
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Getting in the demon king's territory

When I though that I was far enough I calmed down a bit and also decrease my speed, even with my [upgrades] I don't have infinite stamina (don't dream he will never have that). Even my enchants can be uneffective, if soemone moves it will be pretty hard to put an enchant on him and if that persondoes not wear armor or heavy stuuf, putting more weigh won't have much effect. Even [moveless] is just a way to make the materail more hard and heavy so if someone just wwear light close the effect won't be really big. That's why this little "trip" is also an opportunity to gain more things that I could put on different items because right now if I don't have my [increase weight] and [moveless] I'm basically doomed.

I could disregard this matter by saying that fighters usually fights with armor but in fact in my trip I realised that it was very far from true, one of the few people that were chasing me were adventurers and those guys are usually very sneaky and quick so I can't evade them infinitely. On my way to the south, I got disturbed by a lot of people trying to kill me or capture me because my wanted posters were everywhere. It could be okay if only it was easy to fight them but it's not at all because of the issue from earlier.

- Assasin : "You seem to have difficulty fighting me, it seems that you getting away from the capital was just luck"

- Me : "Don't annoy me more than I already am"

- Assasin : "Oh it seems I have touched somewhere sensible"

We continued to fight a bit, me with my whip and this assasin with some weird technic, his knife were bouncing on the ground and walls, which made it kinda dangerous fro people who were in the same spot as us (in this case, in the middle of the forest). I did not have to care luch about that because my [shield] is protecting me but it still is annoying. When he saw that he could not kill me because of my defense he just went off to god knows where. I din't want to kill anyone apart from bosses and evil being of the demon king's army.

Always when I decided to take a break, or go hunt or even just slept, adventurers, assasins, hunter and even the army went to try capture me. I decided that I would sleep less and take minimum breaks to go quicker into the demon army but that didn't stop them from being on my tail. And me who was thinking that atleast it could calmer in the demon territory but it was absolutly not.

- Me : "What a big broder, it's gonna get hard to pass it"

In fact, I didn't know that in the South of the kingdom was a big wall, constructed by slave when the king finally realised that the demon king was a danger. He was so confident at the start of this new demon king era that when he appeared he didn't care about it. He racted when he became dangerous but now the army and the adventurers even of differents countries together had a hard time.

A lot of soldier were on the wall not as much as the number attaking the army of the demon king right now but still too much for me to try and pass by here. Anyway going where the army is not what I wanted to do and is maybe the worst idea I could have, when I checked the south before I knew that what I wanted to do is clear the tower inside the demon territory that the army don't care about.

-??? : "So what do you plan to do ?"

- Me : "Towers aren't gonna cear themselves alone so I'm gonna do that"

Wait, who did talk to me, and I even answered, am I stupid ? I got too much used to discuss with Mike and the rest of the team about everything that it became almost automatic to answer every questions. Once again the voice was very familiar and it was again the peron in a hood that fought two times the hero and seems now to be just beside me. But why, I could think about a coincidence but it's too unlikely, only explaination is that maybe I will get in trouble because this person is reeally dangerous.

- Me : "Are you also here to try and kill me ?"

- ??? : "You have the same hate of the crown prince and the Hero as I do so I think you can help me"

- Me : "Didn"t you call me a commoner before"

- ??? : "Oh it was you, I wanted to kill the first person I saw that day, you are kinda lucky to be even alive"

- Me : "Why should I help you ?"

- ??? : "Because else I will kill you, and I can get rid of those shackles hat make people able to find you, in exchange I just want to kill the crown prince and the Hero when it's time"

It is true that I got rid of the thing on those shackels that made me not able to use my power but I still had them on me that made it annoying for me to fight. From what I now understand those annoying things had even a sort of tracking magic that's why even adventurers can catch me.

She used your [shadow aura] or whatever it is to make me afraid of the consequances of my possible rejection of her offer, ant it was damn effective with those things on my hands. So I accepted because I had to get revenge on the crown prince, his fiancee and the Hero (the Hero is surely not far from everything that happened in his mind). This person took oof the hood that was covering everything, and what a beauty, scary but beautiful dark hair, eyes like a crow, judging you like it could see into your soul and astonishing face, she looked better than most of the noble woman at the capital, the prince's fiancee include.

- ??? : "My name is Raisha, professional assasins, I want to become a part of your [shadow team] until we defeat the crown prince and his allies"

- Me : "I'm Kein, It's my pleasure to have you in the team"

- Raisha : "No time fro hunting, you guide the way"

It seems that she wants to follow me for now which is quite conveniant, she want to use me for her revenge or whatever, I use her for hunting bosses, that's not bad. The only thing that I kinda can't understand is why she can't just kill the hero herself ? Well let's not think about that for now, it is now time to face surely the most terrif and hard towers to clean so I have to always be prepared.

It's now time for volume 2 : In the Demon king's territory with exactly 25 chapters in that part as well. How is it gonna go, will they fight the Demon king's army ? well put in the comment what you think of this situation. Until then, I hoped you all enjoyed, I see you all in the next one, bye.

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