
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Getting annoyed by hunters

With my money I could do a lot of things, well not buying a house or a castle but it was pretty good for my living expense. I found an inn, it's lively, cheap for the money I have, 2 silver for a night and 25 bronze for a meal which was not bad. I decided to stay the night in the inn and think about how to get a good score.

Earlier in the day, I heard that the people I met were "hunters" so they should something have like a guild. When I asked the patron of the inn, he gave me some directions to where to go to get an adventurer license and he taught me some things about how it works.

I didn't need money now because of what I robbed earlier and what I got from selling corpses and objects. I had to buy some armor, a dagger, and some arrows, I already have a sword from before and the bow is okay, I also have a rectangle shield that I will maybe have to use. With that in mind, I had to think about a clear plan to evolve my stat but before that, I had to check them.

- Me : "Status open"

Status window : Name : Kein Klitter, Age : 20

Power : Upgrade and Degrade items (increase/decrease), level 1

Number of uses on an item : level 2

Score : -30

Remark : upgrade by killing more boss (?)

It seems like I can upgrade by killing the boss, when I clicked on the question mark button it showed that when I killed the boss I could level my power but I couldn't kill twice the same boss. But I have no idea of where there is another boss, I could maybe try to find a map but I guess I can do it at the same time as going into the guild. I decided to sleep thinking about what boss I could fight right now, which equipment should I buy to fight efficiently against them, and everything.

In the morning

- Me : "Okay, now time to go get an adventurer license"

- The inn boss : "Should I keep you the room ?"

I paid him 10 more silvers to stay 5 more nights, then I looked at the note the boss gave me and followed the way. I run on a road where there is no one to see, well not like this is a problem because everyone knows about power but I don't want people to look at me weirdly.

I followed the road which didn't take me a while to happen to get to the city where I should go which was largely better than the one I was at before, with also a lot of people in it that didn't make it weird when I entered. After that, I continued to follow the general instruction on the paper and got to the adventurer guild.

- The receptionist : "Hi to you, how can I help you"

- Me : " I want to get my adventurer license"

- The receptionist : "Okay, which job do you want : hunter, scout, adventurer ?"

- Me : "Hunter please"

- The receptionist : "Okay you can complete this paper, come back to me when you are finished and I will give you your license against 5 silver coins"

I got to a table not far and completed the paper with the pen and the ink, what was weird was that I didn't have any difficulty with the language they were using in this world for some reason. I didn't really notice earlier but I don't have difficulty understanding people when they talk either. I put the info they wanted on the license application and got back to the receptionist.

- Me : "I'm back, if everything is okay I can pay you right now"

- Receptionist : "I'll check that quickly"

The receptionist checked every little info looking weirdly at my name but didn't say anything about it. The people behind me that were waiting seemed like they weren't very patient and pushed me off to go to the reception.

- Hunter who pushed me : "Get out from here you noobie, a real hunter shouldn't wait behind garbage like you"

- Receptionist : "He was here before you, so you have to wait, even though he is now"

- Hunter : "Tchhh, making the big mike wait, for someone with shitty clothes like him, no way, it's not like he is gonna do anything about it anyway, huh garbage noobie"

- Me : "What ? you talking to me, you are so dumb that I didn't hear you"

- Mike : "What did you just say, I'm gonna so f**king kill you"

Before he even try to hit me, he felt as if he couldn't even move which was normal because when he passed me I had time to put some annoying degradation on his clothes. I touched gently his clothes from behind and put [weigh] and [moveless] those two made it really hard for him to move. He was trying to move his fist but just couldn't because his chest plate felt so heavy, I also put those on his leggings so that he couldn't walk either, thanks to him being so dumb.

- Mike : "You did what ?? How can I not move, you annoying bast**d, let me go or you are so dead when you get out"

- Me : "To kill me you have to move first, but oh, seems like you can't right now"

- Receptionist : "It seems like you calmed him really fast, here is your hunter license, if you want some hunter quest, you can check the list that is on the board"

- Me : "Here is your money, I will take a quest from the board thank you very much"

- Receptionist : "Huh what I'm gonna do about him"

- Mike : "Let me go, you f***, p****, you've got no b***..."

- Me : "Well he will have to wait for when I'm far enough"

I took a quest of hunting monsters on the outline of a little city, it seems like the monster attacked, again and again, the resident of this little city. They don't have much guard which explains the really worried tone on the quest. After taking it I got into multiple shops buying all the things I need even though it cost me almost all my money. And things weren't gonna get better because the annoying guy from before got back to me but with two other friends. I could use the [escape] I put on my armor to evade every attack and just go away with my [speed] but it could be some fun to try the thing I paid for in the different shops and see what works well or not.

It's the end of today's chapter, I didn't even see the days pass so I'm a little late for no reason but please don't be mad. Anyway, if you have a thing to recommend or just anything to say, please comment on it and let me know. I will see you all in the next chapter, and I wish you all a good day, bye.

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