
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Request to the king

The king was looking at me very weirdly, the nobles were all looking at me weirdly and I'm not even talking about the prince that just want to kill me since the begining, the woman on the other side of the king being the prince fiancee was not caring at all...A big moment of silence where nobles were wispering and the king was thinking followed my declaration.

- King : "If you don't want my reawards then state what reward you wish for, if it's nothing too big I'll allow it"

- Me : "Your majesty, we only wish for one thing only, the ability to hunt towers in the other countries too, of course all the ressources will be distributed to the kingdom in question and here"

- Noble : "That's out of the question, how can we be sure they will not give too much to other kingdom"

- Jeremia : "I can swear on the name of the goddess that we always respected the rules"

In fact in dungeon hunting, what you find and sell will go 90% to you and 10% for the country, when calculating the reward at the guild it's specify that we have to tell how much we have found in the dungeon. But tbh we were never really fair with it, apart from Jeremia that is only telling the truth, not like I enjoy lying but if they aren't happy they have to do it themself.

Jeremia being known as a professional cleaner by most of the nobles in the capital, just him taking our camp was enough for some nobles to stop talking. Now was the time to see if the king would agree or not to our request, I could atleast see that it was making the prince and princess (not really but you get the point) angry. I guess I'm asking to much power and fame compared to what the king wanted to offer at first.

- King : "You know it's not exactly me who can do that"

- Me : "Your higness from what I checked from the past law their was a case where a group of adventurers had the oportunity to travel multiple kingdoms, we called them "holy team" they are the ones at the end pof the last war that cleared the reamining towers"

- Noble : "How can you bunch of peasants even compare to them"

- King : "Because it's not something I can do by myself, I will contact the other kings to ask for their autorisations, I can't promise any results but I will do my best"

- Me : "I and the rest of the team are very gratefull for this oportunity"

- King : "Is their something else ?"

- Me : "None your majesty, the only thing we wish is to release people from the damage done by the demon king army"

- Noble : "pfff then join the army to kill the demon king"

- King : "I understand your worry for the people, because I can't let you guys go withyout giving you clearly something, you will all get the honorary title of "shadow team" and will be considered as independant from the army, as for the other thing I saw that you got quite a lot from the dungeons so I guess you don't need my money, and for terrain ?"

- Me : "Where we are is enough, we have no managing skill your majesty so we can't bother you by giving us a full city"

- King : "Then it's decided, Kein, Mike, Jeremia, Lanos and Aryna are now the "shadow team" and are juged independant from the army"

With titles come a name so we had to choose a name one by one, I choose "Klitter" like on earth, Mike choose "Mino" like a Minotaurus, and the others choose whatever went in their mind (I will let you guys decide in the comment). Following that the king asked us something that we really did not expect and also were kinda shocked by.

- King : "From all the report I saw, all the citizens seems to like the things you all did, for that I will hold a banquet in the name of "the destructions of the towers" and of course you are all invited, it will be tonight, be sure to be prepared"

- Me : "With much pleasure your majesty"

- Royal announcer : "The ceremony of awards is now finished, it will be followed by a banquet in this palace tonight"

We escaped quickly while all the nobles were making a damn lot of noices about the banquet, saying things like "Inviting peasents at a banquet" or other not really nice things tbh. And now because we really couldn't refuse the invitation from the king, even less infront of all the nobles we had to make adjustments. But we are not even the one who would have to do the most work because the palace servants had to prepare for everything in less than half a day.

Poor us and poor them, no we had to buy clothes, change, learn manners for some of us and that in less than half a day. Let's say it's pretty much a speedrun (speedier than dream lmao), and so I took the guys to go buy stuff and everything which was one of the busiest afternoon of our lifes.

- Me : "You better remember all that Mike or else no money for you"

- Mike : "Yeah but it's such a pain"

- Lanos : "Don't complain, their is usually a lot of womens at that type of party, you will never know what can happen"

With that in mind everyone was kinda hipped up apart from Jeremia who really hate when their is a lot of people in one room. I can't blame him, me who isn't very a party type of guy hate that a lot as well, but we have to do it for a few hours. I tryed to keep them okay by telling them that we would be out when we can and that I didn't want to stay any longer than neccesary.

We made our way into the palace again but this time with a special badge "shadow team" and our invitations of course. We saw a lot of people going through multiple doors or ways to enter the balroom but we had to get down from the stairs like high royals or high nobles and even wait for the announcer before coming down.

- Royal announcer : "The "shadow team"; special guests of theis banquet, is now entering the room"

That's the end for today, but you may be asking yourself : how can the mc get in the princess bedroom like in the first chapter ? Well make your bets and what will happen and I will see who wins, btw don't forget names for the team of the mc (0 originality here). Do the usual comment, tagging, liking, whatever, I see you all on the next chapter, bye.

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