

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 36 A simple question

Audrey recalled what her father and brother had said when discussing the situation, and she said to herself:

"They think that the current government structure is too chaotic. Every time the election is over, as long as there is a change of party, a group of people will change from top to bottom, making things a mess and extremely inefficient. This not only caused the loss of the war but also brought great inconvenience to the people."

Klein is very clear that, because there is no reference object, the Lun Kingdom has not evolved the civil service examination system at this time, and the form of political party governance is still in the initial stage. Therefore, after the election victory, many so-called transactional positions will also be awarded to members and supporters.

Well, Russell the Great did not invent this system in India, which is simply not in line with his character... Does he shift his focus to other places in the later stage?

"Hanging upside down" Alger heard this and put in a low smile:

"They think? Their feeling is really dull. Maybe it will be a year before they feel itchy after being bitten by black mosquitoes."

The black mosquito is a kind of creature in the south of the kingdom of Lun. It is famous for its strong toxicity and makes people want to scratch their skin.

Audrey stretched out her palm, covered her mouth, ignored the taunt of "hanging upside down" and threw out the core of the news just now:

"Unfortunately, they can't find a good alternative to this system for the time being."

Klein listened quietly, felt that the topic had entered his field of expertise, and smiled:

"This is a simple question."

Both the big food empire and the corrupt countries learning from the big food empire have very successful advanced experiences.

"Simple?" Audrey asked in surprise.

Although her family education curriculum does not include politics, she often listens to her father, brother, and others to discuss, and still has enough knowledge in similar aspects.

Klein seemed to return to the previous forum and smiled calmly:

"The exam, like the college entrance exam, is a test for all the public. It can be divided into two or three rounds, and the elite can be selected in the most objective way."

"But..." Audrey vaguely knew what kind of opposition it would bring.

Without giving her the chance to organize her language, Klein continued:

"After that, we will use these elites to fill the official positions of the cabinet, county government, municipal government, and each town. That is, the official positions where we work directly, such as the senior secretary of the cabinet."

"According to the different requirements of different positions, we can conduct the separate and differentiated examination in the second or third round, and the professional work must be handed over to professionals."

"Ministers, sheriffs, and mayors, these political positions are reserved for the parties that win the election. This is the cake they deserve."

Alger, who was not interested enough in the problem nearby, turned his head and listened carefully, while Audrey frowned and fell into meditation.

"Don't rush to replace all the people at once. The cabinet and governments at all levels will be paralyzed. You can hold an examination every year or three years and gradually replace them. Then, depending on the expansion of the kingdom and the vacancies caused by the resignation of government employees and the aging of the elderly, the quota will be determined in a planned way." Klein gave full play to the characteristics of his keyboard politician, and finally said, "This design can maximize the inclusion of the knowledgeable elites in the kingdom into the government, and no matter which party comes to power, no matter who the minister is, the affairs officers can maintain the basic and relatively effective operation of the kingdom."

Of course, the side effect is the birth of the immortal evil of bureaucracy.

Audrey wondered while thinking:

"That is to say, even if those ministers become curly baboons, it will not have much impact?"

"No." Alger interrupted, "I think the curly baboon is a better choice than the current minister."

He paused and added:

"After all, the curly baboon only needs to eat, sleep and mate. It will not give stupid ideas and will not stick to the plan without brains."

Mr. "Hanger upside down", it sounds like you have a bad boss... Klein sits on the top and shakes his head with a smile.

Audrey pondered what Mr. "Fool" had just described, and then said in astonishment for a while:

"It sounds like it really works..."

"It's a simple but effective way!"

She looked at Klein and exclaimed sincerely:

"Mr. Fool, you must be an elder with rich life experience and outstanding wisdom!"

... Klein twitched his mouth, looked at "upside down" and "justice", and said in silence for a few seconds:

"That's all for today's party."

If Miss "Justice" can influence her relatives and promote the occurrence of this matter, I will guide Benson ahead of time to give him the opportunity to become a "civil servant".

After careful consideration, Benson is really suitable for this industry.

However, "justice" should not take the initiative to do it, because, in that way, I can basically guess her real identity by asking the "upside down hanger" which nobleman put forward the proposal.

Of course, she can go around in a more subtle way.

"Obey your will." Audrey and Alger stood up at the same time.

Klein leaned back and cut off the connection, only to see that the illusory and vague figures of "justice" and "upside down man" were quickly broken and dissipated.

Above the fog, in the magnificent hall like the residence of gods, there was only him sitting quietly on the long bronze table.

Klein did not fall directly into the fog and leave here as he did last time, because he was still energetic enough to become an extraordinary man.

The reason why he ended the meeting of "Tarot meeting" ahead of time was that he knew the true attitude of the "night watcher" to the notes of the Antigonius family, and decided to wait to make a serious look, rather than just lie down and sleep, which would be suspected by Dunn Smith and his family what they had done at home.

And today's harvest is not too small.

Klein sat in the high-back chair at the head of the bronze table, with his arms on the armrest, and looked at the boundless gray fog with his fingers crossed. He only felt that it was empty and silent as if there had been no foot for thousands of years.

He was keenly aware of one thing when he established contact and "summoned" the projection of "justice" and "upside down".

That is, as an extraordinary person, I can touch another "dark red star" when I have spare power!

"That is to say, can you 'summon' another one?" Klein recalled that feeling and almost certainly said to himself.

However, he did not try impulsively before, because he did not know what the identity and attitude of the newcomer would be. After all, not everyone, like "justice" and "hanging upside down", could quickly integrate with each other due to their unique characteristics, and seemed willing to hide. If the newcomer was like Dunn Smith, his newly established "mysterious organization" would immediately be exposed to the "eyes of the church".

As the "evil" organization Big BOSS, its future is worrying.

——Klein knew that the fog was very special and that it could not be "cracked" by an extraordinary person like Dunn Smith, but the problem was that since there was extraordinary power, he had to consider the existence of gods.

At present, Klein is cautious in believing that all seven orthodox gods really exist. Of course, he prefers that these gods are just stronger and more powerful than the high-order ones, and they are subject to some strict restrictions. At least since the fifth century, they have had no deeds except for a few oracles.

"Oh, it's also a bad thing to force people to pull people. Nobody wants to get involved in mysterious events for no reason... It's better to see later..." Klein sighed and stood up.

He unfolded his spirituality, sensed the existence of his body, and then began to imitate the heavy feeling of falling rapidly.

The light and shadow in front of him immediately changed, and the gray fog and dark red went away in an instant. Klein seemed to penetrate the endless water film, and finally saw the real world and the darkness of the house.

This time, he was fully awake and experienced the process seriously.

"Strange... the fog is still a little different from the spirit world..." Klein moved his hands and feet and felt the truth of flesh and blood.

After a while of careful understanding, he shook his head and walked to the desk, stretched out his hand, and pulled the curtain.


The curtain shrinks, the sun shines in, and the room is bright.

Looking at the street outside the bulbous window and the pedestrians coming and going, Klein took a breath and said to himself in silence:

"It's time to go out and work."

"How can I play the role of 'fortune teller'?"

"This can't be too urgent... I can only see..."


Lakeland, Queens.

Audrey Hall saw herself in the mirror, her flushed cheeks and bright eyes that people dare not look straight at.

She couldn't care to look at these things, and immediately recalled before, then picked up the pen inlaid with gems, brushed, and wrote the formula of the magic drug "audience" on the fine parchment:

"80 ml of pure water, 5 drops of autumn daffodil essence, 13 g of cow tooth peony powder, 7 petals of fairy flowers, a pair of eyes of adult Manhar fish, and 35 ml of blood of croaker."

Huh... Audrey sighed, looked at it several times, and finally confirmed it.

She had the impulse to dance again but told herself to be reserved.

After thinking about it, she began to write the names of various chemicals around the magic potion formula, disguising this page as complicated and chaotic scientific knowledge.

Well, as long as you don't read it carefully and consciously, people who look at it at random will not find the details I hide... great! Audrey praised herself and turned her thoughts to the acquisition of materials:

"First look in the family's treasure houses, and try to exchange the rest from others..."

"If we still can't make it, we can only ask Mr. Fool and Mr. Hanger for help at the next party... what will we pay for it?"

After thinking for a while, Audrey closed her notes and put them on the small bookshelf in the bedroom. Then she walked briskly to the door and opened the door.

A big golden dog is sitting outside.

Audrey turned her mouth up and smiled like sunshine:

"Susie, you have finished your task very well!"

"In the serial stories in the newspaper, the detective always has a right-hand man. I think the real 'audience' also needs to follow a big dog~"


In the basement with only a little candle flickering, Alger Wilson raised his palm and looked carefully.

After a long time, he uttered a sigh:

"It's still so magical that I can't grasp the details..."

Even though I have made full preparations in advance, I still can't understand how the "fool" completes the "call"

He looked down at the sheepskin scroll on the long table.

On the yellow-brown head, a line of Hermes was written in dark blue ink:

"7, navigator."