
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Avoiding the witches

The poor old man had such a sad story, going to war because of his family but getting trapped in that dungeon, choosing to close the dungeon without saving him. And the witches made his life look lije a dog, not being able to go out, having to prepare whatever they wanted, obeying them to not die. Because of the shackels that Reina took out, he couldn't use magic higher than tier 1 (for magician type their is tier that work the same as the hero's level). With that he could still make potions for them, before he had some free time when he had to hunt beast or go search for plants but since they closed the dungeon it ended.

- Juan Arthur : "If I don't get out of here, they will keep me until I'm too old to do potions and then kill me"

- Reina : "What horrible people, such demons should be erase from existance"

- Me : "I kinda feel bad for them aswell but what we will do stay the same"

Is it weird to feel bad for a demon, maybe, but I still do, witches could sound cool and majesticbut they arent. They come from dead mowens body imbued with strong magic, forced to work for their master, one of the demon king's general. They have great magic because of being concepted by one of the general but they can't do anything that they want, having to torture people to extract magic or worse, I kinda also feel bad for them. All demons in fact have a sad story, the generals are strong people that the demon king kill and revive, all monster corpses turn back to life or creations. Every little thing of this army is obeying only one person and can't do anything else, what pity.

- Juan : "It's time to go, follow me without making noises, if it goes bad we will go out quickly"

We followed him and he did not dissapoint, no witches on the way, the time when the night start is really the best. He showed us the way to the head witch room, we could hear a shower noise (they have magic, so it's not weird that showers exists) and could see in her room the crystal at the center. What I didn't know and neither Juan or Reina knew either is that the crystal is connected to her so she knows what did happen to it.

- Head witches : "Some rats dare to touch my crystal but well, you are so stupid, little Arthur boy, do you think I would ever show you where the crystal of this tower is, I waited for years for you to rebel, I even let you have your little window, truly what funny moment, two more people will join my collection"

- Reina : "It seems we were too careless"

She came at our level at such speed (and now she is not naked before someone asks), attacking first Juan that did manage to block her attack. Reina covered a part of her immense magic power with her shadows and I had little time to react but still threw a knife with [light magic], [sharpness], [speed], [true shot], [poison]. Light magic seemd to have a little bit injured her but the rest was kinda here just for the show. The speed made it so that she did not completly evade it and the rest was mostly useless against here. A little cut on he side was all I did, I already knew that poison attacks wouldn't work at all against here but still decided to try.

She was furious that I attacked her, also surprised that I managed to make her a scratch. Since the start she sees use as garbage that Juan took in his strugle to escape from the castle. It also appears that she was surprise that Juan could block her, taking away his shackles wasn't part our her plan I suppose. She was smiling weirdly as if she had fun, after that she attacked only me and reina but I took away one sword I always carry, put everything that could make it better and countered here (the most important on that sword is [light magic] anyway) Reina was having trouble fighting her with her usual dagers or her short sword but she could make no damage to us, Juan always being behind with white magic.

- Head witch : "I am surprise, you pull it off quite well against me, it seems I can't kill you alone but that's not a problem"

- Reina : "Yeah, you witch, don't even try, it's your head that's gonna fly"

Sometime I wish Reina would actually just shut up, this witch was smart she understood that alone versus 3 would be a long fight she is not sure to win. Reina was a person with immense shadow magic, Juan is still a royal mage so his stamina is good and mine is alright thanks to all the running I do (we are talking about magic power here, because even mc who put [ligh magic] on his sword cannot use it for eternity). Usually I would more quickly run out of material than magic but I use 5 upgrades at a time with all the one on my equipments, it will be hard if it continues.

But she had no plan of continuing a boring stamina fight agianst us, her power and I also learned that right around now allow her to call all the witch to her location. Five appeared from nowhere and a bunch of noises could be hear from under us signifying more to come.

- Witch 1 : "Sister, some annoying rats are causing troubles, how quite young, and this kid looks very edible"

- Head witch : "If you want to take one of them you can, remember girls, dont kill them, just make them regret being born"

Well thanks but no thanks, she did try to attack us but got back because of my sword and Reina aura plus Juan magic. They appear so cocky but ligh magic isn't their cup of tea, not my problem I will use it as much as possible. But that trick did not work for long, the head witch was even making fun of us while staying out of range from our attacks of course, and we got cornered pretty quick. In fact I was seeing almost no hope as if we would have to fight to death, even with that we would have mostly no chance, but Juan use his last bit of magic to use teleportation magic.

- Head Witch : "Don't let him use that, tchh if I knew you had that level I would have killed you long ago"

It took a little time to work out fine but with my whip I did manage to let them get close to us and even Reuna burn a little of her magic to cover us. With that we were out, or atleast, free from the witches, for now...

Finished for today, I'm sorry to be late but I have to study so can't really put much chapters here. If you have any ideas about what coming next please say it, hope you all have a good day, bye.

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