

CHEN_HEN · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 11 Real Cooking Skills

Is it normal to die all? I'm glad I'm still alive. I'm lucky I'm still alive.

Klein shivered suddenly, walked quickly for two steps, ran to the door, and tried to catch up with several policemen for protection.

But just as he touched the handle, his movement suddenly stopped.

"The police officer said things so horribly. Why didn't they protect me as an important witness or key clue?"

"Is this too careless?"

"Probing or baiting?"

All kinds of thoughts fight in Klein's mind, which makes him suspect that the police are still "staring" at themselves and observing the reaction.

Thinking of this, he calmed down a lot. He was no longer so frightened and panicked. He opened the door slowly, and his voice deliberately trembled and shouted at the position of the stairs:

"You will protect me, right?"

Pa, Pa, Pa, the police officers did not respond, and the touch rhythm of leather shoes and wooden stairs did not change.

"I know! You will!" Klein shouted again in a tone of pretended conviction, trying to behave like a normal person in danger.

The sound of footsteps gradually weakened and disappeared at the bottom of the apartment.

Klein snorted and said with a sneer:

"Isn't that a false response? The acting is unqualified!"

He didn't catch up, turned back to his room, and closed the door behind him.

In the next few hours, Klein fully showed that he was restless, fidgety, agitated, and read the words of the big eatery, not relaxed because there was no one around.

This is called the self-cultivation of actors! He laughed at himself.

When the sun tilted to the west, the clouds on the horizon "burned", and the apartment residents went home in succession, Klein shifted his focus to other places.

"Melissa is about to finish school..." He looked at the stove, lifted the kettle, stripped the coal, and took out the revolver.

Without pause, without delay, he reached his hand to the back of the lower plank of the high and low bed, where there were about ten wooden strips supporting each other.

After the left wheel was sandwiched between a piece of wood and a plank, Klein straightened up and waited nervously, fearing that the police would suddenly break into the door and rush into the room with guns.

If it is a normal steam world, he will not be seen by anyone when he did that. However, there is extraordinary power, which has been verified by himself.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was no movement at the door, so the two tenants made an appointment to go to the "Wild Heart" bar on Iron Cross Street.

"Huh." Klein exhaled and put a heart back into his chest.

Just wait for Melissa to come back and make lamb stewed with tender peas!

At this thought, Klein's mouth seemed to be full of the smell of gravy, and he also remembered how Melissa cooked lamb stewed with tender peas.

She first boils water to copy the meat, then adds onions, salt, a little pepper, and water to stew directly, and then adds peas and potatoes to stew for 40 to 50 minutes at a certain time.

"It's really simple and simple enough... It's supported by the delicious meat itself!" Klein couldn't help shaking his head.

However, there is no way to do this. Ordinary people have no choice but to pursue simple, practical, and economical cooking methods. Anyway, as long as the meat is not burnt or broken, it is good for people who only eat twice or even once a week.

Klein is not a good cook. He mainly eats outside food every day, but he cooks three or four times a week and accumulates it every week, which still makes him pass the standard. He thinks he can't live up to that pound of lamb.

"When Melissa comes back to do it, it will be after 7:30. It will starve her... It's time for her to see the real cooking skills!" Klein made an excuse for himself, first let the fire rekindle, went to the public bathroom to collect water to wash the lamb, then took out the cutting board and knife, and cut it into small pieces.

As for how to explain the sudden culinary skill, he decided to put it on the dead ghost Welch McGovern. This student not only invited chefs who are good at the flavor of the sea, but also often prepared their own food and invited others to taste it.

Well, dead people won't contradict me!

However, hey, this is a world with extraordinary people. Dead people may not be able to speak... Klein is a little guilty of thinking so.

He put the meat into the soup bowl, then took out the seasoning box and shook a spoonful of half-yellow coarse salt into it. In addition, he took some black pepper grains from a special small bottle, which was very precious and heavy, and grabbed them together with lamb and salt, then pickled them slightly.

Put the stewpot on the stove, and while it was hot, Klein dug out the carrot left yesterday and cut it into many pieces together with the onion bought today.

After preparation, he took out a small jar from the cupboard. After opening it, there was not much lard left.

Klein took a spoonful, put it into the pot, fry it to melt, then pour in carrots and onions, and stir fry for a while.

The smell began to permeate, and Klein poured all the lamb in and fried it carefully for a while.

During this process, we should have ordered some cooking wine, but if it was not enough, we had to replace it with wine. However, the Moretti family did not have these luxury things, and Benson could only drink a glass of beer a week. Klein had to make it simple, pour some boiled water, and play with it casually.

After stewing for about 20 minutes, he opened the lid, put in the tender peas and cut potatoes, and added a cup of hot water and two spoons of salt.

Close the lid and turn down the fire. Klein exhales with satisfaction and waits for his sister to go home.

As time went by, the fragrance in the room became richer and richer, with the lure of meat, the mellow of potatoes, and the "refreshing" of onions.

The taste gradually mixed, and Klein occasionally swallowed saliva and opened the pocket watch cover to look at the minute hand.

After more than forty minutes, the footsteps, which were not light but orderly, approached, the key was inserted, the handle was turned, and the door was opened.

"Good smell..." Melissa whispered in a confused voice before she came in.

She took her bag and stepped in, looking over the stove.

"What did you do?" Melissa paused in the middle of the air as she took off her gauze cap, and looked at Klein in horror.

She sniffed and inhaled more fragrance. Her eyes quickly became soft and seemed to find some confidence.

"What did you do?" she asked again.

"Are you afraid that I will waste lamb?" Klein asked with a smile. Without waiting for an answer, he said to himself: "Don't worry, I have specially asked Welch how to cook this dish. You know, he has a good cook."

"For the first time?" Melissa frowned unconsciously but was smoothed by the fragrance.

"It seems that I am very gifted." Klein smiled

Listening to his brother's orderly arrangement, and looking at his gentle and calm smile, Melissa was stunned at the door, dumbfounded and unresponsive.

"Do you like to stew a little?" Klein urged with a smile.

"Oh, yes, yes!" Melissa came back to herself and rushed into the room with a handbag and a hat in one hand.

When the lid of the stewpot was lifted, Klein suddenly saw a mist rising from his eyes. Two pieces of rye bread had long been placed on the side of lamb and tender peas to let them absorb the fragrance and heat to become soft.

When Melissa packed up her belongings, washed her hands, and came back, a plate of stewed lamb with tender peas embellished with potatoes, carrots, and onions had been placed on the desk, and two pieces of black bread stained with some gravy color were in their respective plates.

"Here, try it," Klein said, pointing to the wooden fork and spoon placed next to the plate.

Melissa was still a little confused and didn't refuse. She picked up a fork, forked a potato, put it close to her mouth, and took a bite.

The glutinous powder and the strong smell of the gravy of the potato permeated at the same time, causing her saliva to secrete crazily. She ate the potato three or two times and swallowed it.

"Taste the meat," Klein said, pointing his chin at the plate.

He had tasted the taste just now, and felt that only the passing level was enough for the little girl who had never seen the market and could only eat meat occasionally!

Melissa's eyes were full of anticipation, and she carefully forked a piece of lamb.

It was stewed very rotten, and it felt like it was about to melt as soon as it was eaten. The real smell of meat broke out, and the wonderful juice flowed across, filling the mouth.

It was an unprecedented feeling that Melissa couldn't stop.

When she recovered, she had eaten several pieces of lamb.

"I, I, Klein, this is for you..." Melissa's face turned red and she stammered.

"I have eaten it secretly, which is my privilege as a cook." Klein smiled and comforted his sister. At the same time, he also picked up a fork and spoon, sometimes ate a piece of meat, sometimes stuffed a piece of peas, sometimes put down the tableware, and broke a piece of black bread with juice to eat.

Melissa relaxed and was again immersed in the delicious food, influenced by Klein's unusual behavior.

"It's delicious. I can't see that you're making it for the first time." Melissa looked at the empty plate that didn't even leave any juice, and sincerely praised it.

"Compared with Welch's cook, it's still a long way off. When I get rich, I'll take you and Benson to the restaurant outside to eat better!" Klein said that he began to have a little longing.

"Your interview will... burp..." Melissa said before she finished her speech. Suddenly, she could not control her voice of satisfaction.

She hurriedly put out her hand to cover her mouth with embarrassment on her face.

It's all because the lamb stewed with tender peas just now is so delicious!

Klein chuckled and decided not to laugh at his sister. He pointed to the plate and said:

"This is your task."

"All right!" Melissa stood up eagerly, took the basin, and rushed to the door.

When she came back from cleaning, she opened the cabinet and habitually checked the condiment box and other items.

"Did you just use it?" Melissa blurted out in surprise and turned to Klein, holding a black pepper bottle and a pig oil tank.

Klein spread out his hand and smiled:

"A little bit, this is the price of delicious food."

Melissa's eyes twinkled, her expression changed a few times, and finally pursed her lips and said:

"Let me cook later."

"Well... you have to hurry up to prepare for the interview and consider the work."