
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Clearing every dungeon

We decided to go but it was very far from being an easy task, first we had to get some informations about every little dungeon that exist on this continent as of today. Mike and Jeremia helped us a a lot, Jeremia still had contacts with some of his friends, Mike having a pretty good memory for rumor and stuff. With a map that was somewhere in the manor we could have a pretty good first draw of the positions of every dungeons. Better we didbn't even have to take every dungeon quest at the guild because Jeremia is a professional clearer, so if he say that we cleared it, with evidences, it means that we did.

We didn't had to go far to find the first dungeon, because of the fact that normal dungeon (level 1 and 2) respawn everyday apart if you kill their creator, it's no use to try to destroy those types of dungeons, just confining and making sure it doesn't grow bigger is enough.

- Jeremia : "Their is a lot of tower in the south because of the lack of adventurers"

- Me : "No worry we will go everywhere without even stoping"

- Mike : "Fighting monster everyday, I'm sure it would be a lot of fun"

In fact, it really was a lot of fun, the dungeon not far from our position were the first to be cleared by us. We had some troubles with the boss of each floor as usual but that's it, the monsters were not tht great, with every enchant I could give them it was a piece of cake. Everytime I defeated a voss I got more points that I puted on [number of uses on an item] and when it was max it was finally time to buy special enchants with points. But oh my god, their is so much of those, if I wanted to buy them all, I would need more than 600 points.

In those, were some little one, like making me more speedy by a little, or more built, but also some pretty dang good. The one I'm interesting in is [gravity] and also some of them that could make me more powerful. I know I said that being powerful shouldn't be my goal, and that I should focus on getting good points but I do the two of them at the same time so no problem.

- Mike : "Is it me or are your power growing super fast ?"

- Me : "It's not only me, you too can block more easily bosses, last time you didn't even use your two hands"

- Jeremia : "Even my power increased a lot Kein isn't the only one"

- Lanos : "Same for us, by killing a lot of monster we became a lot better"

It seems that I am not the only one to get more power, in fact the person who upgraded the fastest in our team was Jeremia with his [light] attribute. It seems pretty logical to get better at [light] magic when you face a lot of monsters. After that it was Lanos and Aryna who were fighting the monster constantly and then me and mike that are mostly supporting.

With the speed of Lanos and Aryna they were quicker to deal with monsters than me and my wisp in the confined towers. With that in mind it was easy to say that the rest pof our journey was without much trouble. At each dungeons we were getting more and more powerful and we were clearing them faster and faster. When someone asked for help, like nerby villages or whatever we took a break to help a little and then always got back to clearing towers.

It could appear that towers shouldn't be the priority because it's kinda close, and it's easier to get rid of than type 1 and 2 dungeons, that's actually wrong, tower can spred, moster always go outside of the tower to attack surrounding villages and the tower can grow as much as the final boss tower so it can become almost impossible to clear. More than that the tower can also evolve, traps and everything getting more complex or even worse the crystal been hidden.

- Jeremia : "We are in this tower since atleast 2 days and we can't even find the crystal, we even defeated the boss two times"

We had to defeat the boss two time in case we forgot to check some hiddnes things, I didn't get anymore points from it and we didn't even find what we were searching for. I wanted to keep my points but because of that I had to take [magic sense] that I putted on one ring, with that we could finally see some trace of the crystal and find it. I regretted it at first becayse I thought it was a lost of time and points but in fact it helped us evade even more traps, finding more secret rooms and be more prepared against monsters such as magical goblins or other type of monsters that can use magic.

Usually we would have to rely on Jeremia, by doing that, he would have less magic when the fight start but now he can really let the traps to me and my ring and focus on fighting. After a bunch of clearing, and even going south just for that I had a bunch of crazy enchants that I puted on my ring. One of the things I didn't notice at first was that the enchant that I buy in the shop can only be put on one item at a time. For exemple I bought [shield] in the shop and putted it on the ring, I wanted to put it on my shield too but it didn't work, I had to get far from the ring, come back and then I could finally pût it on the shield. I only decided to go with the ring because my shield is in my spatial pouch so it can't really protect me everytime.

I also went to buy [gravity] and [magic control] with [reinforcement] that I putted amll on my ring. Those five enchants made the ring like a godly artifact that can sense magic, store and use magic, allow me to use more gravity control and even make me slightly more powerful. I had in the last towers a really big dilemna, if I chould or not give shields to the others. I decided not too for the moment because we were never in a moment were we needed it. At the end of our 3 months clearing process we got a letter from the king himself saying that he wxanted to see us.

- Jertemia : "The king sent me a letter telling me he want to see the team that cleared all tower on the kingdom"

- Mike : "He better reward us"

- Lanos : "With all the gold we found, do we even need a reward ?"

- Aryna : "Maybe he will give us a title or a catle so that we don't go in another kingdom"

- Me : "Well we will see, it's time to depart for the capital"

Today's chapter is now over, in fact I wanted to make it into 3 or 4 chapters but well I canged my mind. It's time for things to get really interesting and for the mc to get into some trouble (again). If you got any idea for the next chapters please make sure to tell me in the comment, same if you have remark, things to ask or more. I hope you all had a great time and I see you all in the next chapter, bye.

Tatsuyayuki14creators' thoughts