
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Trying new stuff on hunters and monsters

Okay, three people, Mike the same guy as before, and two other guys that seem very athletic and kinda dangerous. I had decided to use different stuff right now for this situation, first water in a canteen that I put weight on it when I threw it that seemed like it hit them like a rock.

- Mike : "Why does this water feel so heavy"

- A guy with Mike : "This guy should possess a power that makes things heavy"

- The second guy : "Yeah it shouldn't be a problem if he doesn't touch us directly"

They think something that is not true but well I can't blame them on that because they guessed with what they have. I tried to think about a good plan, the bow is already out of the question because of the short distance between us, I could try to melee them but a 3 versus 1 where I don't know the capacity of my opponents is really not a good idea.

Then time to use something that I bought just before, my new weapon for middle distance fight, a whip. Might sound weird but a whip was the best idea, with the money I had, that could fight from far but not so far at the same time. I took it out from the little pocket I had in my "dimensional pouch" just a normal thing on my belt, where I can clearly put things that shouldn't normally go in it because of the [space] enchant.

- Mike : "What you gonna do with that little whip, oh you gonna spank us, go for it guys kill him"

Those two guys decided to come at me, and I applied [precision] on it because it was not an arrow I can't put [true shot] or something like that but just precision which makes it a little difficult to handle. I also put [multiplication] on it so that it looks like multiple whips are hitting them when only one really is.

And I did my usual coward trick by putting poison on it, real poison this time. It could be considered cheating but well everyone can put poison on every object so why shouldn't I do it if it works ? I at least made sure to not put much and to choose a paralyzing type so that the system couldn't complain.

- The first guy : "I can move less and less, it's so damn annoying"

- Mike : "Tchhh, you just all a bunch of useless garbage, get out of my sight, I'm gonna do it myself"

They listened to him pretty well and just got away which let me time to switch for my dagger. Of course with [extand] on it and also [piercing], I don't want to kill him but if I have to do it, trust me I will do it. When it goes up to me, he was smiling, like he was sure he was going to kill me, sure that I had no chance, making fun of me.

- Mike : "Huh, you really think you gonna do anything with that"

- Me : "You can try me but you will lose"

- Mike : "Don't be so cocky, if I just don't touch you I win"

- Me : "Oh you are sure about that ?"

Okay, I sound so bad and annoying right now, I should say that I really don't like using that strategy, but with someone as dumb as him it was the best idea. And it worked so well when he got very close to me, I moved my dagger and it touched him on his side. Piercing through his ribs, when he tried to attack me again, I had time to touch his armor again thanks to my movement speed, and put the same thing as before.

- Mike : "You can't even fight me one on one, you just garbage, let me out of this trickery and fight me for real"

- Me : "Say the one that has a hole in his ribs and poison in his body, I'll take that as a win, now I have other stuff to do"

I took a hunting quest earlier but now I'm quite late in what I had scheduled for today, so I decided to literally run at high speed to not be any more late. I followed my map which was kinda hard because I had to find every right place to turn and everything else. It took me hours, running, even with my [speed] boots and even with [slip] on them.

The [slip] allows me to be a little quicker, it's also a little bit dangerous when you are not used to it but it's kinda like ice-skates so not that hard to master. When I got to the little village, I found the guards staying at the door and some fighting the monster not far, they seemed to have a lot of trouble with them but my bow will take care of that.

- The guard : "Hello to you, I'm sorry to say that but as you can see we have had a little problem with monster invasion recently, so please go back"

- Me : "Oh no worry about it, I'm here for that, I have the quest and my Licence"

- The guard : "Oh sorry, do you need me to explain, you seem kinda new looking at the license"

- Me : "No need, I will get rid of them now, and if there is more I'm gonna hunt them down until there is no more"

I didn't even need to take more distance between me and the monster so I took out my bow and arrows and started to shoot. You all know the usual coward method, arrow with [true shot] and [multiplication] (make 2 times more damage) with a little poison on them.

And trust me it was not taking as long as the boss, 1 or 2 shots (because of the multiplication it's more like 2 or 4) and I killed one then two, then the rest. When I finished hunting those who attacked the guard, I discussed with them, learned about their base, and ask them to close the door guarding it until I come back.

- Me : "Now that I know more about them, I will go finish them all"

- Chief Guard : "Okay thanks, you really saved us"

- Me : "Don't thank me yet, I still have to kill the remaining one"

I left the village pretty quickly, running around at my usual speed and looking if I found a monster or not. If I saw some I would just use an arrow to kill them while moving and if I was not, I would just continue my way onto their den. Now time for complicated stuff, the basic monster, some more buff and I guess a boss but I can't see it right now, I hope there is one for more points but we will see.

Let's end it for today, you all know what to do if you got any idea, I hope you all had a good time and I see you soon.

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