
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

nablethenoble · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 18: Truth

...'I don't expect him to directly ask you out...'. Lisa commented.'Me too'. Amber is the least to expect.There's so much problem with the gender and the status difference that it didn't come across as a possibility."Amber... Sooo... How did you know the prince?", Lisa changes the topic.Amber sighed."I met him back in Trius Magic Academy. We were classmates.".Fay and Lisa waited for more story. Amber then took a deep breath before continuing."I was the first princess of Atlanta. My father is the King by the way. My mother, the late Queen, she died. My father married his mistress. My half-sister and my step mother hate me and so...".Fay and Lisa had their mouths agape. She's a princess of a kingdom? And her mother, the first queen died? And to end up working as an adventurer? Wild imagination runs in both their minds.Fay and Lisa had a sad expression, imagining Amber's mother being poisoned by the evil mistress, which is right on the money.'Sorry. I want to leave my past behind and don't want to talk about the specifics. And Fay is mysterious as well, no?'.Amber tried to shift the focus to Fay. Now that Amber has revealed her true identity, Fay who still has a mysterious identity needs to be talked about."Ouh... Umm... I can tell you guys...".Lisa and Amber had their eyes wide open. They didn't expect Fay would want to talk about it."Let's get back to the inn first".The guys haven't returned yet it seems. Fay entered Lisa and Amber's room and sat on one of the beds."Don't be too surprised..." Fay fidgeted his fingers.Lisa and amber both had their eyes focused and locked. This is the first time Fay will talk about himself for full. They are capturing every info."I am not from this world, actually...".Both the girls are confused, and in disbelief."What do you mean, not from this world?"."Emm... I was not born here, in Elysia. I am, from a different universe, or it's like I am from a different planet you could say. But it's further away".They had their mouths open wide. Of course, every star is surrounded by planetary bodies. And there are also theories that humans and organisms might be out there too. So, they understand the example.Since they didn't reply with anything, Fay continued."It's a planet called Earth. There are very few magic users. And every magic user there needs to be contracted to Kyubey. Kyubey, can you show yourself to them?".Kyubey suddenly appeared sitting on Fay's shoulder and jumped down to sit next to him."Magic in my world is a secret thing. Most of the people never knew about magic or Kyubey"."And um... To be a magic user in my world, you have to make a contract with Kyubey to be granted a Wish and in exchange you have to fight Wraiths... It's like a magic beast in this world, or, the demons, or devils. They can't be seen by ordinary people and cause disasters like controlling people to commit suicide and causing accidents and kill people".Lisa and Amber still had their mouths open.'How do you come to this world?'. Amber asked the main question."Err... The goddess brought me here".They want to faint."The g-goddess??".'Yeah... I made a contract with Her. Kyubey here isn't my contractor. He got forcefully transferred to this world. While I am willing. It is my wish to leave my world behind and the goddess granted it. She just asked me to live as fate decides. Not sure what it meant though.'."Wait. You mean, the goddess herself granted your wish, and brought you to this world?".'Yes...'.Everyone had to have some silent time to digest this universe crossing news."But... Why did you leave your world...".Fay bites his lips."I had a lover once... His name is Ryo. My world, is not so kind and understanding of the same gender relationship. It's a taboo, in most places.".Fay told the story how his own parents had disowned him and so he lived by himself, barely making ends meet by working part-time. How Ryo's parents had blamed him for things and made things emotionally difficult. And his lover ultimately ended his life.Amber and Lisa are crying hearing the stories. Even Fay had to cry here and there because it's still painful to remember.They went to hug Fay."I don't know its so difficult for you in your world".Amber can sympathise on having family that aren't understanding and accepting. Although, in her opinion, she only ran from her kingdom, not run from the entire world."Did Wain know?".'Well. I only tell him about Ryo's part. Otherwise, he still thinks I am from Elysia'.'Umm... I don't think it's important where I come from though...'.They agreed somewhat.'Okay from your previous point, Kyubey can grant wishes?'Fay had to tell them about the contract, to be a magical user in exchange for fighting Wraiths."Your soul would be extracted and placed into this". Fay conjured his Soul Gem."And so, if your Soul Gem is destroyed, you will die. You can live forever until your magic runs out otherwise"."If you run out of magic, you die. Back in my world, the only way to regain your magic is to fight Wraiths and they drop something similar to a magic crystal. That's why, every magical girl HAS to fight Wraiths. But Wraiths are very limited in quantity, and are really dangerous compared to magic beasts. I would say, it's on Mithril to the Adamantite level rank of this world. And some may even have strength that can threaten a city,or a country. Because they have limited quantity magical girls compete with each other. Some magical girls have weak combat power... like Eli, for example. She can only heal; she can't kill a beast with her power. It would be difficult for her to fight and no one is willing to use their limited magic supply for someone else. Magical girls are often territorial and prevent other magical girls from entering. And at times... Even killing other magical girls just to ensure their survivability".They opened their mouths in shock again at the cruel system."Isn't it scary...?", Amber asked.'It is. But, for the sake of having any of your wishes come true, it's a price anyone is willing to pay'.Lisa and Amber look at Kyubey.'And Kyubey withhold a lot of information about the risks carried with being a magical girls.'Fay side-eyed Kyubey. Kyubey only keep his silence."Can we... have a wish granted as well?", Amber asked.Kyubey thought for a moment. He needs resources to create magical girls sustainably and to complete the request of the goddess. He needs someone to help him. And having these 3 together to help him as a team will be the most efficient."I can let you two have your wish come true, and turn you both into a magical girl. But in exchange, I want all of you to help me gather various resources. It's not a bad deal since you can get your wishes granted and given more power".Everyone looks at each other. Fay quickly interjected."Both of you need to think carefully. You wouldn't become, human, anymore once you made a contract. And, immortality is a curse in some way... I am afraid of watching Wain grow old and afraid he will be gone someday... I don't know if I can handle it".Fay shows a hint of sadness for the far unforeseeable future.'I know it's such a far thing but... You know, if you have children, or your parents, your friends... It's scary to have to leave them someday'.Amber and Lisa digested this information. It's true, immortality is a curse simply because you have to watch everyone around you leave your side at some point. But then the elves that have thousands of years of lifespan experience the same things if they had befriended humans, dwarfs and the like. It is something that long lived species had to grow accustomed to if they wanted to mingle with short-lived races. The same should go with immortals."Oh and... there's another way for a magical girl to die".Amber and Lisa look at Fay seriously."If you fell into deep despair. Your soul gem would be, polluted... With dark grimes. It shows your state of your soul. And once it reaches its limit, once you completely fall into despair, you would die as well".'What do you mean, fall into despair?'."I can tell you a story. A girl made a contract and wished to cure his boyfriend's illness"."She sacrificed her life as she had to fight Wraiths with her weak healing power and barely able to kill wraiths. She endured pain from being beaten by those monsters. She thought it was worth the sacrifice as she had saved his boyfriend. But at some point, he cheated on her. And break up with her. You know how devastated she felt, right? Anything that makes you... break down, hopeless, give up, feeling betrayed and losing all trust, regret, it would corrupt your soul gem and once it reaches the limit you just die".Fay touched his soul gem, remembering how devastated he was when he saw what Trevor did.Lisa and Amber gulped. That sounds scary."Emm... Take your time to think about it. I will go back first".They both nodded and start to think things through. ......Fay returned to his room to see Wain, sitting on his bed. His eyes are red and he seems drunk. And his fists are bloodied."Wain? Are you alright?".Wain looks at Fay. He went to hug him tight."Fay... Don't ask me that... What about you, are you really okay?".'Huh? What you mean? I am alright'. Fay is confused."I know... I already know what he did to you...".Fay felt his heart trembled. Fay had water pooling in his eyes. They just went to hug each other."Did you fight with him…?". Wain replied with silence.'Wain... I have thought about things through... It's just an empty body... I know it's still wrong. But-'"Fay. Don't say it like that. It's your body... I... I can't believe he did that...To think he touched you...".Wain caressed Fay's hair."It hurts me you are hurt. Why don't you tell me...?".Fay tears up again."I... I am afraid to ruin everything... This party... Your friendship, everyone... I don't... and he seems to feel regret over it. He apologised to me multiple times. I don't know what to think really..."....Sometimes prior.The boys after going to places went to a bar nearby and indulged themselves in alcohol."Trevor... Why did it seem like you and Fay seems so off. You guys fought or something...?" Wain is half drunk and only half jokingly said that. He somewhat felt like something feels weird but had shrugs it off thinking it's his imagination.'I am sorry...'.Wain opened his eyes a bit as he tried to regain his clarity."Huh? Why?".'I made a mistake...'."What mistake. So you guys really fought?". Wain really try to focus this time. This is very important for him.'hahaha he's just drunk. Don't mind him'. Elvis wanted to stop this. Trevor is completely drunk as he keeps drinking non-stop since earlier.Elvis starts to regret his decision to follow Wain suggestion to go here and had tried his best to avoid this place. He prayed Trevor would keep his mouth shut – to no avail. He didn't know alcohol would affect him to this extent."Trevor, why he's mad at you".'haha he's drunk I don't thin-''I touched him...'Trevor had interrupted Elvis with his quiet mutterings."What did you say?". Wain didn't hear it right.Elvis can't let him say any more words. He quickly closed his mouth and carried him."He's so drunk right now. We should go back".Wain felt unsatisfied. There's something going on and he wants to know. Wain pried Elvis hands away.'I am sorry…'. Trevor had tears in his eyes."He's talking nonsense we should-"'Tell me Trevor, what happened?'.Elvis had his heart trembled. It's a mistake to come here. And why is Trevor's lips so loose. He can't do this anymore. He went out of the bar, leaving them both alone.Is this, the end of the party? It's been more than a month since then. No... He can still salvage things if he kicked Trevor out. He is prepared to face Wain's anger because he knew about it and kept it secret. And Fay himself must have kept it a secret. In a way Elvis is respecting Fay's wish as well. Can he be blamed? Or, if they both can forgives him it should be fine…..."Trevor. Hey". Trevor's eyes are wandering here and there.'I am sorry Wain... I am... I am a bad person...'."Hey... You aren't a bad person. I have known you for years. What did you do? Is it so bad that Fay seems to be so mad at you?".'I touched him'.Wain had his heart stopped for a second. He had to pause his own brain to process it. He misheard it, right?'Can you... Repeat?'. His hand holding Trevor gets tighter. He doesn't want to believe he heard it right.'I-I touched his body...'.Wain felt so much anger, so much rage brewed inside him in an instant. He clenched his fist so tight and launched it directly to Trevor's face. His nose directly broke and bleed sending him flying backward.Wain can't even process the amount of anger he possessed.He pressed on Trevor who was lying on the ground, whimpering in pain and launched one punch after another. Blood splattered across the floor. The onlookers are screaming.Elvis heard the commotion and rushed back in. The whole scene is bloody. Wain keeps punching his face non-stop."Wain, stop! You are killing him!".Elvis quickly dragged him back. Wain is so mad he had tears in his eyes."Did you know...?". Wain glared at Elvis. Elvis had to take a deep breath."Let's talk outside. People are watching.'.Wain realised everyone had step meters back from him and just watched the drama unfold. Wain gives the bar owner 1 gold coin for the trouble and just leaves. The bar owner kept his complaint since the coin is enough for this mess. They went outside and went to a more private space."Did you know?".'It's his spare body. He didn't touch, Fay, in person.'.He misunderstood a little bit but, that's still wrong.'Thats still fucked up!'."I know...". Elvis replied.After a brief silence, Wain continued his interrogation."When...?"."When we went to the Capital. He stayed in his room at that time because of a fever"."I found that body in the closet. And so I figured it out".'So Fay... know?'."That's why he's mad at him".'Why didn't you tell me?'. Wain felt disappointed in his closest friend Trevor. And now even Elvis doesn't tell him anything and kept it a secret."Fay didn't tell you himself. I don't think I should".Wain realizes what Elvis said makes sense. Fay should have told him first because he is the one who got hurt. Wain let go of his feelings to beat Elvis as well.He felt betrayed by his own close friends. And he felt hurt that Fay had endured it in silence, not telling anyone, even keeping it from him. And he felt hurt Fay didn't tell him. Wain can guess why. He doesn't want to ruin their friendships. It's already ruined now that Trevor himself exposed it.He still feels angry. How could he do this? To Fay, out of all people, why did he have to do that to him?He clenched his fist tight. They both stood in silence. Wain had nothing more to talk about."I will check on him. He's injured badly. I don't think, you would want him to die, right?", Elvis said.Wain doesn't respond.He was his close friend. But he felt so angry at him. And yet he doesn't want to kill him. He's not a murderer. Wain just left the scene to go back to the inn....The couple hug each other, for each other's comfort.Wain remembers Fay's bizarre behaviour back then. It must have been because of what had happened."Fay... If anything hurts you, please tell me. Anything at all. I want to hear you out. Even if it would hurt me. I don't want you to keep them...".Wian can only hug Fay. Fay is strong physically, or magically. But seeing Fay crying like this, he still seems so weak.Is he that unreliable that he can't protect his heart?'I just... Don't want to ruin things...'.Fay cried it out. It stresses him so much really."Wain... Did you beat him badly?".Wain finally realised his fist felt hot from his own injury. Some of the blood stained Fay shirt.Wait, his shirt looks expensive and elegant. Even his nails are polished. Now he sees he looks more beautiful than usual because of his makeup. He put that aside for now."I am so angry at him...", Wain replied. He still clenched his fist, remembering it.Fay really doesn't want to ruin everything.'I... I will try to forgive him'.Wain tightened his grip on Fay."Fay. You don't have to force yourself to forgive him. I wouldn't either. He was my friend but... What he did...".'He seems like he's sorry for it... He apologised. He seems to feel guilty...''And he keeps drinking a lot in the last month, and he looks really lonely... I know he felt really guilty about it so…'.Wain keeps silent. He noticed his behaviour some time ago. And Trevor had exposed it himself probably out of his own guilt he kept."Are you sure, you want to forgive him?".Fay nodded. At least, seeing Trevor torturing himself elevate his anger. Even he felt softened when he saw Trevor walking stumbling across the street out of his destructive behaviour, and when he sees him walking at the back alone, as if, he didn't exist in the party. And when he at times tells him he's sorry when they pass by each other, even when he has ignored Trevor's existence. Fay can see he truly felt guilty about it."You can forgive him. But I wouldn't".Wain had already released most of his anger to Trevor. but he can't accept it. Why is Fay so kind to entertain the idea of forgiving him? Didn't he hurt him? Wain just hugged him again. He keeps forgetting his fist is bleeding."Sorry. Your new shirt got dirtied".'Yea... It's alright'.Fay took off his shirt and wore his towel."Let's take a bath...". Fay said with a hint of sadness still lingers in his heart. ...'Amber... If you can have your wish granted, what would you wish for?'.Amber remembered everything back in her kingdom. When they tainted her name with conspiracies. When the other nobles conspire against her. When her own mother died from poison. When her father never believed in her and still married his mistress. When she was close to being assassinated. When everyone believes that pretentious devil of a sister, thinking she's the kindest among everyone when in reality she knows how evil she is.She felt powerless. And she had to run away from her own kingdom, from her own rightful place as the heir to the throne. She clenched her fist. She knows what she wants. She wants what's hers to be returned back to her. She wants her mother back. She wants power to reclaim everything she has lost. Perhaps she could revive her dead mother. There are so many things she wanted. Amber keeps thinking about her true wish.She wants revenge, she wants everything that is rightfully hers as well. There are too many things that she wanted."I have some ideas...", Amber replied."What about you?"."Hmm... It's difficult. I am not sure if I am ready to be immortal to begin with..."."But if I can make a wish, I just wish we could stay like this, you know? I am quite happy with what I have now, with you guys and don't want anything to change. Oh and I hope Trevor and Fay could be okay again".Amber nodded.'Or maybe I can ask to be the strongest mage in the entirety of Elysia, what do you think?'.'Why not just become the strongest being in Elysia?'."Haha. You mean, wish to become a God? Hahaha..."Amber had her eyes open. Her view is limited to true dragons ancestors and the like as the 'strongest'. But to be the strongest... Isn't it Gods themselves?'It's not possible, right?', Amber asked rhetorically. Lisa blinks twice at her own joke. They will ask later for sure, if it's possible, and all of the weird wishes that they can think of....The next day they went to see Fay to further ask about limits on wishes."To wish to become a God?". Kyubey stares blankly at these two crazy girls.'Its possible'.Amber and Lisa, even Fay had their mouths opened.'But the amount of karmic potential that you have will not be enough for it to be fulfilled as you wanted'."Then it won't be granted?".'It can be granted. But your existence, will perish immediately afterwards. You will die immediately after the wish is granted, or when the wish is in the process to be granted'."Then... wishes have its limit? And what do you mean karmic potential?".'It means how much you can affect the fate of the world. I can see Amber has very high karmic potential because of how, her status as the 1st princess would affect many lives. While Lisa, you don't have much. It also affects to what extent a wish is able to produce the result you wanted, and how much power you have as a magical girl'."Then, what if I wish to resurrect my mother? Will she really return back alive?"."It's not enough for your mother to be truly resurrected. She would return as an undead, or have parts of her memory, personality and emotions missing, or she would be alive but unconscious due to her lack of complete soul. Or she could be resurrected completely, but will be left with little life force and can only live for a few seconds or minutes and die afterwards. Creation of an already dissipated soul is something that requires a tremendous amount of potential to be fulfilled completely. I can't even predict the outcome, but so far very few magical girls achieve complete resurrection wishes and they are people with abnormal karmic potential."Amber bit her lips. She wanted to revive her mother. But to think it's like this...Kyubey is truly honest about everything this time. Because he doesn't want these girls to fall into despair right after becoming a magical girl and just die right after. It would be a waste of his resources. So Kyubey stops omitting information and even adds on everything he knows and gives the completely honest truth."And it's better to be specific about your wishes. I can bring forth your potential, but ultimately, it's your hope that grants your wishes"."How did you grant wishes? You have some magic power?". Amber finally asked."I am a representative of a higher power. You could say, in reference to this world, it's a God of that world. And I am given the authority to choose which person can have their wish granted"."I can't control how and to what extent the wish is granted, although I have the ability to roughly estimate karmic potential and estimate the effect of the wish".Amber and Lisa nodded at Kyubey's explanation. However Fay felt dissatisfied.'Why didn't you tell me all these things when I was making a contract?'.Kyubey stared at Fay blankly."Because it's unnecessary. And does it matter if you know? Ignorance is bliss is a popular phrase in your world doesn't it. If I tell everyone everything, they might reject the contract and they won't become magical girls".Fay is once again reminded that Kyubey is some psychopathic creature that has his own agenda and goals.Amber and Lisa decide to keep their wishes for now. Consequences of a wish half fulfilled seems scary and can lead to dire consequences....