
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

My superpower is so bad

This world is like a game that I used to play in college, a medieval-themed MMORPG, there were superpowers, quests, a demon lord, everything you wait for when you play an MMORPG. It could also look like some novels or isekai manga where someone dies and get into another world, wait a minute, it's exactly what is happening here.

- Me : "I always made fun of people who commented that they wished to be in those type of world, stating that they were losing their time, and here am I, so ironic"

- A random little girl : "Dad, what is that man saying ?"

- The dad : "Don't worry, let him alone, he is just a weirdo"

- Me : "Well I thought there was no one here, I guess I'll try to look at what are the special things in this world"

Maybe with some luck, this world will allow me to have some power, else it's not really important I can just work as a farmer and give money or food to people in need. Not like the goddess asked me to do something impressive, if I just do things that are good in general it will surely be okay. I was looking everywhere and I saw a little pond of water, I could see that I had the same face as before, basically the same age, just having medieval clothes.

- Me : "I still as am handsome as before, I kinda miss that black hair and eyes, well the goddess could have given me more muscles but will not complain"

- Me : "Now that I know that, let's try something...Status"

Nothing happened, so I tried again with "status open" or other words like "inventory" but nothing happened, so it's not a game I think. I guess there is no feature different from Earth, as soon as I was thinking that a little boy was literally making forms come from his hands.

- A kid : "Hey look, I can make a circle, a square, and everything"

- Me : "Little kid, where did you get that from ?"

- A kid : "A stranger, huh..."

As soon as he saw my face he got away from me, well that was not helping me, I kinda understand the reaction of the kid but still I have to know what that was.

- Me : "I guess I'll try asking in the town where I can get something like that"

- A person covered in black : " Don't lose your time, just ask the church to get your power, the goddess statue will give you a random one that you can't change or you will get away with nothing at all, you only get one try"

- Me : "Thank you, you made my day easier"

- A person covered in black : "Tsss, those peasants..."

This person disappeared just after that like it was just a shadow or a hallucination, I'll try what that person told me, finding a church shouldn't be hard. I moved from the hill to the village not far down, I thought there would be guards or something but the village seems too small for that type of stuff. All the villagers were looking at me like I was a stranger, oh wait I am a stranger...I didn't have much trouble finding the church, at the center of the village, I entered and a priest welcomed me.

- A priest : "Welcome to the church, are you here to pray for the goddess?"

- Me : "I'm here to get my power"

- A priest : "Oh another one...go try your luck with the statue then"

- Me : "Thank you, priest"

I touched the statue, and a light appeared in front of me, it suddenly disappeared, and I could see a text in front of my eyes with [upgrade and degrade] (okay so for those who commented that he does not really upgrade object but in fact I could oppose that he upgrade the probability from 0 to 100% of the thing he put on and the power of that depend on his levels which is more complex than just [enchants] but the future will explain why), okay it's not that bad, it's not like an insta-kill or strength increase but it will be enough for what I need to do. It shouldn't be a problem to find a hostile creature or an animal not far from here to test my new power. I was pretty sure that my power was average when I left the church, I saw a kid making forms with his hands earlier and it's surely better than that, I could help others, and that will surely make me on the good side and eazy paradise for me then.

- Me : "Why don't I try something like [speed]"

I was saying that to speed my feet and get hyper speed but it didn't work, so I tried to touch my boots and do it again and then it worked even though it was not that high, so I can only upgrade objects I guess, not humans. I hope it will be different with degrade but if it's the same, it will be a problem. I took a rock from the ground and tried something [poison], it didn't work but it's a rock so I don't really know if it works because it's a rock, it's kinda stupid of me. I will then try to make it less speedy, so it's pretty much [decrease speed], then I threw it and it did work, it was very slow to hit the ground. Now I have to try that on someone, a pig, a cow, whatever I can find that allows me to try my theory and test it.

- Me : "Okay there is a cow not far"

I went to the cow, touch it, and tried [poison] discretely, but it seemed to not work, it seems like the cow did not care at all about what I was doing, but when I hit the cow with the rock that was previously poisoned it did work on the surface that it hit. So if I analyze what I have tried right now, I know that I can change objects but not living things, and it seems to be pretty limited like my speed or the quantity of poison, it's a really complicated power. I touched every clothed I had on and added [defense], it will surely not defend against a fireball or something but that will be enough for now, I tried adding multiple things at the same time but it only work with one.

- Me : "Then I'll have to buy some weapons and a shield, but I don't have money, let's try first to hunt the monster or other things"

When I got to the village, I saw a card of the surroundings, I saw a forest not far with a danger sign, I guess it could be a good start to my hunt. With that in mind and the goal to get a weapon and armor, I decided to go fast (thanks to the boots) in the direction of the forest.

Here is the end of the second chapter, if you have some idea about my story? Please make sure to comment on it and let me know. Even if you have just nothing to say, it's okay too, if you

like it, and add it to your library because I'll try to upload it often! Anyway, I hope you had a great time and I see you soon for the next chapter.

Tatsuyayuki14creators' thoughts