

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 35 Exchange of Information

Russell Gustav's secret diary?

Russell the Great?

Sure enough, only this kind of thing is worthy of the attention of the strong at the level of Mr. "fool"... Audrey was stunned at first, and immediately found that she was not surprised at all.

It is said that Emperor Russell the Great once saw the "blasphemous slate". It is said that the secret cards he made contain 22 ways of God. This is something that every high-order strong man must care about!

"Diary? Is that a diary?" Alger frowned slightly, keenly aware of the detail.

Mr. "Fool," said positively that Russell Gustav's legacy was a diary!

How did he know?

How did he confirm it?

Did he master the interpretation of "Russell's Secret"?

Facing the question of "hanging upside down", Klein, who had achieved the expected effect, leaned back to the back of his chair, clasped his hands, and answered with ease:

"Let's treat it as a diary for the time being."

He neither denied nor affirmed.

"It is said that Russell the Great's diary was written in secret words or symbols invented by him?" Audrey heard other aristocratic children mention this matter, but she never really saw it. She was curious for a moment and asked aloud.

"Yes," Alger replied simply, "some people believe that it is a unique set of mystical symbols, and some people believe that it is a hieroglyph, but until today, no one has found the correct way of interpretation, at least to the extent I know."

Speaking later, he looked sideways at Klein, as if he wanted to seek some affirmation, but also seemed to doubt something.

It is a text that has evolved for several generations. It is no longer the original hieroglyph. According to your ideas, how can it be interpreted... Klein is calm and sneers secretly.

As for the idea of treating it as a mystical symbol, he immediately thought of some absurd and funny scenes:

An evil magician in a black hooded robe rolled up his sleeve and revealed the mysterious power symbol tattooed on his arm, which is said to have come from the Great Russell. It was two cyan and huge simplified characters:


Klein's mouth slowly turned up and his mood became better and better.

After hearing the description of "hanging upside down", Audrey said in embarrassment:

"We can't understand symbols or words... how can we tell you here, Mr. Fool? Or, to send them somewhere?"

This is an important question... I don't have a secret channel to receive things yet... Klein didn't answer in a hurry. He crossed his hands, his thumbs parted and touched, touched and parted.

Soon, he found an idea:

Since I can create a shrine and tables and chairs here according to my own ideas, can I let others directly print the contents presented in my mind?


At this time, Audrey and Alger saw Mr. "Fool", who was covered with thick fog, slowly sat down and said:

"Miss Justice, let's have a try. You imagine a paragraph of text and give it the emotion of writing urgently. Well, you pick up the pen next to you and write on the paper."

Before Klein spoke, Audrey saw a brown parchment and a dark red pen in front of her.

Doubtful and curious, she picked up the pen and, as instructed, imagined in her mind a poem once written by Emperor Russell the Great:

"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" (Note 1)

After reviewing the text, she picked up the pen and gave the idea of presenting them all.

Klein felt this "emotion", so he used "pen" as the medium to guide him.

As soon as Audrey dropped her pen, she saw an extra line of words on the parchment:

"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

"Goddess, this is amazing!" Audrey said in surprise, full of emotion.

Then she looked at Klein with some fear:

"Mr. Fool, can you read my mind?"

"No, I'm just a guide. It simplifies the process of writing words and turns it into a way of rubbing. If you don't want to 'express', there will be no trace." Klein comforted with a low voice.

"So... then we can just remember the symbols or secret texts and present them directly according to our wishes?" Audrey sighed and asked suddenly.

"Yes," Klein replied briefly.

"This is really a good way, Miss Justice. Don't doubt your memory. After you become an 'audience', you will get a lot of improvement in this area." Alger looked at the previous attempt and only felt that the "fool" is more mysterious and powerful than he thought.

As for his memory, he believes that with the next promotion, he can get enough growth.

In response, Audrey nodded happily:

"This is really a happy reminder. Mr. Hanger upside down, what else can you teach me about the audience?"

Speaking of this, she turned her head and looked up:

"Mr. Fool, I will work hard to complete your task and try to collect more secret diaries of Emperor Russell the Great."

"I said that I am a person who likes to exchange at the same price. The payment in advance just now is only equivalent to two pages of diary per person. If there is any extra, I will give it again." Klein said calmly in a tone that does not take advantage of children.

As for where the extra reward comes from, of course, it is the new secret diary of Emperor Russell the Great, which will form a good cycle.

"You are really a generous gentleman." Alger paused for a few seconds, stroked his chest, and bowed slightly.

After saluting, he turned to "justice":

"I repeat that the audience is always the audience."

"I know that many audiences like to imagine themselves as the protagonist or other characters so that they put in so much emotion that they cry with the drama, laugh with the drama, are angry with the drama, and sad with the drama, but this is not what you 'audience' should do."

"In the face of every 'drama' in the secular society, and in the face of a person who consciously or unconsciously plays a certain role, you must maintain an absolute onlooking attitude. Only in this way can you calmly and objectively examine them, discover their habitual actions, detect their habit of lying, smell their nervousness, and grasp their true thoughts from various subtle clues."

"Believe me, everyone will naturally secrete different 'things' and emit different tastes due to different emotions, but only the real' audience 'can smell them."

"Once you are emotionally involved, your observation will be affected, and your perception of others' emotions will deviate."

Audrey listened carefully and her eyes became brighter:

"Sounds very, very, very interesting!"

Klein was moved at the beginning:

The requirement of "audience" magic medicine seems to be summed up as "being an absolutely neutral audience".

This is equivalent to playing

play the role.

Is that what Russell the Great meant by "acting"?

So I need to play the "fortune teller" to digest the magic potion a little?

While Klein was thinking, Alger explained what he knew about the "audience" requirements, and said with deep thought:

"It seems that nothing is going on?"

"Maybe we can talk casually about what happened around us. Maybe the news that is very common to us will be very important clues to others."

"Yes." Klein looked back and nodded slightly.

He has planned to try to play a "fortune teller", which doesn't seem to have any bad effect anyway.

"That starts with you, Mr. Hanging Man?" Audrey agreed with interest.

Alger thought for a moment and said:

"The great pirate who called himself 'Admiral Ludville' began to explore the eastern end of the Sonia Sea again."

"Well, the owner of the Black Tulip?" Audrey asked thoughtfully.

"Yes," Alger replied with a nod.

I don't know who it is... Klein listened quietly, thinking about what he should say, not disclosing himself but getting intelligence feedback.

Soon, he made a decision to maintain the high and deep image of "fool", and rubbed his finger on the edge of the bronze table and said:

"As far as I know, the Secret Service lost a copy of the notes of the Antikonus family."

This news is not only known by the night watchman in Tingen but also known by the Secret Order and the extraordinary people who are close to them.

"The notes of the Antigonius family?" Alger repeated, smiling and shaking his head. "I'm really curious about the reaction of the Night Goddess Church when it heard the news."

Why only the Night Goddess Church? Klein was keenly aware of the problem but was not easy to speak.

That will destroy the mysterious and profound image of the "fool".

At this time, Audrey began to wonder:

"Why are you curious about this? Does the goddess's church have any special reaction?"

Alger smiled and said:

"The Antikonus family was destroyed by the Night Goddess Church."

"I don't know whether it is the end of the Quaternary or the beginning of the current era."

This... Klein's eyes shrank, and suddenly a chill came out of his body:

"So it seems that the night watchman paid more attention to the notes of the Antikonus family than I imagined!"

"The reason why they proposed me to be an extraordinary person is that 'I have certain contributions' and' I have to prevent danger 'should be only a small part of the reason. What they hope is that I can improve my inspiration, which is helpful to find notes."

"The captain didn't hide this point. He mentioned it, but I didn't care at that time..."

After listening to the explanation of "hanging upside down", Audrey spoke with great interest:

"I didn't expect such a thing..."

"Well, it's my turn. Let me think about what to say."

She tilted her head slightly, put her hand on her forehead, smiled, and said:

"Yesterday, my etiquette teacher was teaching me how to faint and how to faint gracefully and gracefully. This is a practical skill to escape some embarrassing situations and hateful guys on social occasions... Ha ha, I was just organizing the language. What I really want to say is that since the defeat in the war on the east coast of Byron, the king, prime minister, and all the gentlemen have felt great pressure and have an urgent desire to change."

Note 1: Shelley, Ode to the West Wind