
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A disastrous banquet

We got down after being announced, with some death stares coming drom the nobles, a lot of people making fun of us for our clothes. Not like we cared, Mike immediatly got to chat with some girls even though he was getting constantly rejected or ignored or insulted. Jeremia was at one of the window and was watching the garden, completly ignoring people, Aryna and Lanos were eating and chating and me I was doing nothing while eating delicious chocolate pudding.

I knew that nobles would look at us weirdly and that it is suppose to be a party for us to be chatting with them but it doesn't work much. Some nobles had enough guts to go ask Jeremia or me for stuff and we took notes on some requests but most of them were just hating us. Why though, we didn't do anything bad, we just did what normal adventurers never do but if you ask them, they would just tell you that it is because we are uneducated commoners.

- Noble : "Just see that, they are not even trying to act decent"

- Other Noble : "And look at them, you can see from afar that they are just commoners"

I wanted to ask them in what aspect do birth matter when you do something but well, history isn't full of commoners doing great things. They also have their pride as a noble, they themself pay adventurers or team or even contribute to the budget of the army, knowing that a random group, supported by no one did better than those is really not a good publicity. And I'm not even talking about the hero which did nothing since his ritual. At birth every noble is tested out to see if he is the hero or not, it's kinda easy to see because their is an holy object in the church of the capital that make your screen appear (in fact only the mc can see his own screen all the time).

In this generation it was the son of the grand duke, every 100 years it's always like that, a young man, from a noble family, that also explain why a lot of nobles have concubines, just to make their chances go up. That's is in fact the case for the hero right now, who is, from what I saw, an illegitimate son, that quicly became the succesor of the grand duke because of his title. Since he got the news that he was the hero, he was trained by the royal familly, the grand duke with all the money and people needed. Because he was not 20 yet, he still had to trzain a bit before going to the frount, but unfortunatly for him, his birthday is coming very soon. Exactly when I was talking about him, he made his apperance at the banquet, of course with the grand duke by his side.

- Royal announcer : " The grand duke, Gerald Terano Garcia and the Hero, Leon Terano Garcia, are coming into the balroom"

They were so praised by other nobles when infact in this country they did mostly nothing, the grand duke just have sveral passed down from generation, but never did anything himself, same for the hero that just is trained since borned but I'm pretty sure he never defeated even a single boss. In all the heros story I could see, the army was always doing the most job, the group of the hero, handling the small boss and the hero the demon king. Because the whole purpose of the hero is to kill the demon king, he can't get killed or injured before so he really doesn't do much more than what he is supposed to do.

- Hero (I will still continue to call him hero because eh why not) : "Oh so it's the team that cleared the tower"

- Grand duke (same) : "They seemed like lowly peasents, don't get too close to them"

- Hero : "Oh wait that young man look like the one that stopped me at the tournament"

Wait, did he see me, I saw that he was getting closer and closer to me, being annoyed by womens and other nobles. He just straight up ignored them and got just on my side, looking weirdly at me. Did he found out that it was me that stopped him at the tournament, my hood covered me but it seems that it was not enough.

- Hero : "What is your name young man ?"

He was talking to me like I was one of his servant, and even calling me young men when I am 20... He knows that I am from the "shadow team" because I have the badge on me, but didn't seem to know my voice. Now I have a problem, because when I stopped him, I also talked to him a little so I am in big trouble if he recognize my voice.

- Me : "I am Kein Klitter, the leader of the shadow team, nice to meet you"

- Hero : "You have a weirdly familiar voice and body shape"

He didn't recognize me but got a little suspicious of me, in fact the more close he got to me the more suspicious I looked to him (he is sus). I got saved by something that was expected and allowed me to quicly go away from the Hero when he turned the eyes.

- Royal announcer : "His Majesty the King, His higness the crown prince and his fiancee are coming into the balroom" (was too lazy to give them name, if you want to do so, feel free to do it lmao, I will maybe give them a name later)

- Prince's fiancee : "Look Leon is here, but that team just have dirty people in it, why are we forced to join that party, I could have done so much more interesting things"

- Prince : "Stop looking at leon when I am here, you know that we had to do it for the sake of public opinion"

The royal family indeed has a lot of powers but can't just ignore when someone good, they can't just look away. Because of that the prince even had to come to say hello to us, he got kinda ignored by Jeremia, didn't even come see Mike who was flirting with girls, and so decided to come to me. Why me again, it seems like even Aryna and Lanos were so hidden in the buffet that I was the only one who could be spotted from afar.

- Prince : "Hello, Klein was it ? on the behalf of the kingdom I thank you for your actions"

- Me : "It's nothing your higness"

- Noble : "Tchh look at that, just to please commoners"

- Prince : "If you have time, do you mind talking around a cup of tea ?"

- Me : "I will follow you gladly your higness"

He went out of the balroom to another room, which was filled with cake and different type of tea, it seems that he prepared that in advance.

- Hero : "Oh forgive me, it seems that I have forgotten a paper in my room, please just wait for me"

Then he got out of the room almost immediatly, he wanted to talk, now needs a paper, it's weird, what's even more strange was when I heard a woman crying not far from here.

Today's chapter is now finished, wand hehe you know what is going to happen next, but how... Will he fall on a trap, what will happen to him and his team ? If you have any ideas please put them in the comments, I will make sure to read them all, same if you have recommendation or other things to say. I see you all in the next chapter, until then I hope you have all a good time, bye.

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