
I'm just a normal Doctor (Completed)

When a young man was prepared to propose to the love of his life, an unexpected meeting changed his life forever! Also this isnt a translation idk who you know that knows 82694 languages but i dont speak mandarin or any of that lmfao why would i go through the trouble of translating even if i did? What a waste of time if its not my writing then its not on my fucking page you guys are so stupid its a bit worrying…

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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117 Chs

Transcending Obsessions- Supreme Viktor!

Viktor was sitting in his clinic, watching Lilith play with toys on the floor. He sipped on his coffee and laid out the newspaper, smiling peacefully.

He felt much better today.

As though he had transcended something.

He didn't know what it was, but he felt lighter, stronger, and happier.

Suddenly, Christine rushed in and grabbed Viktor, crying "Stephen! He-He-He!" before bawling. Viktor was stunned and looked at the coffee on the table, sighing sadly.

He was enjoying that coffee…

Lilith stared up blankly, saying "Bad daddy, has a woman outside…" Viktor coughed violently and looked at Lilith, saying speechlessly "Where did you learn those words?" Lilith replied honestly "Aunty Cordelia."

Viktor's blood rushed to his head and he laughed "Cordelia? Hahaha! Very good. Seems like she's getting very comfortable around here… Mars, quadruple her study materials and cancel her pizza and TV privileges."

Mars replied "Right away, Sir."

Viktor turned to Christine and said "Yes, what happened to Stephen?" The door was busted open and a stretcher was rolled in quickly. Viktor rubbed his forehead and said "No please, make yourselves at home…"

Christine cried "Please save him!"

Viktor stood up and said "Leave him in room 1… And please. Don't come inside." as he walked into the room and shut the door.

Lilith looked at Christine and asked "Are you my new mommy?" Christine's lips twitched…

Viktor looked at Stephen and walked around him, saying "Oh boy. What a guy, how are you still hanging on…" he grabbed the air and Kikoku appeared, trembling in anger and happiness.

Viktor smiled sadly "I'm sorry, girl. We won't be apart anymore, okay?" Kikoku buzzed happily and Viktor stabbed Stephen, scanning his body.

He whistled and said "Oh man…" before fixing up his insides. He flicked the door and it was perma locked as people tried to open it. Viktor didn't even look and said "I said not to come in, thank you. Maybe it works like this in your hospital but I don't need help in mine."

Viktor took Kikoku out and chopped off Stephen's hands, curling his finger.

The hands floated to him and Viktor held them before cutting the flesh and opening them like butterfly wings.

He tilted his head and said "I can reset the bones and reconnect the torn ligaments but…" he laughed and shook his head, looking at Stephen with a sigh "Hopefully you don't blame me."

He started working on fixing Stephen's hands as Stephen slept on the table.

Viktor was sitting at a desk with special glasses on and extremely small tools in his hands as he carefully pieced together the bones and ligaments. His pinky twitched and the ligaments were stitched together with microscopic stitches.

A while later

Viktor put the hands back together before putting them back on Stephen's wrists. He rolled his eyes and added scars on the back of his hands before bandaging them and hooking them up to a floating arm rest.

After all, if he was perfectly fine and kicking after coming to him that'd be too magical right?

Viktor sent him out and said "Take him home. When he wakes up he'll tell you how he feels. This is the best I can do for right now." Christine looked at him and said "Thank you so much, Viktor!"

Viktor smiled and cleaned his hands with a rag, replying carefreely "We're friends aren't we? You delivered my child."

[Congratulations for treating Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)- 1 lottery ticket]

Viktor smiled in his mind 'That's 2'

Christine hugged him and Lilith gasped softly "She lied. She is my mommy…" Viktor said helplessly "No more Paw Patrol…" Lilith said seriously "No, she's a nice person she wouldn't lie…"

Christine rolled her eyes and left with Stephen.

Viktor sat in his chair and made a new cup of coffee, saying "You little demon, what goes through her head all day?" as he shook his head. Lilith looked at him and giggled "Superheroes~"

Viktor pinched her little cheek, saying with a smile "You're so cute, I want to pinch you to death!" Lilith giggled and covered her cheeks, spitting her tongue out at him. Viktor's smile softened and he said "I loooooooooooooooooooooove yoooooooooooooou~" stretching his hands over.

Lilith ran away while giggling and Viktor chased her around…

He froze and looked at the notification in front of him in shock.

[Congratulations on treating yourself! You conquered your inner demons and smashed your obsession to bits, earning yourself a free and easy mindset! Your growth makes the system feel rewarded and relieved.]

[God Level Draw commencing]

Viktor pursed his lips and smiled before chasing after Lilith again, ignoring the god level draw.

It landed on a white space this time.

[Soul-Soul Fruit (Optimized)(No Weaknesses)]

[Iron Balloon Physique]

[Unstoppable Fertility]

[Giant's Bloodline (Optimized)]

[20 year training token (all)]

Viktor ignored the notifications and continued chasing Lilith, grabbing at her while laughing "Mwahahaha~ Super Lilith, you'll meet your doom at the tickle monster! Rawwwr~!"

Lilith shouted "Ah!" she jumped and turned around saying heroically "You may tickle my body, but you'll never tickle my heart, fiend!" she gave a battlecry and waved her fists. Viktor fell to the ground and said 'weakly', "You're too strong! Bleh." before playing dead.

Lilith jumped on him and threw her hands up, saying "I'll never be tickled again!" Viktor opened one eye and smiled, reaching his hands out to tickle her little waist.

Tony suddenly appeared, stepping on Viktor's face, saying "Watch out, Super Lilith, some Tickle Monsters are very sneaky." Lilith looked at the hands and said vigilantly "I knew it was too easy!"

Viktor moved Tony's foot from his face and grabbed Lilith, kissing her face as he smiled serenely "You came to visit, Tony?" Tony said in surprise, "What happened to you?" Viktor had a big question mark over his head and said "Huh?"

Tony flicked his forehead, saying "Buddy, you feel like a spring breeze now. Completely like a normal person. Before you felt like a heavy pressure…" Tony touched his chin and explained "Kinda sinister, angry, stifled, evil, dreadful, scary.."

Viktor said quickly "Okay, okay, relax… I got it…" He suddenly groaned and his body inflated before deflating strangely. He blinked and clenched his fist, his bones crackling all over.

Tony looked at him warily and said "Oh boy. I was just kidding?" Viktor sucked in and let out a breath before returning to normal and smiling slightly, "Seems like a success." Tony asked curiously "Success?" Viktor picked up Lilith and stood up saying "Come to the lab, I have to show you something."

Tony followed Viktor to the lab and Viktor took a screen, putting it in front of his arm.

Tony's eyes widened and he shouted "How is that possible?!" Viktor smiled happily and Tony sucked in a cold breath of air, saying "Holy f-" he caught himself quickly, "Fudgesicles!"

Tony grabbed Viktor's arm, saying "Your muscle density is 4x that of a normal human!" he paused and looked at Viktor, frowning seriously "You're self experimenting?" Viktor rolled his eyes and said "Not that crazy yet…"

Viktor let Lilith play around as Mars condensed and played with her.

Tony looked at Mars and his eyes flashed before he followed Viktor to a table, Viktor spoke "I realized that I was obsessed with protecting my family. I almost turned a town into a crater… I haven't even been in the clinic for years…"

Tony looked at him and asked seriously "You're fine now? Why didn't you tell me?" Viktor laughed and shook his head saying "Because I thought I was doing the right thing. Turns out, I was being consumed by inner demons."

Tony fell silent and Viktor suddenly said "Might be too late, Tony… But Bucky was indeed controlled by HYDRA…" Tony frowned and said "I don't want to talk about this." Viktor patted his shoulder and smiled slightly, saying "Tony, you're my best friend. Whether I'm yours, I don't know, but if you want to talk, I'm here. You know that."

Tony opened his mouth before closing it and smiling with a nod, Viktor smiled and said "Anyway, I came up with something new. It's just a bit… volatile…" Tony looked at it and said seriously "What do you mean by 'volatile'?"

Viktor smiled mirthlessly, saying "Well, if you want to become a Hulk-like monster with only the will to kill and slaughter, I can give you a dose right away…" Tony froze and his lips twitched as he said "Well, you've been busy…"