"Okay!" Troy agreed and left.

As Kaye arranged canvases, paintbrushes, and paints, she cleaned the studio while waiting for Troy. By the time she finished, exhaustion overcame her, and she fell asleep.

Troy returned with the food, placing it on the table. Spotting Kaye peacefully asleep in the chair, he couldn't help but admire her. She had cleaned the studio while he was away, undoubtedly tired. Even in her sleep, Kaye looked beautiful, and Troy found himself captivated, glancing at her lips before he gulped.

Moving closer, Troy couldn't resist and kissed her on the lips. Kaye's eyes snapped open, both of them caught off guard.

Troy stepped back, overwhelmed with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean—"

"T-Troy?" Kaye was still in shock.

"I'm really sorry!" Troy fled the studio, leaving Kaye bewildered and touching her lips.

Why did Troy kiss her? Her face flushed with embarrassment. Why did he do that?


Her heart raced, and she couldn't quite pinpoint the reason. Was it due to shock?

Her face flushed with red, and she shook her head. It couldn't be. She must be mistaken; it seemed impossible for Troy to feel that way.

Meanwhile, Troy, now at the park, was panting and reflecting on his impulsive action.

"Waaahhh! W-Why did I do that? I kissed her... A-And she caught me! Waahhh!" He sat on the ground, contemplating how he would face her now.

This is incredibly embarrassing; he fears he won't be able to show his face to her due to the overwhelming embarrassment, unable to meet her gaze directly.




When Troy returned home, he found them already having dinner. They were all engrossed in lively conversation during their meal, sharing laughter and enjoying each other's company.

"Hey Troy, why are you so late? Come and eat!" Shin invited.

Troy glanced at Kaye and caught her gaze, causing his face to immediately turn red.

"N-No, I-I'm fine. I'm still full!" he stammered before hastily running upstairs.

"What the hell is wrong with him? Why is his face so red?" Haru questioned.

Kaye attempted to conceal her embarrassment from her husbands. She maintained a facade of unawareness, pretending she knew nothing, continuing to chew her food.

"Is he sick?" Rein inquired.

The others shrugged and continued eating.

"By the way, I have an upcoming race this week. You will sponsor me, right?" Rein asked Mikhail.

"Just make sure you win; I don't want my money wasted," Mikhail replied.

"When will it be? Can I watch?" Haru expressed interest.

"As if you can attend; you're a famous model. Don't dare to show up in our race, or else you'll go viral on the internet for attending an underground race. I don't want to be involved if you ever get into trouble," Rein warned.

"He's right," Raon agreed.

"But I want to watch too!" Haru complained.

"Just watch the live stream on their website," Kurtis suggested.

"Damn, I need to pay to watch the live stream. Stingy website," Haru murmured.

"Kaye, are you taking your meds regularly?" Kurtis asked.

"Yeah, it's almost running out," she replied.

"Then I'll buy more tomorrow," Kurtis assured.

Kaye smiled and nodded, appreciating the support.



Troy's stomach grumbled, and he clutched it, glancing at the door. Hunger gnawed at him, but embarrassment held him back. He feared facing Kaye; the thought of her seeing him would definitely make him die of embarrassment.

His stomach continued its protests, and unable to ignore it any longer, he cautiously opened his room door, peeking outside. It was already 10 pm, and the house was silent; everyone had retired to their rooms. Troy tiptoed downstairs, heading straight to the kitchen. As he reached for the fridge, he noticed a figure sitting near the table and nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Y-You startled me," he stammered when he realized it was Kaye.

Kaye flicked on the lights, holding a cup of hot milk. "It's already late, you didn't eat dinner," she observed.

Troy, still embarrassed, averted his gaze. "I... I wasn't hungry earlier."

Kaye sighed and approached the fridge. "The food is already cold; let's microwave them," she suggested, placing the dishes inside the microwave.

Troy remained silent, feeling the awkward tension in the air. Kaye glanced at him, concern in her eyes. "Troy..."

"Y-Yes?" he flinched.

Kaye leaned on the sink. "E-Earlier... Why did you do that?" she inquired.

Troy stammered, "T-That... I... I didn't mean it. I-I'm sorry!" He closed his eyes, bracing for the conversation.

Kaye continued to watch him. "Troy... Please be honest with me. Do you like me?"

Troy nodded with closed eyes.

Kaye was left speechless. Even Troy harbored feelings for her? But why?

"S-Since when?" she asked.

"S-Since we were in Serolf Empire. Since the first day you came into our world and treated me well. When you appointed me as your butler and treated me as your family, I couldn't help myself and fell in love with you," he confessed.


"I understand you may never reciprocate my feelings since I'm just a butler, which is why I've kept my feelings hidden. It's fine with me; as long as you're happy with your husbands, I'm content admiring you from behind. If you're happy, I'm happy too," Troy added.

Kaye stared at the floor. "Troy... I'm sorry. I had no idea I've been unintentionally hurting you for so long. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Were you planning to keep it a secret forever?"

"E-Even if I tell you... Will anything change? I'm afraid that if I tell you, you will distance yourself from me," he confessed.

Kaye was at a loss for words. She understood the pain of harboring feelings for someone while trying to hide them. Troy had always been there for her, offering comfort and advice, even when dealing with issues involving Mikhail and Rasheen. She had no clue that the one supporting her and providing guidance was also secretly in love with her.

"I'm very sorry," she muttered.

Tears welled up in Troy's eyes. "I-It's alright, Kaye. I didn't ask you to reciprocate my feelings."

Kaye hugged him, unable to find the right words. This unexpected revelation left both of them grappling with emotions they hadn't anticipated.




The following day, Kaye and her friends gathered at a café to hang out. This is the first time they've dined together outside since her return.

"Gosh, I can't believe the story was about to finish. I was moved by the latest chapter while typing the lines," Tin exclaimed.

"Hehe, the readers flooded the site with comments about the latest chapter. I'm happy they kept supporting my story until now," Rubie shared.

"Two more chapters, and it will end. Do you plan to turn your new novel into a webcomic as well?" Kaye inquired.

"Well, it depends on the readers. If I receive lots of requests, why not? But my novel is still ongoing, so I'm not thinking about it for a while. I'm focused on writing," Rubie explained.

"Take your time. If you decide, just tell me. I'm willing to draw it for you," Kaye offered.

"Really? Waahhh Kaye!" Rubie hugged her tightly. "I'm lucky to be your friend, huhu."

Kaye and Tin chuckled as they enjoyed their time. The waiter soon arrived, placing their food on the table.

"Wow! This pizza looks delicious!" Rubie exclaimed.

Tin and Kaye started to take a slice and eat. However, Kaye, about to take a bite, suddenly covered her mouth and nose when she caught a whiff of the pizza.

"Kaye, what's wrong?" Tin asked.

Kaye felt like she was about to vomit after smelling it.

"N-Nothing," she replied.

"Huh? Don't you like the food? Here, taste it; it's delicious." Rubie took a slice and offered it to her, near her face. But Kaye couldn't take it anymore and rushed to the ladies' room to throw up.

Worried, Tin and Rubie followed her.

"Kaye, are you alright? Are you sick?" Tin asked with concern.

Kaye washed her mouth and grabbed a tissue. "I don't know, maybe I just don't like the smell of the food."

"Ehh? But the pizza smells good, and it's delicious," Rubie said.

Tin stared at her with a worried expression. "Kaye, why don't you go to the hospital?" she suggested.

Kaye sighed. Was it because of the meds she's taking?

"I'll accompany you to the hospital," Tin offered.

She nodded. "Alright, later. For now, let's return to our table."

The three returned to their table, continuing to eat. However, Kaye avoided the pizza as she couldn't stand the smell of it.