

"So that's what it was," I said, finally having the answer to a question I'd had since Shizu first arrived.

"An Ifrit huh? I guess that's why you are the Champion of the Flames" Luminous spoke, more to herself than others.

Shizu nodded slowly. "I needed to use this spirit's power on my journey to find Demon Lord Leon Cromwell. Somehow he was able to ensure that I was able to survive being a child summon but my students..." She left the rest of the words go unsaid.

Everyone closed their eyes and pondered. "Any ideas?" Rimuru asked me.

"Well I have several but none of them are that great. Most of them revolve around the kids evolving into Majin, but I doubt that's the answer Shizu is looking for." I stated.

"This isn't my realm of expertise either. I could neutralize their excess magicules with my Skill or Magic but then that would rob them of their potential in the future, making them no more than slightly talented human children. Not that there is anything wrong with that..." Luminous stated.

"Hmm..." Rimuru hummed for a bit before tilting his weird slit-eye face upwards slightly.

I'd known him long enough to realize that he was consulting [Great Sage] right now, trying to find an answer. I could do the same using [Faust] but to be honest, I was kind of hoping they'd pick the Majin Route. This way we could bring Shizu's students to the village which would keep her anchored here, as Majin weren't well received in human society while they would also retain their magical talents and grow to become powerful assets for this little Monster Kingdom Rimuru was building.

Shizu looked down for a moment and I was about to open my mouth when Rimuru suddenly jumped up. "I got it! Spirits! We need Spirits!" Rimuru announced.

I had to stop myself from clicking my tongue. Of course, that little super-computer in his brain would find the exact one way to keep them human while also not ruining their potential. 'Oh well, I guess that plan's out the window.' I thought.

"Spirits? Like Ifrit?" Shizu muttered, doubt dripping from her voice. "As someone speaking from experience, that is no way to live."

"It's fine, it's fine! All we need are some friendly spirits that the kids can use until they've grown up enough to control their magicules themselves, then the spirits can leave them!" Rimuru explained.

"The problem is finding Spirits who'd be willing to do that," I spoke up.

"And if the Spirits decide to merge with their hosts rather than leave, then its likely they will evolve into a type of Majin anyway. Thats how the Elves, Dwarves, Merfolk, and Enki were originally created, after all." Luminous explained.

Everyone looked at her in shock. "What?" Luminous asked as though what she'd said wasn't obvious.

"How do you even know about that?" Rimuru asked.

"Oh, well. My father was the one who made them all" Luminous revealed like it was nothing with a wave of her hand.

"EH!?! I thought God would have created all the races of the planet!?!" Rimuru replied in shock.

"Nah, my brother was too lazy for that so forced Twilight to do it." I mentioned before turning toward Luminous. "I didn't realize that he was your father though. I thought he couldn't reproduce."

"He couldn't. I guess I am closer to his alter-ego than actually his 'daughter'. I was simply born from his experimentation into recreating the perfect being, himself." Luminous said, sounding annoyed about Twilight.

Rimuru, not catching the mood of Luminous, obliviously stated. "This guy sounds like some sort of mad scientist! I'd like to meet him one day."

Luminous quickly shot Rimuru a glare which shut him up. "That's impossible. I killed him when his breeding experiments had gone too far... toward the end of his life, he was not doing well."

The room went silent for a while.

"Breeding experiments... Wait then does that mean that genetically engineered cat girls were made by having some guy f*ck their cat!?!" I stated, accidentally thinking out loud.

Everyone stared at me for a moment but I did not react. Even as I felt my face heat up, I did not react to their stares, as if I reacted, I knew they'd pounce on me.

"They fucked their magic cats," Scylla stated flatly, diverting attention.

"Enough about the origins of beastmen already! Back to the topic at hand!" Luminous, now thoroughly blushing in embarrassment at having to be anywhere near this conversation, redirected the topic. "Now that we know how you are planning on saving the kids, what will we do about the problem of Shizu and Ifrit?"

"If we let Ifrit take over Shizu's body, I will kill it and have Rimuru absorb it. He should then be able to separate out Shizu's body and I will reconstruct her spiritual body using my magicules. This will not just grant her an enormous mana pool which will increase her strength to above her prime, but it will also grant her my Storm Element, making her even stronger. There is a slight issue with her becoming some kind of Majin in the process, however, since she will be living among monsters, I don't know if that can be considered a detriment." I explained.

Everyone was now looking at me with concern in their eyes. "Do you know how low the probability of such a technique working is?" Luminous asked.

"100%" I declared without hesitation.

"More like 1%" Luminous shot back.

I shook my head. "My Ultimate Skill allows me to control Probability, so unless it is not impossible in theory, it will always succeed if I determine it will."

Luminus clicked her tongue. "Ultimate Skills are cheats aren't they?"

I smirked. "Want one? I've got the energy if you have the desire." I offered.

"Oh, and what will it cost me?" Luminous replied, a slight tease in her voice.

"How about a date?" I said, slightly seductively.

"Real smooth there, Romeo, but can we keep this PG until we've saved Miss Shizu" Rimuru scolded.

I rolled my eyes. "The same offer is available to you, Rimuru, though we'd have to make you a demon lord first."

"And I said I don't want the trouble," Rimuru replied.

"Fair enough, but I noticed you didn't say no to the date." I teased. Before Rimuru could respond, I turned to Shizu. "So Shizu, what do you think?" I asked.

The banter wasn't just because I felt like flirting due to being horney, well, not entirely. It was also to give time for Shizu to think about my plan. After all, Shizu would be dead for at least a few moments between when I killed Ifrit and when Rimuru ate her. Even if I confirmed that there was no risk to the procedure due to my Ultimate Skill, that didn't make the prospect of DYING any less daunting.

"That's stupid. I can always revive her after we separate Ifrit without the slime consuming her body." Luminous interjected.

"No, it's fine. I'll do it." Shizu mentioned softly.

"Wh? Are you sure? Even with Veldora's Skill, it's risky." Rimuru tried to give Shizu an out so she knew we weren't forcing this path on her.

"Oy! Don't doubt me!" I shot back but was ignored.

Shizu picked up Rimuru and placed her forehead against his slimy mass. "It's fine. Even if I do end up dying, being eaten by you... well, it is better than dying in this world" Shizu said darkly.

I stood up, followed by Luminous and Scylla as we turned to leave the tent. Shizu obviously wanted to speak with Rimuru alone, even if she didn't say it, so everyone knew to give them their privacy.

As we walked out, Scylla bowed goodbye to Luminous and scuttled off toward the lake where we practiced magic, leaving Luminous and myself standing alone.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments as we slowly walked the village. It was late into the evening after dinner by now so most of the Hobgoblins were already in their homes and asleep by now. It was a nice and comfortable quiet.

"So about that date-" i started by Luminous kicked me in the shin.

"Ow! Ow!" I jumped up and down on one leg while holding my shin with another.

'How did she even hurt me!?!' I thought for a moment before [Faust] answered. Apparently, she used her Unique Skill [Lust] to send pain signals directly through my defenses and to my soul. I couldn't actually be damaged by Luminous' attacks on my soul, as I had too high of an authority being a True Dragon and having an Ultimate Skill, but that didn't mean I couldn't be hurt by her.

"You really are insufferable, you know that!" Luminous huffed.

I smirked. "I didn't hear a 'no' in that insult" I pressed.

Luminous rolled her eyes. "Fine, but not like that."

I raised an eyebrow and stood up straight, the pain having long passed. "Like that?"

Luminous smugly smirked. "If you want a date, you'll come as a girl."

I blinked. As a True Dragon, I technically didn't have a defined set of sexual characteristics, though I identified as a male. That being said, that doesn't mean I couldn't transform myself into a woman.

Luminous, seeing me stumped, had her smirk grow larger. "What's that? Is the big bad True Dragon scared of looking cute all of a sudden?"

I knew she was trolling me, trying to get a rise out of me, and probably didn't inspect me to agree, but damnit, I was horny and wanted that date. The next second, I activated [Universal Shapeshift] and gave it the command to Rule 63 myself.


Luminous looked at me in shock. It was my turn to smirk this time. "Well, it's not the form I'd want to have sex with, but I can't say I don't love my big girlies," I said, groping my own chest.

Luminous, seeing my sexy form grope myself, had a nosebleed

(A/N: This is a joke scene, the MC is male and will not be gender-bent past this scene and maybe a few more joke scenes in the future)

Shorter chapter this time. I didn't realize how late it was already.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts