
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Getting chased (again)

When he teleported us we got out surprisingly but we were in the air, and what happen to an object in the air, it falls. And how god I hate gravity sometime, and today was probably the day I hated it the most in my entire life until now. We were falling, quicker and quicker, and my power could do nothing about it, maybe with a little luck my [wind magic] could make us take a little less damage but that's all their is to it. But once again, Juan saved us, with [wind magic] temporary applied to my boots and Ruan [wind cloud] we had not much trouble and Reina was used to falling from high so she has good techniques (rolling pretty simple but need training).

But when I finally was thinking that we were safe it seems that all our noises attracted the guards which did nothing about Reina or Juan but when falling my hood that usually protect my (beautifull) face got off. And even though it's not been much time since I left the kingdom getting chased by everythi,g it seems that they already had a guess I was the one they were searching.

- Guards : "You sir on the right, please show us your identification plate"

- Me : "I am sorry but I don't have one, I live in the forest"

- Juan showing his badge : "No need to be wary he is with me"

- Guards : "Sorry your higness, I didn't know someone as high ranked as you was here"

Hopefully in all those years the royal magician badge didn't change at all so they couldn't do anything to me even if they wanted to. Juan saved me again, I guess it counts much more than payback from freeing him. Anyway we had to go far away very fast before witch were coming to kill us. And while we were talking the witch did get down the stairs to the first level and were attacking the wood fences that got destroyed so quick.

The guards then took a magic thing to alert the army which was also the signal for us that it was time to run. And of course when the guards tried to attack the witch, it was the perfect oportunity to start running. Witches did get a lot of fun from the guards that got in the tower when knocked out, I wanted to help them but for now we were no match for the witches. With the stamina of Juan being a lot down from the [teleportation magic].

- Juan : "Where are we going right now ?"

- Me : "We will go even deeper in the demon's king territory, a lot of tower not as powerful as this one are hiding everywhere"

- Reina : "I hate having to run out with my tail between my legs but we have no choices here"

- Juan : "Well, I'll folow you for now, it will be good for me to have allies, but in what dungeon are we really going ?"

- Me : "On that I have no idea, the maps of the demon's king territory is not clear"

- Juan : "Then let's get to the [pupet circus] their is a lot of little boss in it and the tower of one general of the demon king"

Juan was well informed of the demon king territory thanks to all the witches everyday discussions. The situation was pretty bad because witches were fast to follow us up, how did they do that, it was because of one of the witch talents [witch's eye] that can see magic so that can see Juan. So we were screwed to get followed up , even though he did us up a lot of magic it was still easy to be seen.

What was unexpected was the number of noises going up more and more, with that we quickly noticed that the number of oponent chasing us was dramatically increasing. And to my surprise it was not the army it was more and more demons that were called by the witch or heard a lot of noises. They followed us for a long time, some even catched un to us and tried to attack us but for a weird reason, the closer we got to the tower we wanted to do next, the less demons were contuining to follow, if even monster fear the tower it is definetly not good news for us that's for sure.

- Juan : "We finally made it to your destination"

- Reina : "What is this aura, it's so dangerous, and it doesn't even look like a tower"

- Me : "What a weird looking thing"

It was litteraly like the name said a circus, we stopped a little bit infront of the entrance which was open but we couldn't see at all the insides so their is no way to prepare for it. Juan seem confident that we could take it out and also that the crystal had a lot of magic that created bosses and monster itself and so it would be a good griend. Usually in those type of dungeon, you would prefer to go quick and finish it before you get outnumber. But for me the best was to let the crystal empty out the magic by spawning monster espiacially bosses to upgrade fast.

So we did exactly that, we entered and waited, waited a long time by getting rid of the little moster and avoiding the bosses so that the cristal at the middle of the circus. At the start no bosses and the monster were small and easy to take out, the crystal was far and protected from possible arrows, and at the middle a clown, was it a boss, nobody knew because it didn't move. When everything seems to be going as planned, the wiches that we completly forgot the existance of, appeared and attacked us.

- Head witch : "If you think hiding in this dungeon would make your life easier, you arre deeply misunderstanding"

- Juan : "Oh but we were not here for that..."

- Clown : "Uninvited guest, what witches are doing here ? even if you are under the same army, I cannot forget that you are trying to spoil my fun"

The monster did appear more and more, and little bosses, and to what Juan seemed to have planned. The monster seemes to keep the witches away enough so that they can't attack us. Soon we discovered what it means with the "pupet" in the [pupet circle] actually means. Because alll the bosses in this tower were pupet masters and attacked us but also the witches A LOT.

Here it's the end of the chapter, please comment like, add to your library, I see you very soon for the next one.

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