
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Team hunting

When we got back we got applauded by the villagers, some of them were still waiting for us even though it was pretty late.

- The leader of the village : "Thank you very much, if you didn't help us we would have been in big trouble"

- Me : "It's okay, we were only doing our work, I'm sorry to stop the discussion, but we would like to rest for now"

- The leader of the village : "Oh yeah I'm sorry, you can follow me we decided to give you a house that is not used right now, it should be okay for the four of you"

We followed her to a small house where there is no one, we divided ourselves into the free rooms, and we got lucky that we could get one each. Mike and the others also decided to discuss a little bit with the villagers before getting to sleep, I didn't care at all, I was just so tired. It definitely was a good day, I will surely get a lot of money from all the mobs I hunted, even if I had to share, and I finally got level 2 on my power which means that all my upgrades were now 2 times more efficient.

- Me : "Well I had a decent night, let's go hunting more"

- Mike : "Good morning to you, did we go hunt today"

- Me : "We have to get the rest of the monster corpses to sell them but yeah we will eradicate all monsters in the area before going on a little bit further"

We ate a little and then I decided to go first because my [speed] now is greater than theirs and I don't want them to have the same advantages as me because they could betray me. I decided to not share every single thing I hunted because okay they helped for the boss or some other monster but not everything.

What was really nice was that now because I'm level 2 my [space] bags can contain so much and [weightless] make it almost as if it was empty. I was really starting to get good, it was not as if I could fight a boss head-on but I'm slowly but surely getting more confident.

- Me : "I'm back, we can now go back to finish the monsters"

- Mike : "Okay, we should be able to finish most of it, I already asked a clearing team to come here to finish"

- Me : "A clearing team ?"

- Mike : "You don't even know that we called some priest to be sure that it's clean"

I admit that I didn't even know that, but how should I know, I'm almost new to this world, it's not even been a week since I'm here. We went pretty quickly to the location we were at before and spread out to exterminate every monster we could find.

After we did that we continued even more in the area and all the land that was not far, by doing that we also completed small quests that they were posted at the village. Defeating the monsters was quick because they were not a lot of them that were not in the boss's den.

- Me : "We finally finished for this area, I'll wait for them and move"

Hunting in a team was not that bad, it was definitely quicker, also safer for me, and allowed me to do more things. With them we discussed this morning on a plan for the hunt, because Mike is a silver adventurer he did recommend to me some things such as going to a dungeon and also clearing monsters and quests as we go.

- Mike : "Sorry we took more time but they decided to gang up on us"

- Lanos : "We did put every corpse in the bag you gave us"

We got back to the village one more time after finishing that, we got thanked again by the villager they signed the mission paper we took at the guild to confirm we did in fact finish it. To wait for the clearing team we sold everything that could be sold at this little village and arranged our stuff, like buying more arrows for me.

- Clearing team leader : "Is it here that someone asked for a clearing team"

- Mike : "Yeah we just finished killing the boss and the monster we need to make sure it's nice and clean"

- Clearing team leader : "You seem to know how it works, you will obviously follow us to keep us safe and when we are finished it will be all good"

We worked a little with them but with no problem at all, it was pretty quick and in fact, the clearing team was a lot of fun to talk with. Even though I was the type of person to not talk to say nothing and to have no friends in my last life I still found it pretty interesting with them. Mike talked a lot with the leader, Jeremia, and in the end, he decided to join us to clear the dungeon.

- Jeremia : "Seems like what you want to do is a lot of fun, I'll join you on that"

- The rest of the team : "But leader, you can't just leave us like that"

- Jeremia : "Oh that's fine, we will take a little less than a week so it's okay, no way the church or the capital punish me for that"

- Mike : "Well said, if the rest of the team agrees then it's okay to me, what about it Kein ?"

- Me : "The more people, the easier it would be"

Aryna and Lanos just nodded and Jeremia officially joined our team, with the clearing team just losing a member. When we left them to go do our things I ask Jeremia if I could apply some upgrades to his tools and armor.

- Jeremia : "I'm not a real fighter, we clearer use light magic to clean and make monsters weaker, I can also heal a bit"

- Me : "Oh you really are making a great addition to the team, someone that can use a buff and debuff, I help you just a little bit to not feat being with us"

He let me touch his clothes because I was feeling nice today and that he was a kind guy I put [evasion] and [protection] on his armor and with [speed] on his boots, because I can control the level of the increase or not I only put speed one. With that, he could follow us without much trouble and help us out into the dungeon that is coming next on our list of things to do.

That is, unfortunately, it for today, I'm sorry there is no real 'action' in this one but not every chapter can be interesting. If you got any ideas for the following chapters, please let me know in the comments down below, I will try to reply to everyone pretty quick so don't worry. Still hope that it was a good time for you and I see you soon for the next chapter.

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