
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

First floor of the dungeon

WOAH, what a big tower, seemed like it was also going underground with what Jeremia told me from what he knew. With even a boss in the tower, traps, and everything else, so when you think about it, it's just very deadly, almost certain death. Why are we doing it in this case, money, power, upgrades, and also getting a better rank in the adventurer guild for more quests are good enough rewards for us.

- Me : "We are really going in this ? Seems like trouble to me"

- Jeremia : "This looks like big but trusts me, it's actually not that hard to clean it up"

- Mike : "Yeah Kein, don't be scared, it will go fine"

I am usually scared of everything, the first goblin that I hunted scared me, and the first boss too, even now it's not something that I completely got rid of. We arranged our positions in the team so that Mike was on the front with his shield, followed by Lanos and Aryna, and finally Jeremia and me at the end.

Someone pretty used to fighting in dungeons would see that we could get attacked from behind but I can also do close combat so we are pretty fine I think. With that out of the way, Jeremia cast what he called a [blessing] on us, it made it easier for us to kill monsters, made our stat better, and also made the attack from monster weaker.

Slowly but surely we made our way into the dungeon, I was throwing rocks with [light] on the ground so that we could see in front of us, it was also pretty effective to activate some hidden traps. The first monsters we saw were goblins as usual in those types of dungeons. The first floor was pretty easy to clean, it even seemed like some team did go before us because we did find some traps that were already used.

- Jeremia : "Let's focus now, it seems like the last team stopped right here, from now, everything can happen."

We were in a big empty space, before that we could always see torches to the left, surely to indicate the way out but after that, nothing. Because there is only one way to go for now, I took more rocks and did the same thing as I did earlier, what changed was that it activated a lot more traps and other stuff.

I quickly understood why the previous team didn't want to go further, unfortunately, we wanted to go deeper in here. Because of the fact that it is a new dungeon, Jeremia had little to no info about what was in there. By going deeper, we found new monsters, not anything really dangerous, some spiders, a few mutants, some bigger goblins...

- Jeremia : " We are not far from the first-floor boss"

We saw some big doors, red and black, with some gibberish on them, if that's not a boss, I really don't know what else that can be. Seems like good to me because if on every single floor there is a boss then just imagine how quickly I can upgrade. When faced to the door we quickly opened it and saw the same type of monster that we fought in the village.

- Mike : "Why does this boss look really like the other boss we fought"

- Jeremia : "It's pretty normal, because of the system of the tower, the boss of this floor followed the last team to the village, because we killed him yesterday he had time to respawn to this floor"

- Me "Oh that's why they stopped halfway, they maybe triggered a trap that made the boss hunt them"

This system explains a lot of things, for example why the first goblin village was never cleaned out and also why the adventurer guild even exists. If I understand what Jeremia continued to explain, the dungeon was divided into three types, permanent dungeon like the first one, which can be eliminated by killing the demon that summoned it, the new dungeon like the one that was close to the village earlier and that can transform into a permanent one with time and the big dungeon like this one that can be eliminated by destroying the crystal on the top floor.

That also explains why teams want to get rid of those things fast because else it can transform into a more dangerous one. Enough talking, my mind was clearly elsewhere when I should be focused on it. But I figured something pretty useful, it seems like the boss on this tower is a lot, like a LOT more powerful.

- Mike : "What is it with this guy, he almost destroyed my shield"

- Me : "Don't worry I'm covering you up, if you want you can take mine"

- Jeremia : "Wait, I'll bless your shield too"

Lanos and Aryna were having a lot of trouble hurting him, there was really no opening in his attack. He was going so quickly that it was too dangerous to go attack him.

- Me : "Guys I'm gonna upgrade your speed even more"

Because of my level 2 I could upgrade more stuff while not having to really touch it, it only can be used to stuff that is already upgraded. At first, I didn't want to show them more of my power, but I clearly didn't have the choice right now.

With that new improvement, they could finally land some hits on the boss, the blessing of Jeremia really helped too because it made the attack from a little bit easier to counter for Mike.

Not like the first time when I fought the boss like a coward, this one was harder even worst to fight than the last one. When we finally finished it some monsters appeared on the walls but they were little bugs compared to what we just fought. We decided to not immediately go to the second floor but to take a break in the boss's room, while doing that, I checked my status, and seems like I can make my power better once again, which I did, now I was level 3.

Status window : Name : Kein Klitter, Age : 20

Power: Upgrade and Degrade items (increase/decrease), level 3

Number of uses on an item : level 2

Score : +10 (+40 from killing two bosses)

Remark : upgrade by killing more boss (?)

Here is the chapter for today, I don't even think I'm late this time, I'll try to update it every 2 days like what I'm doing right now. If you got any idea of what I should put in that story please let me know, be sure to put this book in your library to not miss any uploads and I see you all in the next chapter, bye.

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