
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The worst tower so far

Being followed by here, I continued my way to my objective, to the tower near the border, the biggest tower of the south, the "witch tower". She followed me around, not asking much, not talking much either, most of the time, yelling at me to not be quick enough. This tower was not heavily guarded so we had a really eazy way around it, wut it had wooden barricade all around the entrance. We had to be very cautious and not make a nlot of noice when choosing a way to enter, I still couldn't pay the points needed to use [portals] (will explain how it works later) or [concealement] let alone [invisibility] (yeah it exist but don't dream it cost the most so not gonna happen). Well even without that we found a little beach in the wooden defense around the tower that lead to a little window of the undergroung levels.

It was very tiny, and we had a lot of difficulty getting through it, no wonder why monster can't go out of the tower without makeing a fuss and then alerting the army, it's so hard even for us. We still manage to go in, came what looks like a big room, empty, that look a lot like a potion laboratory. I was kinda impressed by seeing the amount of material in this room, the only time I saw that much was at chemistry class where I usually sleep (okay don't do that, the author, aka me, yuki, I am a professional chemist so...please don't sleep in class, nomatter what subject it is). It was smelling so damn bad, I kinda understand the placement of the window now, by the look of the book, the person in this laboratory was searching a type of [berserk potion].

- Reina : "Hey, we don't have infinite time, take what you want and go"

- Me : "Those could be of some use later, I'll take everything"

When lefting the room we decided to be very slow because we didn't really know in which part of the underground we were or if their is traps and things like that. Thing that normally would be very good in any type of towers, but in this one, it's completly useless, not because it's hard to go agianst the traps, no, just because their is basically none. All in this towers, is stairs, rooms, more stairs, more romms, no traps, nothing dangerous. The only place diffetrent is the last floor where there is a prison which a lot of dead people and some still alive but in bad shapes. We couldn't help them but watch from far, because two witches were discuting stuff infront of the cells.

- Reina : "It seems the witches only are in their rooms because it's calm here"

- Me : "We can just get to the top floor and then destroy the crystal, after that we can get rid of then one by one if we don't make much noises"

- Reina : "Don't worry about noises, you have the best assasin with you it will be okay"

She kinda has a big ego but that's okay with me, but wished she was right because she was completly wrong. We were spotted in the most dumb ways possible, in like 2 minutes after starting taking the stairs.

- An old man : " Oh, some visitors, should I tell the witch ? maybe try to fight you myself"

- Reina : "Don't even dream of that"

She was very anxious about but I knew that something was off so I asked reina to stopped, not because he seemed too old to attack us. what was the element that make me think that he didn't want infact to attack us or anything, is the shackles on his hands and alors the [witches curse] on his neck. That was quite well hidden by his clothes that looked a lot like the royal magician order (he knows because he saw some in his trip to the capital).

- Me : "I know that you won't do anything against us, do you want to escape with us ?"

- Old man : "I can't get out, even with my magic it's no use because of those schakles and that magic on me"

- Reina : "Oh, you just had to say so"

Reina with her shadow took off the shackles and I used light magic to make the curse on him less powerfull. It was still here because a witch power is more powerfull than my light magic but well (for those who are wondering he used a type of [holy water]). He then explained to us a little bit pabout the tower, the witches that lives here, what he is doing and where the crystal is hidden. He even told us when we should be attacking, that's when the most powerfull boss is not here, the head witch, which is when she take a bath.

- Old man : "Let's stay in my office until the good time"

We followed him and discovered pretty quick that the office we came from and kinda rubbed, and he saw that I did take out his book and some potions.

- Old man : "You don't have to retourn them, I have no use for them anymore"

- Me : "If you want me to take more in my bag I can"

- Reina : "How much time we have to wait, old man ?"

- Old man : "Around 4 hours"

Because we had nothing to talk about, he decided introduce what he was doing but also how he finished here. He is called Juan Arthur (it's an half joke but shh), coming from the Arthur duchy. From the appearance of the demon lord (which is the same as the hero so 18 years ago) every high ranking family have to send money or people to war, because his family was a proud family he send him the 3rd child to the border.

He was graduate from the acadamy and was allowed to join the royal magicians order, but he was sent to war so now he is not even 40 but shh) by his older brother that inherited the duchy, in war he was pretty good, but he decided that he would clear this tower and fight the witch even though it was not his job. Since this day, where he lost and got kidnapped as a slave. The army sent a little party once but quickly returned, and the army had to close this tower when the witches were going out to kidnap people, but they didn't save them at all. I could see the lingering hate is his eyes, and he has for sure some hate for the royal family too, he could be a great help for our plan.

It's finished for today, sorry to be late but I absolutly don't have time so... Please like comment, and other things, tell me if you want more chapters, what to do, whatever... Anyway I willl see you all next chapter, bye.

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