
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Getting a better rank in the guild system

We left the dungeon, with a lot of gold in our bag, maybe enough to buy a castle a live pretty well for the rest of our lives but that seems not fun at all. We traveled, by walking, without speed because I couldn't give it out to him right now. I can't let him know that my power disappears if I'm away from him, I would have to wait for the next night to get away and come back.

When the night finally came, I asked to guard the surrounding perimeter, the black knight doesn't need to sleep so he did it as well, when I saw a little opportunity I ran away quickly and came back as quickly as before.

- Black knight : "Is it me or can I now move quickly"

- Me : "It's been one-day si it's off, you can now follow us at the same speed as us"

I asked him if I could put [speed] on him and he allowed it, now we could finally go to our goal a little bit quicker. Because it was night the black knight got extra size which made him dangerous, if he wanted to he could kill us all right now. All the night we discussed a little, made patrols, killed some animals, and most of the time, did nothing at all.

- Mike : "Ah finally morning"

- Lanos : "Black knight seemed to be quicker now, we should be able to get to the guild before the end of today"

And then we ran continuously until we got to a middle size city, because of the guards at the door we had to show our badge and pay for the black knight. They let him pass because we paid but we almost got into trouble, he really is looking like a villain. Ah, well, he is a villain so I can't be angry at them for reacting like that and be on guard.

In town, it was the same, kids, villagers, guards, adventurers, and just like everyone was looking at the black knight weirdly but who cares. We first got to a bank to see the value of the gold coins we took.

- Bank counselor : "Hello sir, how can I help you today ?"

When we entered he was smirking, as if he thought we were there to borrow some money but when we showed our back, his jaw hit the floor. We just showed, bag after bag of gold pieces.

- Mike : "We would like you to give us a price for all of these"

He took one gold coin and showed it to the bank counselor, he took quite some time to examine it but was without a voice to describe it. People came and watched it, as if it was a show, even the bank director came, he also examined the coins and was as surprised as the person before. When we left we had an offer with so many zeros that the bank had to give us multiple cheques and a paper to get even more.

With that done, we could finally go to the guild, we showed the monster head to the receptionist, a dungeon crystal fragment, and the boss heads. Jeremia, who is a professional cleaner also vouched for us, that being confirmed we got even more money.

- Guild receptionist : "With all of that done you can at least go to gold rank, if you want to do an individual upgrade, you would have to pass a test"

- Mike : "We want a team upgrade"

In the guild, there is individual strength measured from F to S and team rank from bronze to platinum. When I started I was bronze rank and F but now we could try to be a gold team. Because of our achievements, we didn't have to pass a test for our team. But because we were still F in terms of individual strength, it was kinda weird.

- Mike : "I want to do the individual test, what about you guys ?"

- Lanos : "Yeah okay, sounds like fun"

- Black knight : "A clear lost of time but why not"

- Mike : "Try not to kill anyone"

Then we asked to get individual tests, people came to test us, they don't seem like hunters but more like normal people. They are three people with some papers to take notes, they asked us to show our skills and noted everything, because of my enchant we were doing quite well. When we finished they took the final notes and asked us to come.

- Examinator : " Klein, black knight, Mike get A rank, Lanos and Aryna get B rank"

- Lanos : "Ah I should have trained more"

- A random : "Why is this guy A rank when I'm only B"

He was pointing his finger at me, complaining about how I got my A rank, well I mean true shot arrows and my new upgrades from killing the dungeon boss that I decided to put on my level and also one on the number of upgrades.

[Me : status open

Name : Kein Kliter; 20 yo

Power : Upgrade and degrade level 5

Number of power put on one item 3

Good points : 10, upgrade it by doing more good actions or killing a boss !

remark : next time don't take a boss in your team]

Oh, the system counted it as if I didn't defeat the black knight so I got only 3 points, I put two in my level and one on number. When I obtained level 5 in power a window showed up saying : [you can now also upgrade temporarily, your power range has doubled]. With that I could now have a lot of possible weapons for the next coming fight, that guy that was questioning me at the same time as I was checking my window was an ideal test subject.

- Random : " Hey answer me, stop looking at the air"

- Me : "You want to doubt me, then why not fight ?"

- Random : "Okay, a fight with just a wooden sword"

- Mike : "What bullish**, that's just not fair to him"

- Random : "Are you that scared, huh mister A rank adventurer"

- Me : "Nah I will do it"

Mike seemed shocked to see me accept when I only fight with a whip of a bow, with that type of opponent I don't even need it. I decided to go easy with it. I have [protection], [evasion] and now [damage reduction] on my armor with my abnormal [speed] it's not like he could do anything. I just decided to go with a temporary [slash], [extend], and [streght] on the wooden sword. When he tried to attack me, I just had to evade his attack and with one move of my sword, he was into the ground, not dead but pretty badly injured.

- Me : "Hope that's enough for you"

With that out of the way I took back the enchant and we got away, searching for what could possibly be our next mission.

That is it for today, I hope you all had a great time reading it, new people are gonna annoy the mc in the next chapter hehe. This story is almost at 10k readers, thanks everyone for that, hope it continues that way. Anyway like always, if you have anything to tell me to feel free to do so in my comments, I'll gladly read them and answer. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I see you all in the next chapter, bye.

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