
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


"Hmm, Dark Leaf Trail... Couldn't they have come up with something more original? And anyway, how did they come up with such a nickname?"

And then Danzō remembered nicknames such as the White Fang of the Leaf and the Yellow Flash of Konoha, and then looked at his black hair.


Noticing the ambiguous reaction of his friend, Hiruzen only smiled.

Stopping the silent flow of obscene language, Danzō remembered something important and hurried to ask:

- Hiruzen, could you tell me...


Danzō ran out of the Hokage's residence in a hurry and rushed around the Village, trying to find even one open flower shop. Unfortunately, it was already too late.

"Okay, it's not over yet!"

In just a couple of minutes, Danzo ended up in the Forest of Death and picked up several beautiful plants there and wrapped them in paper, making a bouquet out of them.

"So, I have to hurry, otherwise I'll miss any decent visiting time!"

A few minutes later, Danzō, a little sweaty, stood in front of a very good house, in which only one person lived.

*Knock Knock*

As soon as he knocked, the light came on in the house, and judging by the shadows visible from the windows, someone was dressing very quickly. Literally a minute later, the door opened and Danzō saw a blushing Higane.

- What do you want? - she said with mock displeasure.

Without much trickery, Danzō took out the bouquet he had made from his bosom.

Higane was obviously pleasantly surprised by this gift and snatched it out of Danzo's hands without any decency, immediately inhaling and feeling the scent of each flower that had not yet faded.

- Come on! - Higane said with a face that directly radiated energy.

Danzō did not wait long and calmly walked inside, after which Higane hurriedly closed the door behind him, as if afraid that he would run away.

- Have a seat! - Higane said with a slightly excited voice, pointing at the kotatsu.

"And I almost forgot that there is a near-Japanese culture here..."

Danzō sat on the floor with his legs crossed in a lotus position.

Soon, Higane brought a large pot... with pilaf. Not rice, but pilaf.

Danzō was both delighted to see his favorite dish from his past life and wary at the same time. Too many oddities arose with Higane.

- Funny, this is my favorite dish. - Danzō specifically said as he watched Higane's reaction.

However, she just smiled sweetly without saying anything and went to the kitchen to fetch some dishes, returning from there with... chopsticks and one spoon, which she handed to Danzō.


Danzō did not slowly activate the First Gate to dispel the genjutsu cast on him... But nothing happened and he had to close it.

Higan didn't notice anything, put her hands together and looked at Danzō.

Quickly realizing what was happening, Danzo also folded his hands and together with Higane said:

- Itadakimas!

And together, they began to eat.

All this time, Danzō silently pondered over all the oddities associated with Higane. And no matter how hard he tried, he could not come up with something sane that could explain them.

- What is it like to be the hero of the village? - Higane suddenly asked him, snapping Danzō out of his thoughts.

- Interesting... However, I most likely have not yet felt the influence of this status, since I left the hospital only half an hour ago. - honestly answered Danzo.

After carefully chewing and swallowing a large piece of meat, Higane added:

- Well, of course it's interesting! Do you know that the girls from our Clan only talk about you despite Mito-sama's ban?

- Ban? - Danzo stated.

Higane lightly slapped her forehead.

- When the Third Hokage spoke in detail about all your exploits, including that almost the entire Operation Typhoon was invented by you, and ended his speech with the news that thanks to you, Konoha won a great victory over the Land of Lightning, which will now become part of the Land of Fire, Mito -she left the meeting in a rage and forbade the Clan from discussing everything related to you.

The details made Danzo's skin goosebumps with fear.

"Does she really hate me that much?.. Although, given that I achieve such success, while not believing in the ideals of Hashirama, naturally she will despise and hate me."

- And when one of the Hokage's advisers, Homura Mitokado, heard that you covered 200 kilometers in just half an hour chasing the Raikage, he jokingly called you "Dark Trail." This nickname has taken root well and now everyone calls you that. - Higane spoke incessantly.

- You know, given that you saved my life, we could communicate on you. - Danzo noted.

Higane looked a little shocked at this suggestion.

- Indeed, it will be better.

*There are over 23 extra chapters available on my pat reon.

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