

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 12 Visit again

Sister, can we stop talking about it... Klein secretly complained that his head began to twitch again.

The knowledge that the original owner has forgotten is not much, and it is definitely quite a lot. The interview will be held the day after tomorrow. How can I make up for it?

Besides, he was involved in weird and horrible events. How could he have the mind to "review"

After perfunctory words from her sister, Klein began to pretend to read. Melissa moved a chair and sat down beside her. She started her homework with the light of the gas lamp.

The atmosphere was quiet and happy. At about eleven o'clock, brothers and sisters said good night to each other and went to bed separately.




There was a knock at the door and Klein woke up from his dream.

He looked at the morning light outside the window and sat up slightly confused:


What time is it? Why didn't Melissa wake me up?

"I, Dunn Smith," replied a calm male voice outside the door.

Dunn Smith? I don't know... Klein shook his head out of bed and walked to the door.

He opened the door and saw the officer with gray eyes yesterday.

"What's the matter?" Klein asked warily.

The gray-eyed officer replied seriously:

"We found a coachman, who confirmed that you went to Mr. Welch's residence on the 27th, the day Mr. Welch and Ms. Naya died and that Mr. Welch paid for your carriage."

Klein was shocked for a moment, and there was no fear or guilt that the lie was exposed.

Because he was not lying at all, he felt that the evidence provided by the gray-eyed police officer Dunn Smith did not meet his expectations.

On June 27, the original owner went to Welch's house and killed himself on the night of his return, just like Welch and Naya!

Klein opened his mouth and smiled bitterly:

"This is not strong enough evidence to directly prove that I have something to do with the deaths of Welch and Naya. To be honest, I also want to know what happened and find out what happened to my two poor friends. However, I really can't remember. I almost completely forgot what I did on the 27th day. You may not believe it. I only reluctantly guessed that I might have been to Welch's house on the 27th by relying on my own notes."

"The psychological quality is good." Grey Eyed Police Officer Dunn Smith nodded without anger or a smile.

"You should be able to hear my sincerity." Klein looked into the other's eyes.

What I said is the truth, of course, only part of the truth!

Dunn Smith didn't respond immediately. He glanced around the room and said slowly:

"Mr. Welch lost a revolver. I think I can find him here, right, Mr. Klein?"

Sure enough... Klein finally figured out the origin of the revolver. His mind turned like a lightning bolt and made a decision in an instant.

He half raised his hands, stepped back, made way, and pointed his chin at the high and low bed path:

"On the back of the bed."

He didn't specify the lower one, because normal people would not hide things on the back of the upper bedboard, which would let visitors see at a glance.

Officer Dunn, gray-eyed, didn't move forward and said with a corner of his mouth:

"Nothing to add?"

Klein answered without hesitation:


"When I woke up in the middle of the night before yesterday, I found myself lying on my desk with a revolver beside me and bullets at the foot of the wall. It looked like I had experienced suicide, but maybe I had no experience, never used a pistol, or was scared at the last moment. In short, the bullets did not achieve the expected effect, my head was still intact, and I live to the present."

"Since then, I have forgotten some memories, including what I did and saw at Welch's residence on the 27th. I didn't lie. I really don't remember."

In order to clear up the suspicion and solve the weird incident that entangled him, Klein said almost everything except crossing and "gathering".

In addition, he modified his wording to make every sentence stand the test. For example, he did not say that the bullet did not hit the head but only said that the expected effect was not achieved, and the head remained intact afterward.

In other people's ears, the two almost express the same meaning, but in fact, they are quite different.

Deng En'an, the gray-eyed police officer, listened quietly and spoke slowly:

"This is in line with my conjecture and the hidden logic of similar events. Of course, I don't know how you survived."

"Just believe it, I don't know how I survived." Klein sighed slightly.

"But..." Dunn threw a turning phrase, "I believe it is useless. Now you have a high suspicion. You must confirm through the 'expert' that you have really forgotten the encounter, or that you have not directly caused the death of Mr. Welch and Ms. Naya."

He coughed and became serious:

"Mr. Klein, please cooperate with the investigation and go back to the police station with us. It will take about two to three days if you really have no problem."

"Here are the experts?" Klein asked dumbfounded.

Didn't you say two days?

"She was earlier than we expected." Dunn leaned over and motioned to Klein to go out.

"I'll leave a note," Klein asked.

Benson is still on a business trip, and Melissa has gone to school. She can only leave a message to tell them something about Welch and let them not worry.

Dunn nodded nonchalantly:


Klein returned to his desk and began to think about the next thing as he found the paper to write.

To be honest, he didn't want to see that expert very much. After all, he had a bigger secret.

In places where there are seven major churches, under the premise of the assassination of the suspected "predecessor" Emperor Russell the Great, "crossing" is most likely to go to the tribunal and the arbitration tribunal!

However, without weapons, fighting skills, and extraordinary strength, I can't be the opponent of professional police officers. What's more, there are several subordinates of Dunn standing in the dark outside the door.

They draw a gun and shoot in unison, and they will be accounted for by themselves!

"Huh, step by step." Klein left a note, took the key, and followed Dunn out of the room.

In the dark corridor, four policemen in black and white were on both sides, very alert.

Pap, Pap, Pap, Klein followed Dunn, stepping down the wooden stairs, step by step, and sometimes he could hear the creaking sound.

There is a four-wheeled single-horse carriage parked outside the apartment. The side of the carriage is painted with the police system sign of "two swords crossed and surrounded by the crown". The surrounding area is as busy and noisy as every morning before.

"Go up." Dunn motioned to Klein first.

Klein was about to take a step when an oyster vendor caught a customer and accused him of being a thief.

The two sides scuffled, startled the horses, and immediately became confused.


Klein had no time to think about it. He bent forward and rushed into the crowd.

Or push, or dodge, he ran frantically towards the other end of the street.

In the current situation, in order not to "see" experts, we can only go to the dock outside the city, take a boat down the Tasoc River, and escape to the capital, Bakeland, where the population is large and easy to hide.

Of course, you can also pick up the steam train, go east to the nearest port of Enmatt, take the sea route to Pulitz, and then go to Lakeland.

Before long, Klein ran to the corner of the street and turned into Iron Cross Street, where there were several employable carriages.

"Go to the dock outside the city." Klein jumped onto one of the cars with a hand.

He thought clearly that he should deliberately mislead the police who were chasing him, and when the carriage drove out of the distance, he would jump directly!

"OK." The driver pulled up the reins.

The carriage drove away from Iron Cross Street.

When Klein was about to jump, he suddenly found that the carriage had turned to another road, not the road outside the city!

"Where are you going?" Klein hesitated for a moment and blurted out.

"Go to Welch's house..." the coachman replied in a flat voice.

what? In Klein's amazement, the coachman turned around and showed his deep and indifferent grey eyes, which seemed to be Officer Dunn Smith!

"You!" Klein was shocked and suddenly felt that the earth was spinning around and the whole person suddenly sat up.

Sit up? Klein looked left and right in doubt, and found that the red moon was blooming outside the window, and the room was covered with "gauze".

He reached out and touched his forehead. It was wet and cold, full of cold sweat, and the same feeling was behind him.

"I had a nightmare..." Klein slowly exhaled, "OK, OK..."

He felt that he was quite awake in his dream and could think calmly, which was quite strange.

After a little relaxation, Klein took a look at his pocket watch and found that it was only two o'clock in the night, so he quietly got out of bed and planned to go to the public bathroom to wash his face, and by the way, he solved the problem of his swollen belly.

Turning the door open, he came to the dark corridor and walked softly near the public bathroom in the dim moonlight.

Suddenly, he saw a figure standing in front of the window at the end of the corridor.

The figure was dressed in a black trench coat shorter than the robe and longer than the formal dress.

The figure half merged into the darkness, bathed in the cool crimson moonlight.

The figure slowly turned around, with deep, gray, and indifferent eyes.

Dunn Smith!