
I'm Just Level 1

In a world where adventurers—human warriors possessing supernatural abilities—must fight deadly monsters to protect humanity from certain destruction, a mere level 1 adventurer finds himself in a seemingly endless struggle for survival. One day, he was thrown by his party into the core of the dungeon and suddenly a mysterious program called the System selected him as a player, giving him a unique ability to increase his strength. This was something that other adventurers couldn't do, because adventurers' abilities were fixed after they awakened. He then embarks on a journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both humans and monsters, to discover the secret of the dungeon and the true source of his power.

Sirius459 · Fantasy
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96 Chs

The Abyss Called Despair

The figure of the monster that covered the ceiling of the 60th floor was so terrifying that it could not be described in words. Their incredibly large size made the dungeon ceiling look like it was just a sheet hanging above them. Its shape was fluid and inconsistent, as if it had been created from the most terrifying nightmare.

"Impossible…" whispered a guild member in a trembling voice, his eyes wide with fear. Their faces were all pale, exuding an eerie helplessness.

The monster had eyes flashing with an eerie red light, looking down with deep hatred. His body, which looked like a fusion of various monstrous creatures, moved with impossible fluidity, making every movement seem more menacing.

"W-what do we do now?" asked a guild member, his voice full of panic.

Kael stood stiffly, realizing that they were facing something beyond their abilities. He tried to calm himself, to find a way to give reasonable instructions, but the overwhelming fear clouded his mind. "We must..."

His words were cut off when the monster let out a roar that shook the entire room. The vibrations of the voice reached their bones, as if hinting at impending doom. Kael knew that they didn't have much choice.

"Everyone, back away slowly," Kael said finally, his voice barely audible. "We have to find a temporary shelter. Don't scatter. Stay together."

They moved back carefully, their eyes remaining focused on the terrifying monster. Their steps felt heavy, as if their feet were bound by fear. Every second felt like an eternity, and their hope dwindled with every move of the monster.

Without warning, the monster hurtled down at an unreasonable speed for its giant size. With swift and deadly movements, the monster swept away the panic-stricken 'Rising Phoenix' guild members one by one. Cries of fear and pain echoed through the shaking dungeon.

"Watch out!" Kael shouted, trying to alert his members, but his voice was drowned out in the din of the monster's attack. Some members tried to raise their weapons in defense, but their movements were too slow compared to the monster's incredible speed.

One by one, they were swept away by the powerful force of the monsters' attacks, their bodies thrown against the walls of the dungeon or falling to the floor with terrifying sounds. Kael felt despair seeing his members fall, one by one. His heart was heavy with guilt and helplessness.

He tried to attack the monster with his magic and weapons, but every attack seemed meaningless against such a large and powerful creature. Kael knew that they couldn't hold out much longer. "We have to retreat! Now!" he shouted in panic and despair.

However, the monster did not give them a chance. With every movement, he drew closer, crushing every attempt at resistance they tried to put up. The remaining guild members tried to escape, but panic and fear made them chaotic and disorganized.

"Edwin stop his movements!!" Kael shouted giving orders to Edwin.

 Edwin, a talented mage in the 'Rising Phoenix' guild, acted quickly amidst the panic. Gathering all his magic power, he cast a powerful ice spell. Instantly, the floor of the dungeon froze, and part of the body of the monster that resembled a giant centipede was trapped in the ice.

The remaining guild members felt a little relieved seeing that the monster seemed to stop, even if only for a moment. They thought maybe they finally had a chance to escape or devise a new strategy. "Good job, Edwin!" Kael exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with newfound hope.

However, their relief did not last long. With incredible strength, the monster moved its body, breaking the ice that bound it as if it were just a thin layer of glass. The cracking sound of ice breaking echoed throughout the dungeon, shattering their hopes as quickly as they were formed.

"No way…" muttered one of the guild members, his eyes wide with renewed fear.

Alicia looked at Lily, the petite girl with extraordinary magical powers, who looked tired but still excited. "Lily, can you still use buffs again?" she asked in an urgent but gentle tone.

Lily nodded, even as sweat trickled down her face. "Y-yes, I can still use it twice. W-what do you want to do, Alicia?" she asked, her eyes full of worry but also trust in her party mates.

Alicia remained calm even though the situation was getting tense. She knew that the monster's speed and toughness were the biggest threats they faced right now. "I will try to slow down the monster's movements," she said with strong determination. "If we can make it move slower, we might have a chance to find a way out or attack more effectively."

Lily nodded, trying to calm herself. She started chanting a buff spell, directing her magical energy at Alicia. "Hope this works," he whispered to himself as a glowing aura surrounded Alicia's body, granting her additional strength and the ability to slow down time around the monster.

Alicia felt a new energy flowing through her. She nodded at Lily and then looked at Kael and the other guild members. With a strengthening buff aura, Alicia ran forward, approaching the monster that was trying to get out.

With her katana in hand and the additional power from Lily's buff, Alicia lunged towards the monster with incredible speed. Each step was full of firmness and courage, her eyes were fixed on the parts of the monster's body that were still trapped in ice.

raising his katana high, buff light shimmering around him. With one powerful swing, Alicia aimed her attacks at the weak points on the monster's body, hoping to deal maximum damage.

The first attack hit one of the monster's front legs, cutting through its muscle tissue with a hissing sound. The monster growled loudly, the pain made it even angrier, but its movements were still hampered by the ice that bound part of its body.

"Keep attacking, Alicia! We're almost there!" Kael shouted, motivating the rest of the team. The other guild members did not remain silent. They attacked from multiple directions, taking advantage of every second given by Alicia and Lily's buff powers.

Alicia didn't stop. With a series of quick and precise movements, she attacked again and again, each swing of the katana cutting deeper into the monster's body. she dodged the monster's counterattack with incredible agility, moving like a shadow around the massive opponent.

The monster, although trapped and injured, still tried to fight back. It swung its massive body around, trying to crush its opponents with raw power. However, thanks to the deceleration magic and ice confining him, his movements weren't fast enough to hit Alicia and the other guild members effectively.

Between attacks, Alicia noticed a weak spot under the monster's jaw, a place where the skin was thinner and seemed vulnerable. With a war cry, she jumped high and thrust her katana into that point with all her strength.

Alicia's katana penetrated the monster's skin, and the pained growl that came from the creature shook the entire dungeon. The deep wounds seemed to slow the monster down even further, giving all the guild members a chance to continue their attacks more effectively.

"Continue the attack! Don't let him recover!" Kael ordered, seeing an opportunity to end this threat once and for all.

With the combined attacks of all members of the 'Rising Phoenix' guild, they finally succeeded in paralyzing the monster. The monster's huge body fell with a thunderous sound, hitting the dungeon floor and finally falling silent.

Alicia's breath hitched as she pulled her katana out of the monster's body. "We did it..." she muttered, barely believing that they had defeated that terrifying creature.

Alicia got off the monster's huge body with a gasp. Her legs trembled as she walked towards her guildmates, relief and exhaustion flowing through her. However, his happiness did not last long.

"Alicia, watch out!!" Kael shouted in panic.

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