
The difference between Mutants and Humans

Viktor sat in the lounge, looking out the window as he thought about how to get his wife back. He scratched his head and pulled at his hair in frustration.

Why is it so damn hard to catch one woman!?

He had to travel around the goddamn world just to get her back!

This was simply ridiculous.

Viktor was gloomy and sighing over and over again, pulling his hair in frustration every now and then.

In short, he looked like a mental patient…

Soon, 6 other people sat in the lounge, coincidentally around him.

They started talking and laughing.

A ginger kid with freckles elbowed Viktor and asked "Hey! What's your Mutant power?"

Everyone looked with interest, except Raven and Hank.

That's right!

The new recruits were here!

Sean looked at him with anticipation, while Angel, Alex, and Darwin were curious.

Viktor was stunned and looked at Sean speechlessly, saying "Hey, dude. I'm not a mutant…" Sean froze and looked awkward, not talking anymore. Viktor touched his nose, clearing his throat as he said slowly "Though my wife is…"

Sean looked excited again and Angel said in shock "Your wife is a mutant!?"

Everyone else was surprised, except Raven who already knew.

Viktor nodded and said "Though I didn't know she was a mutant until now." their expressions dimmed, Angel sneered and said "So you're going to leave her? Typical human…"

Viktor said speechlessly, "Why are you so hostile? Did I offend you?" Angel opened her mouth and Viktor cut her off, saying with disgust "Don't take yourself so seriously, okay? You're just a mutant, you're not special. There's so many mutants in the world."

Angel glared at him and said "You damn-" Viktor sneered "Damn what? Damn human? Come on, say it! I want to hear it from your mouth!" as he stood up provocatively.

Angel glared at him and took her jacket off, dragonfly-like wings popping out.

Viktor grabbed a gun and Raven stepped in between them saying "Can we just calm down!? We're just relaxing!"

Viktor glared at Angel, he was upset and a moron came to make his mood worse, how could he not explode?!

He looked at her saying "I don't care whether you're a mutant or not! Don't push your trash worldviews onto me, okay? I'm not a terrible person like you! Does the world owe you something just because you're a mutant?"

He sneered and tapped on his brain, continuing "Newsflash! It doesn't. Nobody owes you anything! You should be happy you have powers! Other people dream of having powers like you and can't do anything about it! They even have to watch their loved ones be taken away, completely helpless to do anything about it!"

Viktor's expression was savage and he shouted "Sorry you're so burdened by god given abilities! Maybe if you put yourself in someone else's shoes you'd realize most people are jealous of your abilities!"

Everyone's faces changed and Viktor snorted, looking at Hank as he added "Trying to 'cure' yourself… Ridiculous!" he turned and walked away, muttering "Damn…" as he wiped his eyes, disappearing around the corner.

The mutants were silent.

Raven was silent, as were the rest.

Darwin spoke up suddenly, "I think you went a bit far, Angel…" Angel was in a bad mood and said "Whatever! Who cares about a human!?" Alex suddenly said "My brother is a human."

Angel's face turned ugly and Raven forced a chuckle, saying "Hey… Don't mind Viktor's words, okay? He's just a bit frustrated…" Sean asked softly "Is what he said true? About his wife?"

Everyone turned to Raven and she cleared her throat, saying "As far as I know, his wife was taken by Shaw. He went after her and almost died, the scars on his arms are from that… That's what Charles told me at least."

Everyone's face changed and they fell silent.

Viktor went outside and sat on a bench, he held his head in his hand and stared at the ground as though his eyes would burn a hole in it.

What was he supposed to do?

He couldn't even save his wife!

He was a complete waste!

Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder.

Viktor looked up to see Erik smiling at him.

Viktor sighed and looked back down.

Erik sat next to him and Charles appeared in front of Viktor.

Viktor asked sadly, "I'm out of my depth here… I'm just a doctor. How am I supposed to save her?" Charles smiled, saying "I don't think so. I heard what you said, Doctor." Erik looked at Viktor and grinned "I agree with you, Viktor."

He sighed and spread his hands, continuing "I wish you were a mutant as well." Charles rolled his eyes and said "To be quite honest with you, Doctor. I've never seen a normal person go so far. For a person to go after a powerful mutant and survive… I haven't heard about it before."

Viktor sneered at himself, retorting "Still failed miserably." as he pulled up his sleeves, revealing scars, scabs, and burn marks on his forearms.

Charles held his arms and squatted down, smiling "Wounds will heal, Doctor. Your faith is what drives you forward. Just like myself and Erik, we're fighting for a better future. Are you not doing the same? Just from this point, you're very admirable."

Erik chuckled and pointed his thumb behind him, adding "Much better than those brats. I'd bet they would cower in fear at an attack. You're the craziest guy I know, honestly." Viktor looked at them and smiled wryly "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Charles looked at Erik and laughed "Honestly, Erik. We're consoling him, not insulting him." Erik chuckled and said honestly, "Consolation isn't my thing." Viktor shook his head with a smile, changing the subject and asking "Did you find Shaw?"

Erik and Charles nodded with a smile, Viktor was filled with energy immediately, saying directly "What are we waiting for then?!"

Charles said seriously "I think you should stay here, Doctor." Viktor's face turned ugly and Erik suddenly said "I don't think so." Charles frowned and said "He's only a normal man, Erik. Not to offend you, Doctor, but this mission will be very dangerous. Shaw is not a man to be trifled with."

Viktor stood up and said immediately "I'm coming with you." Charles looked at him and frowned hard, dissuading "You could die." Viktor said honestly "If I can't get my woman back, what's the point in living on?"

Charles was speechless and Erik laughed, slapping Viktor's back with a regretful expression "Why aren't you a mutant!?" as he sighed.

Viktor gave the duo a silly smile and scratched his head, laughing "I don't know why either!" he slapped Erik's palm and grinned "At any rate, let's catch this bastard!"

Charles smiled wryly and Erik grinned, laughing.