
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chaotic morning

Danzō, feeling a strong itching pain in his head, stood up from the mattress that was placed on the floor. Next to him lay a naked Higane, wrapped in a blanket. Looking closer, one could notice traces of blood left after a stormy night.

"What the hell?!"

After being surprised, Danzo began to try to remember something about the events of last night and after a while, he managed to understand a rough picture of what happened.

"Eh, I've never drunk in my life... What you won't do just to pick up a girl..."

Feeling great shame and at the same time responsible for what happened, Danzo got up and went to the kitchen. Having found several familiar types of vegetables, he quickly cooked up a salad for himself and for Higane, who had not yet woken up.

Not knowing what else to do in this awkward situation, Danzō decided not to pull the raspberries and woke up Higane by first kissing her on the cheek again and then gently shaking her.

- Higane, get up, I've made breakfast for us... - Danzō tried to hide his embarrassment as much as possible behind a calm voice.

Higane, barely awake, tried to brush away and hide from Danzō, but then abruptly opened her eyes, hatching at Danzō. She then slowly lifted her blanket and then turned her gaze back to Danzō.

- Come on, get up quickly, breakfast is ready... - Danzo repeated again, barely managing to hide his infinitely increased embarrassment, but was abruptly interrupted by a deep kiss.

Then Higanj also abruptly tore it up and seriously asked:

- Will you take over...?

But then Danzo interrupted her with a kiss and breaking it after a few seconds answered:

- Of course. If you want, we can even arrange a wedding... But I'm afraid that Mito will kill me right in the middle of the ceremony.

Higane broke down and laughed along with Danzō.

- Well, we don't have to talk about it, right? - the fox said slyly, running her fingers along Danzo's overgrown chin, with two cross scars.

- Really. - Danzō replied shyly and changed the subject. - I cooked breakfast for us, let's go and eat.

Dressing quickly, Higane followed Danzō into the kitchen and together they tasted the salad he had prepared.

- Mmm, you made it so delicious, can you tell me how you cooked it? - Higane sincerely praised.

- Yes, I just took it ... - Danzo quickly explained the ingredients. - ...then added olive oil, sil, pepper and some seeds.

Higane, with a serious face, wrote down Danzō's every word, which only made him smile.

- You're so cute when you smile... - Higane said with a happy note.

Danzō still did not understand why such happiness fell on him, but he was firmly convinced that he would protect him at any cost.

When they had eaten everything, Danzō, hiding his insecurities, walked straight up to Higane and simply hugged her tightly. The answer was not long in coming and Danzo felt that seemingly gentle and thin hands pressed him tightly to Higane's body, whose height was a head shorter than him.

- I have to go... But I will definitely be back for lunch... and dinner too! - Danzo said confidently.

Higane laughed lightly and, with noticeable reluctance, released him.

- I'll be waiting.

Danzo left silently and without looking back. To those around him, his face might seem cold, but only those who had known him for a long time could see the raised corners of his lips and the dreamy expression on his face.

*Thank you for subscribing, Zaid Zaid and

Richard Darden.

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