
I'm Just Level 1

In a world where adventurers—human warriors possessing supernatural abilities—must fight deadly monsters to protect humanity from certain destruction, a mere level 1 adventurer finds himself in a seemingly endless struggle for survival. One day, he was thrown by his party into the core of the dungeon and suddenly a mysterious program called the System selected him as a player, giving him a unique ability to increase his strength. This was something that other adventurers couldn't do, because adventurers' abilities were fixed after they awakened. He then embarks on a journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both humans and monsters, to discover the secret of the dungeon and the true source of his power.

Sirius459 · Fantasy
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96 Chs

A Dead End

Axel immediately returned to the cave where the Zerre Grass grew, a place he knew to be relatively safe. He felt the need to immediately tidy up his equipment and prepare himself because the situation in the dungeon was becoming increasingly unsafe with the large number of monsters gathering around the lake.

Carefully, Axel checked his equipment and supplies. He makes sure his weapons and equipment for combat are ready to use if needed. Axel also checked the condition of the Zerre Grass growing in the cave, ensuring the safety and availability of this important resource.

While tidying up the equipment, Axel thought about his next step. He realized that he had to leave the cave immediately, considering the unsafe conditions out there. However, he also needed to make a thorough plan to continue his exploration in the dungeon.

Carefully and vigilantly, Axel hurried to leave the cave where the Zerre Grass grew. He walked with fast steps but remained careful, making sure not to attract the attention of any monsters that might be around the cave.

Axel chose to stay away from the unsafe area and move towards the quieter dungeon passages. He tried to choose a route that was less exposed to monster activity and the invasion preparations made by the monsters.

In the darkness of the dungeon filled with tension, Axel continued to speed up his pace. Every move was calculated to avoid risks and ensure his safety. He was determined to find a safer place to rest and plan his next move.

"Oi move faster!" Someone's scream echoed in the darkness of the 48th floor dungeon.

With curiosity, Axel stepped slowly towards the sound that echoed in the darkness of the 48th floor dungeon. When he reached the source of the sound, he saw several adventurers who seemed to be intermediate adventurers. They looked tired and covered in wounds, but their equipment was quite good, even if it looked worn.

Axel paid close attention to the adventurers. Their faces reflected the exhaustion and sacrifice they experienced in the dungeon. The wounds on their bodies are evidence of a hard struggle and are not easy to deal with.

Even though their equipment looked good, Axel could see that they had seen a lot of use. Every scratch and crack in their equipment tells the story of their long and arduous adventure.

The intermediate class adventurers formed a ready battle formation, indicating that they were waiting for the arrival of something that might threaten them. Axel watched carefully from his hiding place, feeling tense and wary of what might happen next.

They communicate with each other with hand signals and eye contact, adjusting their positions to deal with potential threats. Axel could feel the tension in the air, the firmness of their determination to survive and fight together.

A moment later, Axel heard a roar in the distance, signaling the arrival of something large and dangerous. He thought quickly, looking for shelter or a safe position to watch the next development.

Instantly, the faces of those middle class adventurers changed drastically. Their expressions of determination and readiness were replaced by fear that was clearly visible on their faces. They realized that a large group of monsters was flooding around them, coming from the direction of the lake.

Axel felt the tension spreading among the adventurers. They seemed to be cornered by the invasion of monsters that came so quickly and unexpectedly. The dark atmosphere of the 48th floor dungeon is filled with the sound of thunderous footsteps and the snarling of monsters that are getting closer.

The intermediate adventurers tried to maintain their formation, but the fear of death was increasingly haunting their minds. They looked at each other, looking for a way out of the increasingly difficult situation.

"AAAAARRRHHHHHHGGG!!!" They screamed as the crowd of monsters took their lives.

Axel felt shock and horror sweep over him as the intermediate class adventurers were plunged into a desperate battle against the waves of monsters that were engulfing them. Their screams filled the dungeon, reflecting the despair and fear that overwhelmed them as they struggled to survive.

In an instant, countless fierce monster attacks overwhelmed the adventurers' defenses. Axel watched in horror as the monsters snuffed out their lives mercilessly, leaving corpses scattered all around them.

A sense of sadness and despair enveloped Axel's heart as he watched the destruction unfold before his eyes. Axel also realized that he was currently just a weak adventurer and he could only watch the horror without doing anything for the intermediate class adventurers whose limbs were scattered around the place where they had just stood.

Axel looked around him, amidst the ruins of a terrible battle. In his eyes, he saw traces of the bravery and sacrifice of the adventurers who had been killed in the monster invasion. His heart felt heavy, filled with feelings of sadness and regret for not being able to do more to save them.

"This world is so cruel," Axel muttered to himself, his voice shaking with the overwhelming emotions.

Axel looked at the corpses of the adventurers, honoring them in his mind and heart. He felt a strong urge to continue his journey, to learn and grow stronger in order to better face the dangers in the future.

"I can't stay silent," thought Axel with increasingly strong determination. "I have to become stronger."

With feelings squeezed by regret and despair, Axel swore to himself that he would not give up. He would press on and be determined to move forward in this harsh dungeon.

"Power... I have to find new power," Axel said to himself, his eyes fixed on the dark dungeon ceiling.

Not long after that, the crowd of monsters walked in a row to form a formation. Axel carefully observed the movements of the crowd of monsters that formed the formation and moved towards the passage in front of them. He felt that there was something unusual in their actions. They don't just wander around or look for prey, but look like they are carrying out a mission or certain task.

"Hmm, what are they planning?" Axel muttered to himself, his eyes remaining focused on the monster's movements. He felt he needed to understand the situation better before taking the next step.

Axel hid behind the surrounding boulders, making sure he was invisible to the crowd of moving monsters. His mind was spinning rapidly, looking for the best strategy to survive or avoid possible danger.

"There is definitely something going on in this dungeon," said Axel, trying to understand the situation more deeply.

Axel approached the remains of the adventurers with a heavy heart. He knew how important it was to look for equipment and potions that might be useful for his survival in this harsh dungeon. Although it felt inappropriate and perhaps a little immoral, Axel realized that this was one of the best ways to increase his chances of survival.

With feelings of full respect for the fallen adventurers, Axel searched carefully for equipment. He tried to find items that were still usable and might be useful in an emergency situation. Axel knows that he doesn't have much choice if he wants to move forward and survive in this harsh and inhospitable environment.

"I apologize," Axel muttered to himself, trying to offer his last respects to the adventurers who had died. "I will use these items with great gratitude to all of you."

Axel sorted through the items he found, choosing wisely what to take. He looked for healing potions, spare weapons, and other equipment that could be useful in facing the dangers in this dungeon.

There was a hissing sound coming from an adjacent hallway, reminding Axel that he was not alone in this dungeon. When he glanced in the direction of the sound, he was surprised to see several Kobolds who had apparently been left behind and were watching him warily. Axel immediately realized that this situation was unfavorable for the fight.

Even though his heart was pounding and his instincts wanted to fight, Axel understood that fighting against several Kobolds was unwise under these circumstances. He knew that fighting them would attract the attention of other monsters nearby and would only increase the risk to his own safety.

The kobolds who held a schimtar in their hands and were also equipped with armor made of leather quickly surrounded Axel. In a tense state, Axel realized that there was no other way but to face the Kobolds that surrounded him. With a heavy heart, he prepared himself to fight, realizing that fighting would be the only way out of this situation.

Carefully, Axel gripped his dagger tightly, ready to face the approaching Kobold attack. He took a deep breath, gathering his strength and focus for the inevitable battle.

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