
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Hero's revenge

After all that, the person in a hood took the money and the trophy and got away quickly while people watching were still talking about what happened. I did watch until the end just to be sure nothing happen on my watch. I could get problems with the hero because of his position but he broke the rules first so I'm sure he won't try. Usually, a son of the grand Duke would surely try to attack me back but he didn't see my face and with the number of witnesses, he wouldn't try a trial.

- The judge : "Thank you for everything if the Hero tries something I will vouch for you"

- Me : "No need, I'm gonna go now, it was a lot of fun"

I went away and let Mike and the team go back, where did I go ? I did follow the person in a hood because of the weird intuition I had since the start. With all that was also added the fight that I witnessed and every little technique. When I followed that person I saw also the hero and some assassins (the mc's supposition) that followed that poor person. The hero was not hiding at all and the person in a hood seemed to have noticed and waited for the good moment to attack.

- the Hero : "It seems it's now your time to die"

- person in a hood : "Want to lose again ?"

This confrontation, no time to discuss, they fought with their power going full out immediately. The assassins paid by the Hero were not useful at all, they got annihilated fast. They couldn't even stand the power of those two that were fighting, I could have let them fight, but again we are in a residential area so it's not a good idea.

But here I was too far from them and even me; I am not that sure if I could really stand their aura that much. I'm pretty sure I could get close to them and do the same thing as earlier, but I don't want to try. I took a quick look at the surrounding to see if there would be problems for citizens or not. It seems like the person in a hood chooses a good isolated area to attack, the problem is that in a big city like this one, even a little street had a lot of people. Once again, even if I didn't want to, I had to do something, I couldn't just let citizens be possibly in danger.

- Me : "You guys seem like you just want people to be in trouble"

- the Hero : "Oh the second person is here, that's pretty nice"

- Person in a hood : "You again, I don't need your help"

- Me : "I didn't ask your opinion though"

I did the same thing as earlier and took my wisp out, they got used to the enchantment pretty quickly and moved. I did that because when I saw their speed earlier, I knew it would be complicated to fight them without decreasing it a little. The two attacked me but I was clearly quicker than them, with the same [light] trick the person in a hood was not really a problem. In fact, I went here to tank their attacks so that it doesn't affect the citizens. I waited enough so that the guards I asked earlier came and stopped them.

- guard captain : "If you don't all stop right now you are all going to jail"

- the Hero : "You have nothing to order me"

- guard captain : "You forget that you have no authority here"

I showed my badge to the captain and he let me go away fine because I called him to come (by paying them) he knew I was innocent in this. They stopped, the Hero was very angry and got away from the town fast, the person in a hood seemed a little bit annoyed.

- guard captain : "Those nobles always think they are superior to the law, thanks for calling me and tanking them, citizens could have got in trouble"

- Me : "No problem, I'm sure that won't stop him from trying to get his revenge"

In fact, he would just have to wait to be outside of town, where kinda nobody can get in his way and attack. I didn't have my answers to the problems with the person in a hood but it's okay, it's not like it's gonna change my life. I decided to go back home, on the road I saw nothing new and got back to my house (mansion) without problems.

- Mike : "How did it go with those two ?"

- Me : "They put citizens in danger but it's fine"

- Lanos : "If he wasn't a noble he would have been in trouble"

I don't care at all about nobles, commoners, king, whatever that may be, I just do what I have to do in this world and when I die go to paradise. My score right now was pretty good but the goddess made something so that I couldn't suicide when I wanted to. I could try to go to a dungeon and let me get killed by a boss but I don't know if the goddess would like that.

I asked them what we should do and they suggested that we go on a trip, a big trip where we would try to clean every dungeon that exists in this kingdom (for other kingdoms you need authorizations). Because our house was far and isolated we had no real trouble letting it to some guards.

- Mike : "If we can take every little dungeon mission we can get lots of rewards"

- Lanos : "Nobody ever tried to do that"

In every kingdom, there are always dungeons that appear anyway until the demon king is killed so it wouldn't get rid entirely of the problems but because most of the people are trying to get rid of the demon king's army there is no one (qualified) to clear dungeons. They are so far from clearing the demon king who took an entire continent that the security inside every kingdom is very bad.

Not that it's not important to destroy the army of the demon king but still if every kingdom is ruined at the end, what is even the point ? It's the same point for every army that is at war or fighting the demon lord's army. The hero and his team were still training but they don't contribute to anything in the security of the people right now. After a discussion, we found a plan for what to do, and we decided not to wait too much by going to adventure right now. We took some spare clothes, weapons, food, and everything that we could need and just left the mansion empty with some guards to protect it.

Time for a big adventure everyone, the mc is gonna do something new, clearing every little dungeon and getting op as hell. I'm sorry to be late on this chapter but I had an important report to submit, I hope you all forgive me. In the next upcoming chapters, a lot of things are gonna happen, if you want to add maybe something please be sure to tell me in the comment. Same if you have something to say about the chapter, the story, or my way of writing, whatever it may be, it's always welcomed. Don't forget to vote, add it to your library or whatever and I will see you all in the next chapter, bye.

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