
Chapter 22.

Does anyone know a way by which I could get someone details based on their phone number?

The cybersecurity in my area is very bad. They didn't even help me in my situations.


We finally reached the mansion where she was currently living. The mansion was big and majestic to normal people out there in the village.

I have to say that the person who made this had good taste in architecture. Even Zoro seems impressed by the design of this mansion and you can't ignore the size of it either.

"Captain, are you sure this is the place?"

Zoro asked me while looking towards the people who were working there.

"Yes, it is the place".

I told him while looking towards him.

"Is something bothering you about this place Zoro?"

I asked him again. He nodded with a serious face.

"Do you believe that the person living here would be able to travel with us?"

Zoro asked while stopping midway on the road.

'Hmm, he got a good point. Normally people would not be able to travel with us if they are living in this kind of comfortable life however I would be able to help them in this situation.

I thought while rubbing my chin.

"What you are trying to say is correct though I have my complete faith in that person to be able to adapt with us on the seas. So don't worry about it".

I reassured him.

Zoro started to walk again towards the mansion with me. He didn't want to add someone to the crew who would become a burden to all of us and the Grand Line is dangerous for someone like that to be there.

I wanted to call out the people who were working in the mansion but they already went inside. I guess they are hard workers because no one would have seen them if they had taken some rest outside. It's not like they have a camera here or something like that.

I knocked at the door while Zoro waited there for someone to open the door. After knocking twice a servant came to open the door for us. It was not the pirate so I didn't say anything rash.

"How may I help you, sir?"

The servant asked while bowing slightly. He was wearing black pant with a white shirt and black shoes. A typical servant dress which is popular in all kind of worlds.

"My name is Luffy and this gentleman here is Zoro. We travel to different places to cure people who are ill with any kind of disease".

I told him while Zoro also nodded.

"We heard from the villagers that someone from this mansion is ill for some years. As a person who treats people, I couldn't ignore it. So I came here to offer my assistance".

I told him again so he would not think of us as someone who deceives people in their worst time.

"I need to talk to the head of this house before I could reply to you. So please wait for some time".

The servant told us on which we nodded. I don't see any reason for him to lie to us.

The servant went inside the mansion while closing the gate much to the displeasure of Zoro who looked quite mad at this. I could expect this from him but he would not make any bad judgment based on this scene alone.

"Why did you lie captain and it's not like they can't see my swords hanging around my waist?"

Zoro asked while pointing towards the swords.

"It's for the plan and doesn't say anything till I tell you ok".

I told him though he didn't understand but nodded nonetheless.

The door opened again and the same servant came but he looked quite happy this time. He opened his mouth and said

" Please come inside".

We followed behind him while he took us to the centre of the mansion. The mansion was decorated very well with lots of paintings. The interior design was also good though it was bigger than what we could see from the outside point of our point of view.

We finally reached the centre of the mansion where an old lady was sitting at the table while drinking something from her cup which might be tea based on the smell I was getting from that cup. She looked towards us and smiled while the servant went to do his job in the mansion.

"Hello doctors my name is Merry and I'm the guardian of the person who is ill as of now".

Mary the old lady told us about her while motioning us to sit on the other chairs beside the table.

We gladly took our sits and took a cup of tea for us. Zoro looked towards me before drinking his tea.

"I guess you might already know us from your servant right?"

I told her while smiling a little to make her comfortable around me which worked quite well. Bless the original Luffy for this.

"Yeah, I know both of you though do you know who is the patient here?"

She asked while taking another sip from the cup.

"I don't know the patient. We just heard some people talking about someone who is ill here so we came".

I told her while sipping my tea without saying anything anymore. Zoro didn't say anything in this whole ordeal.

"The patient is a girl named Kaya and I'm her guardian since her parents passed away some time ago".

Mary said while showing us a sad smile.

"I'm sorry about the loss however could you tell me more about her sickness?"

I said while sounding quite sad for her family in reality I don't even give a shit about it.

"Of course, She has become quite weak since her parents passed away. She is getting weaker as more days are passing and now she can't even walk properly without falling on the ground".

Mary told me with a serious face.

"You didn't find her any doctor?"

I said while raising my eyebrows.

"We did find many doctors but they couldn't cure her and neither could tell us about the disease".

She said again while showing some tears.

"If this continues then she would die even before seeing the outside world for once in her lifetime".

She said while now crying openly.

I stood up from my place and went near her. I might not care but I don't like women crying in front of me regardless of their age. I cleaned her eyes with my thumb while patting her on the back. After some time she finally calmed down.

"Thanks for the support Luffy. I appreciate your kindness".

She said while laughing a little at this even Zoro showed a smile.

She started walking towards the corner of the mansion where a room was situated. We followed behind her without saying anything either.

She stopped in front of the room without saying anything. We also stopped there waiting for her response. Mary knocked the four twice before going inside while motioning us to come as well.

We went inside only to find a girl laying on the bed however her conditions looked bad as she was looking very weak compared to the others. She was looking outside of her window where a big tree was positioned.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Logic is not in my fanfiction so please stop reminding me about it.

BitchPleasedcreators' thoughts
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