
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Final fights

Now it's interesting 8 people, only one possible winner, a lot of money to win that was going for first, second and third place. I have no idea if they are here for the money, the fame, or maybe just something else.

The first matchup is the girl that Mike was looking at from the start vs what seems to be a sorcerer. Mike was yelling, crying to support the woman but she got bet up pretty bad, her magic was no watch in front of the sorcerer. To me, her power would be nice as a support but nothing else, I am even surprised she manage to go that far with her magic.

The second fight is the person covered in a hood, the only person I never used [healing] magic on that will fight an assassin that didn't even say one word the last time I saw him. Those two seemed pretty close in terms of ability but the person covered in a hood evade every attack and did the same as last time by finishing it in one blow.

- Me : "Weird, does this person have some time triggering attack"

- A guard : "Why do you say that, they are just waiting for an opening"

- Me : "But well they never attacked before waiting at least 20 seconds even though they got some opportunities to do it"

- A guard : "Yeah it's even looking like that person just disappear"

It seems like I am not the only one where it looks like that, maybe it's just insane speed that even I can't see. The two other fights were basic, a magician vs a swordsman and two swordsmen fighting each other. They were not so bad but it was not interesting for me as I was pretty sure they didn't have any interesting power.

I know it's pretty rare to get power and even Mike, Lanos, and Aryna didn't have one but they were enough skills to back it up those guys were for now not interesting enough to possibly get in the team. the person in the hood could be interesting but I have no info to judge completely.

- Judge : "We will now go to the semi-finals"

The rest of the fights were pretty boring until the final where the person in a hood fought the sorcerer that beat up the little woman. This sorcerer is pretty powerful but I already got Jeremia so I don't know if he will do something interesting for us. He seemed like he had a sort of badge on his cape, from what I searched in the library of the house it seemed like the badge from the magical academy.

He also has another badge that shows that he is a royal magician (or a court magician) so he is here just to defend the capital or where the king asks to go. For someone like him, choosing between staying at his post where he does nothing most of the time, or going with us and maybe dying, I know what I would choose.

- Mike : "Pff it's not even interesting since the girl got out"

- Me : "When did you get here ?"

- Mike : "I came to see you and what was going on, they let me pass when I said your name"

He came to see me after he tried, and failed to seduce the girl from before, he got rejected so badly that I even feel bad for him. Should I help him just a little, I guess it wouldn't be that bad.

- Me : "Here take that and give it to the girl, maybe just try again"

I gave him [healing] water to have an opportunity to talk with the girl again. He took it immediately and got away at light speed, while he was doing that I was watching the watch and giving water to those who wanted it.

The match was the same as before, the magician attacked, and the person in the hood evade all those attacks for pretty much around 20 seconds, and then beat him in one shot. Always appearing beyond the person, who got knocked out, god knows how that's even possible without anyone seeing it but well it's not the point.

Every time that person fights, the opponent finish by being unable to fight back after 20 seconds, I didn't have any power for those type of attacks but well they usually wake up one hour or two after.

- Judge : "The final winner is the opponent number 421"

- Judge : "As a price you get 100 gold pieces, a badge, and also the right to fight an opponent of your choice"

- Person in a hood : "I want to fight the hero"

- Judge : "Oh, did you hear that, someone is challenging the hero"

A hero, hmm Mike told me things from this world when I asked, I pretended to come from a small village where we don't know much and he told me a damn lot. The story is about monsters, demons, the demon king, and also the hero that get his power from the goddess. I didn't have a hard time understanding because it was pretty much like a normal novel in an isekai or something like that.

And that person in hood seemed to have a very familiar voice, as the first person I talked to in this world, the person that told me the direction to the church (go see chapter 1 if you don't remember). Could they be the same person, the same deep and dark voice, well not like I care but this fight could be interesting.

- Hero : "Someone is challenging me again, why don't understand that each time it happens I just win easily"

- Person in a hood : "Fight me and you will see"

- Judge : "The fight between the hero and the winner of the tournament will begin"

- Me whispering to the judge : "I'll stay here in case something bad happens"

The judge nodded while not understanding what I was saying, he also had his eyes on the match because the person in the hood seemed angry at the hero for some reason. The hero took his sword, the spectators were all supporting him and the person in the hood used a lot of shadow spears, spheres, and flames, the hero with the power of holy magic versus the person in the hood who is using shadow magic. What an interesting match, I don't know the ability of the hero but for someone who is supposed to kill the demon king it would be weird to lose to a human using shadows but we will see.

Sorry to be a little late but here is the chapter, I hope you all liked it, an interesting fight is coming up, if you have any idea of how it will go please put it in the comment. If you got anything to say, please tell me, I saw from one of the comments to put more interesting things and to correct a little bit my chapters and so I will do it starting right now. All your support is really nice, love you all, and I see you all in the next chapter

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