
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A tournament ?

After getting a better rank and a lot of money, we went to buy a house, a big big house, well more like a mansion, an old mansion. It came from an old count family that decided to move closer to the capital, it had a garden, a lot of bedrooms and everything else. I understood pretty quickly why no one wanted to buy it, it was pretty shabby, pretty far from the town but was good anyway. With our speed the distance is like nothing, the look of the mansion is not a problem either so it's all fine.

We cleaned a little bit, distributed the rooms, and also discussed about what to do, Mike who knows a lot about this country talked about what we could do. Aryna and Lanos are also somewhat knowledgeable so they told us some ideas.

- Mike : "If you want to have some fun, there is a tournament going on, we can't fight in it but maybe we will find someone to join our team"

- Me : "Last time I saw the quests nothing was interesting so why not"

- Lanos : "We are already five, isn't that enough ?'

- Jeremia : "Six, I was fired from the cleaning team..."

- Lanos : "Yeah with the black knight we really have not much to fear"

- Mike : "It'll be fun anyway guys"

- Me : "We have nothing to do, might as well do that"

While Lanos and Aryna were still reluctant to go to the tournament, the rest of us just quickly accepted. With no phone, tv, or anything else, in this world, you can either work, study or occupy yourself. I also just remembered that I paid for a room in one of the last villages before we got in the dungeon and that I let some stuff in it. Nothing of real value but I also have some of my notes from the tests I do at night which could be of some use.

I would have to think about it later but it's been more than 5 days so maybe the innkeeper just sold my stuff, I hope not, I have to do that for sure tomorrow. We followed Mike that was going to a town really close to the capital, we decided to go on foot even with a lot of money, my level 5 [speed] was as fast as a running horse, to be honest.

Mike seemed to know really well all of the roads and little ways that we could take without being seen nor take much longer than the normal way. We arrived at the 3rd biggest city of the kingdom, a lot of guards, adventurers, and citizens were going in and out of it. It surely was pretty lively but also annoying because we had to wait to see the tournament and even at the arena we had to pay and wait a bit. All of that made us be late even though we arrived one or two hours before it started because I was kinda smart I bought things that we ate while waiting. The black knight decided to guard the house so we didn't have any problem this time.

- Mike : "We were lucky enough to have seats next to each other"

- Aryna : "We didn't even miss the important stages"

- Mike : 'Seems like some interesting stuff is happening on the left"

This little girl, that Mike was watching, really was not that good, I watched and watched but saw nothing interesting. Was he watching her because she was looking kinda cute but well I'm not here for that and I don't care, I searched for a good fight and fight something that looks like nothing is happening but in fact, a lot is happening. Someone covered entirely covered in a hood versus a gid guy with a massive war axe. For someone inexperienced, it could look like someone dodging and dodging again but to me who always is afraid of everything, I know it's not just that.

She avoid every heavy hit, did a complete 180 turn, look at the stadium to see if someone is even looking before finishing this man. How did it happen I don't know it was so quick, that just pass through him. This man seemed to have been slashed like ten times in a second, the person in the hood almost seemed like disappearing.

- Mike : "What do you think ? not bad, right ?"

- Me : "Well I found some curious things"

- Lanos : "I saw someone with an interesting skill"

- Mike : "What did I tell you ? it's always fun to watch those tournaments"

It seems like the woman that Mike was watching is still on the ground but pretty injured, there maybe will be some problems because of the lack of medics. I went down without Mike noticing and asked the guards if I could help with the water I had, it was not a normal water it was water with [heal] on it.

While being level 5 I can now use more powers that I couldn't use before, yesterday the screen showed up when I asked for it and I could see some major improvements. One of the downsides is that now I couldn't upgrade my level more but could buy specific power with points, I still could upgrade the number of users on an item but that's it. When I asked the system about what I got as new things on level five, more than the possibility of doing temporary power could now access the power that I tried before but wasn't working, and also the range which I can upgrade and degrade increase by a lot. I gained five powers, related to the elements [water], [fire]... and [light] which make me able to cast [fire] on my arrow without having to worry about my bow or my hand and that I could use a variety of spell that come from those five like the [heal].

The guard test it as if I was a scammer and understood I was a priest that could make healing water, I didn't even know that this existed but sure. I got the permission to get on stage and gave some [healing] water, Mike saw me and was looking at me pretty weirdly because I was not far from the woman he watched earlier but who cares. After that I stayed not far and applied [healing] water to people who asked, I also helped in case of a fight that turned bad, everything was going perfectly fine until the quarter of finals, four fights, eight persons remaining, in them the women Mike had his eyes on, women that could have died 50 times if I didn't intervene and also the person covered in the mystery hood.

Thanks, everyone for 10k readers, just after my birthday (12 june) it really is making me want to continue this story (well I would have anyway). I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter, if you have any idea of what to put in this story, little twist or something, please tell me in the comments. Anyway, hope you will all have a wonderfull day and I will see you in the next chapter, bye.

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